Before and After

Yay! The renovation and new decor is done! I told you I would post the before and after pics, so here we go!


Don't judge my little Christmas tree! I didn't want to put my big 8' up only for a few days!

VOILA! Another dream that came true - for this, I give thanks!

I have some serious dreams to make happen in 2012! Oh man! The excitement has me giddy and nervous all at the same time! Oy!

I Promise Myself...

Today, I wanted to share with you (courtesy of the Secret TV) Christian D. Larson's Optimist Creed. Why?
Well? that is a good question.

Yesterday, someone called me a saint. And not in the "you're so wonderful - you're a saint!" way, but rather in the "who the fu@k do you think you are? a Saint!?" way.

So, not to interfere with the positive energy that I have going on, I just want to reply with the following creed, because as most of you know, I have been trying really hard to live this way - permanently! It's damn hard! But, I am really learning and applying and reaping all sorts of blessings and benefits from it...

As you can see here, I've had it posted on my vision board at work for a really long time! Just to remind me to keep striving toward mastery.

By the way, do you see the kitchen in the middle of the board? I can now remove that one from my vision board and add something new! WhoooooHooooo! Oh wait! There is another one I have made happen and can take off!!!! EEEEHHHHH! (Go meeeee, doing the cabbage patch - Oh yeah!)

Wow, I have impressed myself! I have made two things come true from my vision board and didn't realize one of them until now! So now I can add two more things and continue manifesting a wonderful life!!!! WoopWoop!

Sorry, I digress...

Here is the Optimist Creed:

This is for you - a peek into the life that I am trying to create and enjoy.

I purposely enlarged this photo outside of the column so you could read it... 

I really wanted to share this with everyone today because I believe in those words beyond comprehension to some. I'm no saint and despite my monthly multiple personalities and bitchiness and sometimes very impatient bouts, I am working on mastering these words. And, believe it or not, what I HAVE mastered is the 100% belief that positive thinking can manifest dreams to come true and turn relationships into lasting appreciation!  I have experienced proof!

As you all venture into the Christmas and the New Year holidays, I hope blessings and happiness overfill your cups and positive uplifting energy heals your souls.


One to remember...

This morning after I celebrated my 16th day of giving, the Friend sent me this article. Normally I don't share links here, but it made me cry with happy tears. This is definitely one to remember...

There are no stores that offer this service in my area, but it sure is a WONDERFUL way to give! With every gift large or small, we are becoming "Santa" and embodying the Christmas spirit of true human giving.

"Blessed are those who give without remembering. And blessed are those who take without forgetting." Bernard Meltzer

I hope you all are on your way to having the most joyful and miraculous holiday season EVER! 

A mental break...

WOW! Has it really been 11 days since I posted?! No wonder I’ve been such a bitch!

I have been celebrating my 31 days of giving and aside from a couple of “fingers” and “FUs” I have been very successful.

I love to give to complete strangers. I envision their joy at a small gesture that I hope came at the perfect time in their life. This thought makes me smile…

I haven’t written on here in WAY too long, mostly because I have been living in my office (not really but it feels like it!) trying to get the workload of 3 people done. I have been extremely moody and I refuse to post any of my rants or raves and spread negativity during this giving time. So, that is why my posts have been nonexistent!

Today I am still working hard to get this audit over with – which hasn’t even started – but I am doing everything in my power to make things run quickly and efficiently! Oy! I’m tired!

As I sit here in my office – taking a small mental break – listening to my sick child snore on the couch – I am reminded how fortunate I really am.

I’m ready for my workload to ease up, my renovations to be complete and my children to be well.

I’m mentally exhausted.

I’m physically frustrated.

I think if I can make it through all these obstacles – without gaining any more weight – I will deem myself a hero!

I hope today is one of those days for you where you can look through all the hard work, frustrations, sicknesses and obstacles and see how truly lucky you really are.

Today I have been trying to find my way out of this negatively influenced funk and I think I just did…writing this post has helped!

Now, that doesn’t mean that when I get home I will act like Mary Poppins, because I won’t! But, I will promise you that I will keep trudging my way back to “the positive me.” (And posting more!)

For food in a world where many walk in hunger;
For faith in a world where many walk in fear;
For family & friends in a world where many walk alone;
I give heartfelt thanks.

As life happens...

I'm sorry it's been over a week since I posted, but as usual, I am extremely busy.

This week has been one hell of a week in the life department.

The past few days have been extremely frustrating - to say the least and keep my negative energy in tact!

Thanksgiving was a great holiday! We got to see family, eat great food, play on the ranch, have a few cocktails, and watch my nephew play for the Regional Championship football title.

 Then it was back to reality on Monday. Work has been busier than ever, and my kitchen/fireplace renovations are closer to completion! Yay!

Yesterday Kitty passed her test and obtained her learner's permit for driving! EEEEK!

Today and this weekend are going to be busy with holiday parties, tennis and driver's ed! Oy!

As life happens - the good and the bad - I am still struggling a little bit in finding the ongoing positive perspective I once had. Yesterday, for the month of December, I started 31 days of giving. (of course I counted "the finger" I gave to a certain individual...) But, anyway, I need to somehow find the gratitude and positive energy to turn my slump around - Christmas time usually does this for me, but the past few days have thrown a blindsided old rusty wrench into the mix and my excitement was screwed a few notches!

Mr. Strong says my depression is caused by lack of sex...yah...that's his diagnosis. I know that is probably shocking to you all that he would say something like that...wink, wink.

We haven't had time alone away from well? anything or anyone in a while, so maybe I will try his medicinal remedy and see if that helps tonight! If it doesn't work then Dr. Strong is sooooo FIRED!

Have the best weekend ever!

Here is a picture of a most beautiful sunrise. This reminds me that with every new day comes the endless possibilities of making my dreams come true.