Day 181 - Food = Yummmm!

I’m in the discovery mode today. I am on a mission to connect this

with this

BEFORE this happens.

I am researching the “fullness” mechanism that is supposed to inhabit my brain. I’m convinced I was born without one.

I need to get my diet back on track and share healthier meals with my family. Right now I feel like a food robot that sees food and says “food = yummmmm.”

It is going to involve this

but I fear this:

So we’ll see how it goes.

Of course Mr. Strong tells me to “will it” being a smart-ass with my whole obsession with the Law of Attraction. But, to you Mr. Strong I write – “BITE ME!” The LOA is not about some instant religious “you are healed!” miracle, it is about a way of positive thinking.

And I am positive that I will find a way to connect my brain to my stomach, so the eating MASS quantities of food at one time will stop. I will research and study WHATEVER it is that I need to in order to finally “get it”! I need to find the opposite balance to my workouts in the food I eat to achieve my goal before my PT Certification in January. I havvvvvvvve toooooooo!

In the meantime, I still have a variety of eating pleasures and places in mind to provide backup - "do not fear! my family will not go hungry!"

My diet is my “hang-up” right now – the one thing that I have yet to consciously master - what is yours?

1 comment:

  1. Rock on girl! If anyone can do this you can! And when you find out the answer that makes you finally "get it", please share! lol.
