One of those mornings...

Yesterday I wrote that I didn't give a crap that the 14lbs of gained fatabulous was hanging (literally) around. I wrote that I could still end this year with a bang and I meant it.

I still feel that way - about finishing the year out strong, anyway.

Thanks to CA I was able to view (via picture) a most beautiful sunset. See, last night it was kind of perfect. I cooked (and yes we all survived) the healthiest meal that I have probably ever cooked (except a salad, but you don't really cook those do you?) It was delicious! I focused on my portion control and drank a glass a wine to wind down and relax to - what was to me - a really good day. Last night I felt that I was on a mission to conquer the world!


This morning? Welllllll, not so much.

This morning was one of those mornings where - I wanted to conquer finding a pair of pants that fit!

I lost.......and I was close to burning my closet down........seriously................I need therapy.

Today was a day that I wished for the first time that I owned a pair of Spanx or some other girdle contraption. That was a very sad moment for me...

I am so much better than this.

So as I lay on a huge mound of clothes in my closet, I shut my eyes and meditated for about 5 minutes.


Instead of driving to whatever store was open at 7am and going in my underwear and traumatizing a hundred people - I finally found a pair of pants.

I have to stop and think that my weight gain - albeit my fault - has some deeper meaning. I have to stop and think that maybe I am going through this rough patch in order to become a more compassionate trainer to my clients. I have to realize this change is happening to me because something fantastic is coming out of it!

In order to retain this perspective, I have to get rid of all the negative energy that has been around me.
I have to...

Duck! with a capital "F"

I can't believe it is already October! Man I have been slacking - hardcore! My last post was September 14th! Yikes!

Well, I am happy to inform you that I have been working on a new Website the last 3 weeks and it is ALMOST finished! YAY!

Don't worry, I will have my blog attached to it, so you can reach me on two different venues! (mmmhuh! Oh yeah, doing the cabbage patch!)

Today is one of those days that I woke up revived and laughing. (It probably had nothing to do with Mr. Strong laying on me and me farting really loud either! I think I've done that in front of him maybe a handful of times in the 17.6 years that we have been married...yes, I was extremely embarrassed - at least it wasn't while he was naked laying on top of me - that would have been a whole other post!) I'm sure it was probably because for the first time in a long time I was able to sleep through the whole night! Yes, the WHOLE night! WhooooHoooo!
It's October and I am nowhere near my New Year's Resolution goal to have six-pack abs. Matter of fact, I am now up 14 freaking pounds! ALL fat - I'm sure of it...

And right now, instead of shouting Duck! with a capital "F", I don't care. I still have time to get busy and today is a new day. In addition to the rest of this week, there are 12 weeks left in this calendar year and I am making it my personal goal to either hit the gym or hit the road and get in at LEAST an hour of workouts each and every day until the end of the year. oy!

No. Excuses.

May you take the opportunities of a brand new day to find your happiness.

For so long, I got caught up on working on the outside of me, that I lost myself and I am now paying the price of +14 pounds of emotional sabotage and no clothes that fit (correctly).

I am happy to write that I am back to working on the inside of me - my mind - my thoughts - my beliefs. As I do this, I know the outside will follow.

May you find your happiness and motivation each and every day!