Day 189 No Santa....?

There comes a time in all parents’ journies that they have to have the talk about Santa Claus. Unfortunately, most times it is when their children are still young enough to “believe” if it wasn’t for that mean-assed kid at school or daycare that ruins the illusion.

This is what happended to me. Some rotten, selfish kid at school told my girls that Santa Claus was their parents and that’s why our presents are the same ones they saw at Target – or where ever!

My initial reaction was to go spank that kid for ruining the “spirit” behind Santa Claus, but then I just felt sorry for that kid…Santa must have never came to her house.

It wasn’t until we, as a family, started buying for other children off the Giving Tree at Christmas that the girls finally understood the meaning of Santa Claus. The Giving Trees are put out every year by the Department of Child and Protective Services. The ornaments on the tree contain 2 gifts per a child that has been put into their custody and into foster care. (It breaks my heart to see that ANY of the trees still have ornaments on them right at Christmas time…)

Anyway, we always buy 2 presents for 1 kid per family member which equals 10 presents for 5 children.

This year we ended up sponsering 1 gift for 8 children and 2 gifts for 1 child because of the “pickens” left on the tree. The girls had a FUN time shopping this year and Doodlebug, well let’s just say he learned the hard way at 3 years old that every toy I buy is not for him! Lol.

Here is my explanation to the girls:

“Santa Claus is a Christmas spirt. He is a spiritual energy that can make miracles happen. You can’t use your own perspective when it comes to Santa. You have to open your imagination across the entire globe and know that Santas are at work everywhere. Do you realize that because YOU BOTH decided to buy 2 presents for children that are in dire need of a Christmas miracle and wish, they will be waking up to presents under the tree this year in a stranger’s house – just for them!? Do you think that for one instant, they will think their parents put them there? You are the Santa Claus that will bring the excitement and joy to a small child that has otherwise been in a very bad situation. Do you realize that because of your giving nature this holiday season, you ARE Santa Claus to that child? You might not be there in person to see him or her open their gifts, but you can feel their happiness through how you felt when you opened your presents and it was EXACTLY what you wanted. You are their Christmas miracle – you are the reason that gives a child HOPE that life can be fantastic! That is what Santa Claus is all about. That is why Santa Claus is so important to believe in - in your life for evermore. “

By the time I got done, the girls were bawling. I think they finally understand Santa Claus and what he means. They had a great time this year and you want to know something else? Each present that we buy for someone else – or another child – is counted as part of their Christmas. They willingly give up quite a few presents every year to see that another person or child gets to experience the magic that is Christmas.

Man I love my family!

Here they are – proud of what they (as kids themselves) get to provide for someone else!

So use my explanation if you have too – it’s the only one that worked for me. This holiday season, I challenge you to give a gift to an unexpected stranger. Buy the person behind you in a drive-thru their lunch or drinks. Buy some stranger’s lunch in a restaurant or send over a free desert to their children. Leave a larger tip than normal, buy someone’s gas or let the person that has fewer items than you in front of you at the grocery store checkout. The list of “pay-it-forward” has endless possibilities.

Oh yeah – I asked Mr. Strong what he was getting me for Christmas this year and this is what I got in response.

"He is sooo going to kill me when he sees this! lol! Love ya honey..."

I am NOT disappointed! Oh yeah baby! Yummy!

SOOOO, have you decided how you might pay-it-forward?


  1. You have me crying! You are right, the spirit of Santa is ruined by a lot more than little kids. I will use your explanation for sure! I hope you and your family feel the same joy and peace that I feel knowing that there are people like you in this world. I am a devoted reader now!
    Bless you all!

  2. So you're the secret behind the secret? lol. Your blog is like a breath of fresh air. It just makes me feel good! You understand the simple pleasures of life like surprising some stranger with a bought cup of coffee. It is only worth about a dollar, but it is the spirit of human giving and the spread of happy surprises that make all the difference and everyone can afford to do it. I love your blog! You make me smile and warm in my heart! Thank you! Mr Strong is (totally hot!) very lucky to have you ;-)

  3. This post is sooo awesome and not just because I finally get a complete (almost) visual of Mr Strong! J/K! I will be passing this on to all my friends! I love your blog! What a wonderful way to describe Santa!

  4. You make me cry happy tears. The cake was the story of Santa and Mr. Strong was the icing! Thank you. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (or was it Mr Strong? lol.) Sending you all my best positive thoughts and prayers!

  5. Your post is the first true post that I have had the urge to pay it forward in a long time. I will be buying the person behind me in the morning at Starbucks their morning coffee! This post will inspire millions to do the same! And as you have written before, I hope this all comes back to you 10-fold.
    What a magical post today! Thank you for sharing it!

  6. Ohhh girl! Yummy is right! (umm sorry, I had too!)
    I will be linking this post to my facebook! I think your message needs to fly into the cyber wind and reach everyone that I know! lol. I never knew what those trees were for and now I know. Thanks to your post it will be impossible for me to walk by one without grabbing an ornament. I will forever think of them as Christmas miracles I can help create! Now I am crying - thank you!

  7. Magical simply magical!

    including Mr Strong! LOL

  8. Those are great Christmas presents! For the children AND YOU! lol.

    If we aren't snowed in, I am going to buy someone dinner tonight at whichever restaraunt we end up. If we are, then I will be sending someone flowers and chocolate!

    Thank you!

  9. Love your post! You are so right in explaining Santa! I have two that are older and one that so totally believes but asks alot of questions! So now I will be ready! We have been buying for families for years and each year I think it can't get any better, but it does! God is so good all the time! Thank you for your post and your giving heart! And thanks for the pic of Mr. Strong! You need to facebook that one! Or auction it off on EBAY! I might bid on that! Jaclyn
