Days 157-160 Snapshots Into My Life

Saturday the kids and I participated in the Face the Race 5k. I was expecting it to be very cold and highly anticipated watching a DVD in the truck with Doodlebug while the girls ran (yay - doing the cabbage patch!), but my laziness what shot in the ass when the sun came out. OH MAN! I didn’t bring Doodlebug’s stroller because I just KNEW it was going to be too cold for him outside…crap!

We (Doodlebug and I) made it through the first lap of 1.6 miles and he was tired! He ran and ran and then walked then started kicking the ground and complaining he was tired and then he would run some more. You can really learn a lot from a 3-year-old just by watching how they actually LIVE in the moment. There wasn’t a piece of paper, pile of dirt, crushed and flattened snake, and every other kind of misc yuck on the ground that we didn’t miss looking at, touching or playing with the entire 1.6 miles. Time? Who cared about time - there were too many things to see! When we got close to the finish line he started running the whole way and received a medal!


I have a video of him at the starting line. When everyone took off he started running and yelling at me to “run, run, run!” Yes – he is my next drill sergeant in the making…LOVED IT! One of these days I’ll figure out how to get it off my phone on onto this blog for everyone to see!

At the end of October we headed to the Sporting Clays National Championship in San Antonio and had a blast! We took the kids to Sea World on Halloween and it was FUN! I have been meaning to post these pictures for a while now…enjoy!

$5 to get in this machine and dry off ....only to walk out STILL wet!

Kitty: "i am not happy - I am wet, but I will try to look forward to spending the $100 bill that dad has bribed us with if we ride ANYTHING he says..."

My life!

Kitty: "yay - another picture mom..."

Beer = happiness at theme parks!

Doodlebug had it rough in this wagon - I wanted to ride with him but Mr. Strong wouldn't let me!
Party pooper! Who cares about the weight limit!?

It was a quiet ride home!

Here, Mr. Strong, let me show you where to break the bird and be totally awesome like me!
Are you watching?

Dare I admit that this picture turns me on? yummmmy

I am soooooo badass I can't stand it!

PULL! Wait for it - wait for it...DEAD PAIR!

Here I am shooting a Side x Side Shotgun - Oh yeah  - I WON Ladies Champion in this event! (Go me, go me - running man - running man!) Thank you Mr. Strong for buying me this gun the night before! xoxo

My shooting partner rocks! You know why? Because she is in A class now! HAHAHA! (cabbage patch - cabbage patch)


humm... Going to my happy place! I can break these clays! humm...

SING it with me!
 Big man and little juice box...big man and little juice box...

Last night Doodlebug helped me rinse dishes – I know! – I know! This is usually Mr. Strong’s department, but something extremely rank and putrid smelling was coming from the sink and I couldn’t take it anymore. Come to find out that it was a sippy-cup half full of soured soy milk – ewwww – gag!

I didn't even care that my kitchen floor was half flooded from his rinsing abilities, or that he was playing in the water more than he was rinsing the dishes because he went and got his chair and basically TOLD me that he was helping me - I didn't have to ask.
***sigh***I remember when the girls were that way!

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