Day 175 - Immune

I didn’t make the Body Pump class this morning at 5:30am. I DID get up at 6am and get in 3 miles of interval running & walking. At lunch I went home and got in another 2 miles of walking.

And you know what? I feel like sleeping! Right now, this very minute, here on my desk at work!


That was my almost narcoleptic bigazz falling onto my desk in a stumbling fit of sleepiness - guess you had to be here to appreciate the humor...I'm ok...thanks for the

I have been struggling to ignore the allergy and sinus pain and headaches for two days. Whether it’s the 5 inches of thick dust that I have cleaned out of my house recently or whatever the wind keeps blowing around I have finally began the itchy, raspy, laryngitis sounding voice with an inconvenient cough and I can’t ignore it for much longer. Unless it is the random Tylenol or Advil, I don’t like taking medicine.

This is what I feel like:

…but I will probably get in another 2 miles before the day is done.

The old me would have stayed in bed at 6am and would have laid down to rest at lunch, but here I am (remember?) on the road less traveled by, putting in the effort that I need to prove to myself that I have what it takes. I know my body needs rest, but for me, getting up this morning and completing 3 miles was like feeling the accomplishment of surviving a last chance workout on the Biggest Loser – you just couldn’t tell it on my face.

On a completely related and nonrelated note…hmmmmmmmm?

I read an article the other day about how children are becoming sicker because their houses are being cleaned and disinfected too much, so the children’s immune systems are not able to – never mind I can’t think straight enough to paraphrase. Here is an excerpt from the article:

     According to recent research there exists the possibility of being too clean. By scrubbing and sterilizing too often we are in essence killing off the good germs.
     This does not mean you have to give up cleaning, this just means keep cleaning in moderation. For my home environment I clean weekly and others clean every other week and some just once a month.
     It has always been taught to let our children be exposed to germs for it will help to strengthen their immune systems and avoid allergies as they grow up. There are people who believe that all germs are bad and will excessively clean, this is when they are more prone to becoming sick.
     The belief is by changing the microbiology in the home is what allows for a “super bug” to be born and much harder to kill. By using anti-bacterial items in our healthy homes we are destroying the chance for our immune systems to become developmentally strong by being exposed to a few germs.
     Using anti-bacterial products when we are sick is great protection for our immune system when it is not functioning at its optimum best. The other time is when we are out and about and not close to facilities that allow for washing of our hands to rid ourselves of pesky germs. These are the cases when anti-bacterial products should be used.

Suffice it to say – even after cleaning the 5 inches of dust out of my house – my children have been exposed to enough germs over an extended period of time that they (we) should be immune to everything!

So in the spirit of me not feeling my absolute best – I ask you all to consider how much you should REALLY clean your house this “flu” season. For yours and your children's sake!!!!!!!!!! lol.

Because after all, the less sick you are, the more time you have to chase your dreams – oh and workout too!

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