Days 140-146 Getting Back on Track

Yesterday was spent in business meetings and catching up on the mounds of work that overtook my desk. I had planned to post last night when I got home, but my computer apparently cheated on me and caught a virus when we were away and now it is crap! Soooo, I get to spend my lunch break at Best Buy! Ugh!

First let me begin by saying that I had a fun time away! I enjoy ANY and ALL time that I get to spend NOT working! The kids went with us this year and they definitely made the trip entertaining. I have several stories I want to share with everyone, but I will post those one at a time or I will have a book-long post today.

(Speaking of books – after 9 days of not writing, I am now wayyyy behind on mine – just saying…)


When I got home, I got back on the scale.

I shouldn’t have…

I saw pictures (who I think – not quite sure) of myself this weekend.

I shouldn’t have looked… (That can’t be me – maybe they were secretly photoshopped - hmm Nancy?)

I didn’t really deep “clean” the house before I left.

I should HAVE!


Okay, story number one. You know how most families drive down the road listening to the radio or watching a DVD – something – right?

Well my family talks - case in point – the conversation went like this:

“peter piper picked…”


“no – it goes – peter piper picked peppers”

“no – that’s not it either – peter piper picked pickles”

“peter piper picked pathadaaaaaaaaaa”

“WTH are you saying?”

“peter piper picked pathadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”

“omg – you are all idiots!”

“peter piper picked pickled peppers”

“NO – You don’t know it either!”

“peter piper picked pathadaaaaaaaaaaaa”

Over and over again - THIS WENT ON FOR 20 MINUTES PEOPLE!!!!!!

Finally I googled the dang nursery rhyme and for all of you people out there that are completely screwed up now because my family can’t remember the words, they are:

“Peter Piper picked a peck(yes that is spelled correctly) of pickled peppers.”

Okay, after I googled the correct words, you would think that they “got it” right? Hell no, it started all over again!

“peter piper picked pethadaaaaaaaaaaaaa”

Over and over again!


Leave it up to my family to travel down the highway F-ing up nursery rhymes for our entertainment pleasure! LOL!

By the way, my stomach hurt the next day from laughing so hard! Shish!

Speaking of stomach – mmmkay - I WILL be working out from now on – no more breaks! Even if it is just walking – I can’t keep riding this roller coaster and ending up at the same place where I started– it’s time I find my motivation again that drove me at the first of the summer OR I will gain back the entire 27lbs that I have lost!

And that can’t happen – no way – no how!

This having 3 chins thing isn’t working for me! I totally can’t pull off that facial accessory!

Now, I get to go into another fun work meeting…

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