Days 167 & 168 Top 10 Reasons Why I am Thankful

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving Season, I have listed here the top 10 reasons why I am thankful – in no particular order…

1. I am thankful for Mr. Strong.

I am thankful for Mr. Strong because WE have stuck together for 16 ½ years and he has put up with my once a month psychotic episodes the whole time. I am thankful that I have a husband that can look at me – no matter how bad I think I look – and still tell me that I’m beautiful. I am thankful that I have a husband that supports each and every dream that I have had or will have in the future (as long as we don’t go broke…). I am thankful that I have a husband that can still see the young, wild girl that I USED ;-) to be and be as attracted to me now as ever before. I am thankful that even when we fight, he still tells me he loves me every night in bed (even when he doesn’t get any!).

2. I am thankful for my belly roll.

I am thankful for my belly roll because it means that I have had enough food to eat. It also means that I have enough extra food in my pantry to donate to those that really need it and NOT just during the holidays. I am thankful for my belly roll because it reminds me of the two beautiful babies that inhabited it for a while. Sometimes it’s present when I am standing and sometimes it appears when I sit down, but no matter which, I am thankful for my belly roll because it reminds me to keep working out and becoming a healthier person each and every day.

3. I am thankful for my children.

I am thankful for Kitty and all her teenage hormones. Even though I want to carry around a glass of water to throw in her face just so I can see a different expression other than a desperate, pouting, “do I have too?” look on her beautiful face. She makes me appreciate my mom 100% more who put up with four children and 3 of those were girls one year apart! I love you mom! Kitty is my clone. She is my first born and I am thankful (sometimes) that she tells me everything, so I get to experience her teenage years through her too.

I am thankful for Kiki and all her elementary DRAMA! She reminds me that she still needs hugs and kisses to make all the hurtful words go away from the horrible little spoiled biatches that she goes to school with. (I have never met more rude, ruthless and just plain mean little girls in my life!) Kiki still makes me feel like a “mommy” who can kiss the hurt from a boo-boo away.

I am thankful for Doodlebug. He is the son that completed our family. I am thankful for his terrible two into three stages because it is making me gain more patience than I thought I would ever possess. I am thankful for the long sleepless nights from his feet in my back or my head AS his pillow because I know he will soon outgrow wanting to sleep with mommy and daddy. I am thankful for the money we HAD saved in order to adopt him from birth and I am thankful that a higher power aligned Mr. Strong and I up with family and careers to accommodate a brand new baby in such a short time. Doodlebug reminds me what it is like to be young and how to appreciate the small things in life – like time out for coloring and playing cars.

4. I am thankful for my family.

I am thankful for ALL of my family; even the one brother-in-law that can’t (won’t) pronounce my name correctly. From the very beginning of his courtship with my sister, he has never pronounced my name correctly on purpose. I have finally come to the decision that he must have dyslexia in the phonics department, so I won’t get mad at him. ;-) My family dead or alive - mom, stepdad, dad, grandparents, sisters, brother, and all their individual families - spouses, nephews and nieces; I am grateful for their support, understanding and unconditional love from each and every one of them. My family is like a combination of the daily soaps, Young and the Restless, General Hospital, and All My Children, (Love/Hate, Predictable, Unpredictable and ALWAYS Entertaining) and truly addicting!

5. I am thankful for my friends.

Although not many close friends, I am thankful for my loyal and supportive friends. The wine, cocktails, shopping and good conversation are just bonuses. I am thankful for my readers (cyber friends) that support and believe in the entertainment that I try to write every day. Even if you (my cyber friends) didn’t exist – I would write anyway. I am very fortunate and grateful that you DO though.

6. I am thankful for my job.

I am thankful for the stress, the people and the times where all I can do is bang my head on my desk from my job because it means that I can take care of my family financially. Every time I pay a bill or donate money I give thanks that I have a career that allows for this huge luxury. I do not take it for granted – ever – therefore I give many thanks for my job.

7. I am thankful for my health.

However much improvement is needed, I am very thankful for my health. My health allows me to play with my children, umm do “other” things with Mr. Strong, get up and go to work every day, workout when I choose to and consciously enjoy every minute that I am alive and living in the moment.

8. I am thankful for the Law of Attraction

I am thankful this year that I have discovered a new way for me to live. The Law of Attraction has taught me soooooo much this year and I am a better person for it. The Law of Attraction has firmly explained to me why certain things in my life have gone the way they have and now I know that I control my own destiny and happiness. If nothing else, the LOA has helped me change my attitude and learn how to be accountable for my thoughts. The Drill Sergeant remains imbedded into my soul, but I am no longer degrading about the way I think – that might not make sense to you if you have never met me before reading my blog, but I am in fact a better person because of the LOA.

9. I am thankful for my dreams.

I am thankful for my dreams. My dreams remind me that I am still alive in this world ready and willing to make each and every one of them come true. My dreams remind me that I have the ability, support and encouragement from myself and my family that “EVERYTHING in my life IS possible.” (Sound familiar?) My dreams are my future destiny because I am in the driver’s seat. There is nothing that I can’t do – that is why I am thankful for my dreams.

10. I am thankful for this blog.

Oh let me count the ways…!!!!!!!! I am thankful for this blog for so many reasons! I am thankful that this blog is a form of therapy that I would have to go pay for somewhere else. This blog is the Building Block upon which I have learned that I can “stick” with something if I set my mind to it. This blog is my lifeline to a future of fame and notoriety because I have HELPED billions of people. This blog is the starting point of me taking control of my life and accepting all the GOOD that I am capable of. This blog is a piece of the puzzle that will lead to a completion of me fulfilling my dreams. This blog is my accountability to each and every one of you. This blog reminds me that after 168 days I. Still. Haven’t. Quit.

Watch out world! I’m on fire! ;-)

What are you MOST thankful for this time of year?


  1. Aside from my friends and family, I am thankful that I found your blog. You have changed the way I think now. Before I begin yelling, I take a moment to rearrange my thoughts. I don't wan't the bad ones coming back to me! Thank you for living out loud!

  2. I am thankful that my parents are paying for my college education. I am thankful for my boyfriend and I am thankful that one day (becasue of your blog) that I KNOW I will be able to pay my parents back for all their hard work.
