Days 190-194 The Season of Giving

The Season of Giving is upon us. This is my favorite time of year. THIS IS CHRISTMAS WEEK! YAY! The holiday season is about spending time with family and friends, giving of yourself and helping others. It’s the time of year where we remember lost loved ones, celebrate new lives and put aside most of our differences to come together for a greater cause – love.

Since this is my first Christmas with all of you here in blogland, I would like to share with you my favorite Christmas so far in my life.

It all started with tons of DRAMA like almost EVERY SINGLE HOLIDAY SEASON does in my family (this current one NOT excluded.) The whole family ended up coming together at my younger sister’s house. The air was thick with wonderful aromas of baked goods and delicious foods (and no I didn’t contribute – I was ordered to bring the paper goods…just saying)The setting was something like this: My sisters and my brother and I were in the den watching his favorite movie for the 3rd time that night. The parents and spouses were playing cards and dominos in the next room and ALL of the kids were running or crawling around terrorizing the whole house with fun and laughter. The movie ended and Flo-Rida’s song “Low” came on. As soon as we heard the (sing it with me now…) “apple bottom jeans, boots with the furrr…” my sisters and I jumped up and started dancing. My brother is laughing at us because – by golly – we are totally badass! I mean we were shaking our moneymakers and dropping it like it was hot and having the best time our - much older thirty-something’s – or dare I say – aged – coordination would allow. The kids started piling into the room and laughing and joining us in dance and – I know – wishing they could be as awesome as their own mom and aunts! Pretty soon the parents and spouses joined in to watch the shock and awe of the first class entertainment going on in the den. (I should have charged a cover – that’s how freaking amazing we were!) The evening ended with joy and laughter and I remember exchanging gifts at one point, but the most remarkable thing happened to me that night…

I took a step back out of the reality of 20+ people in the same room laughing and making fun – the DRAMA no longer existed and I saw the most beautiful picturesque time of our lives. I witnessed the pure and honest beauty that is my family. I felt genuine happiness and glee. In the still quiet of the night hours later, Mr. Strong looked at me and said “I had a great time tonight” and gave me a big warm hug.

Eighteen days later my brother passed away the day before my 33rd birthday. The holiday season that followed was darkened by a few less candles shining brightly in our family and drama to make someone feel jilted forever. But as they write “This too shall pass – Life goes on…”

Thanks to the Law of Attraction I no longer feel the depression and confusion of WHY certain things happen. I have a different understanding that allows me to not be sad anymore. I am very grateful for this…

This holiday season and throughout the Season of Giving I ask that you remember what it stands for. I ask you to look deep into your hearts and GIVE whatever it is that you can give.

Give your patience to overly excited children.

Give your forgiveness to those individuals that need it.

Give your love and open your heart to all that life brings.

Give your attention and perspective to someone that is lonely.

Give your services to someone that needs your help.

Give yourself to the moments that the season brings.


And keep in mind this quote by Bernard Meltzer:

“Blessed are those who give without remembering. And blessed are those who take without forgetting.” (Thanks Jess!)

We are not promised another Christmas or holiday season. We are only promised today – this very moment. So GET OVER whatever it is that is making you hesitate to see your family and friends, or hesitant to give your services to those that are less fortunate and make this Christmas and holiday season the best one yet!

Are you with me?


  1. You fill my heart with happy tears and I miss it when you don't post everyday. Drama infests my family too, but we find a way to get over it even just for a few hours. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

  2. I AM WITH YOU! Your writing inspires me to act and I gladly follow your lead anytime. I have 6 favorite blogs and this past week, you have climbed to the top.

    Don't forget to give your voice to those that can't make it to the gathering. Pick up the phone and tell them they are not forgotten!

    Much love!

  3. I am with you. I will be home alone this year so I have decided to volunteer at our local soup kitchen. I know there are many more people out there that need my help and this is how I can give presents without spending any money and their present to me is actually not being alone. Thank you for your memories and thank you for showing me that you don't have to have millions of dollars to help create Christmas miracles for those that are less fortunate.

  4. You said it best when you wrote "give." This is the season of giving and that is what it is all about. I haven't studied the Law of Attraction that much, but if what you say is true, then the saying "the more you give, the more you receive" has to be true. I am ever mindful now as to not send out the wrong "gift" since that is what I will be getting in return.
    Thank you, bless you and Merry Christmas.

  5. Dang it! You had me all laughing and thinking about the images of you and your sisters dancing and then you brought on the tears! Dang it! Time does go by very fast. We lost my mom last year and I am dertermined to make this year the best Christmas ever because I know she is still with us in spirit.

    I am with you!
