Day 203 - Bullet Points

Where to begin today? Hmmm…

Today will be filled with the all inclusive, nothing corresponds, random bullet points! Yay! I can feel your excitement building already!

• I haven’t shared with you yet – because it’s not the New Year – my resolutions or deeply imbedded intentions for 2011. And I am still withholding that post until then, but I do want to share with you that in 2011 I will resolve to have a 6 pack! Hell Yeah! You read correctly! And I’m not talking about Mojitos over here! I’m talking about a flat, yummy, 6-8 pack stomach baby! Mr. Strong has one and I am jealous and now I think I need my own! Food is going to play a HUGE role in my success, so WATCH OUT! The crazy, schizophrenic, bitchy, and narcoleptic side of me might slip out every now and again. But rest assured that it is due to the food chemical dependency that I have and not because I am actually ANY of those things! Mmmmkay?!

• Ten miles a day until the end of the year is my goal. I want to finish 2010 strong and I have even impressed myself! Last night I met CA at the gym where we accomplished our 10 miles in the short timeframe that I had to work with. (7 miles on the bike - 1.5 on the elliptical – 1.5 on the treadmill) CA started complaining right off the bat about how sore she was already feeling in her butt and I think we had gone 3 minutes? So what that she had done like 20 miles the night before? She’s a pro – she is not supposed to complain! :-) She did require a little extra motivation to finish the 7 miles on the bike or maybe I just offered her my “Drill Sergeant” services for free – I don’t remember… ;-)

The elliptical went smoothly and if CA did any complaining I didn’t hear because I had Nickelback screaming on my iPod. We get on the treadmill to finish our last 1.5 miles and after about 2 minutes we both start running. This happens twice and then we both quit. CA is worried that her ass is jiggling way too much and the people behind her are getting in a good laugh and all I can think about is when I run my shirt rises up and I was praying that the people behind me weren’t staring at my sweaty ass crack if I had one. We got the 10 miles done in just over an hour and I was very impressed with both of us. (doing the cabbage patch – oh yeah – we're bad – woooo!)

• Last night driving home from supper Kiki is farting in the backseat of the HUMMER and Kitty is gagging in the front seat yelling at her to STOP IT! Kiki is replying with a “better out than in, I say” and Kitty is yelling at her “you’re not Shreck!” I opened the sunroof just so we could breathe – it was a cold, stinky ride home! Okay – I expect this from boys, but girls?! Come on!!!!!

• We will be traveling again this New Year’s holiday – which means more packing and laundry – and more laundry! Ughhhhh! I wish I owned a magical wand that with just one wave – POOF – all the laundry is done and organized and put up! Until then, it will keep building or I will have to break down and go to a laundry mat to get it all done at once. *sigh* (See! This is where my sickness of gobuymoreclothesinsteadofwashing comes into play - it's my own fault - I know!)

• What are your plans this New Year’s holiday?


  1. Only one six pack next year? Like, for the WHOLE year? Man. I can down a 6-pack in an evening.

    Wait . . . what? Ohhhh . . . THAT kind of 6-pack. Got it.

    GREAT intention! I love it!

  2. Really? Six Pack? Laundry mat? Really?
    I think we share the same sickness. The whole laundry one that is, because the only six pack that I will ever have is in my fridge at all times. But hey, you go girl!


  3. If anyone can pull off the whole six pack thing it will be you Drill Sergeant! lol! I will be toasting in your honor with my six pack each time I open a bottle! But if I remember correctly, don't you need kitchen ware and the ability to cook healthy? Just asking.

    Maybe something has changed that you haven't written about? lol!

    I'm with you girly!

  4. @Angelia had me laughing! I remember that post!
    I can't wait to see what else is on your list! Six-pack abs is one helleva goal!

    I will be celebrating the New Year indoors this year since we have been snowed in for what seems like FOREVER! No sparkly dress for me!

  5. Okay, so I showed my husband the picture of Mr. Strong's six pack and told him to start working on looking like that. He laughed, because I don't think he thought I was serious, but I was!

    If anyone can get the six pack it will be you!
    Good luck and send pictures of the six pack along the way - oh and of yours too. lol.

    My New Year's will be met with A LOT of alcohol and fun! ;-)
