Day 79 - Life is Changing

As I picked up Kitty on the last day of volleyball tryouts yesterday, she was very quiet. I asked her how she did and all she did was shake her head. “HOW DID YOU DO?” She began to tell me that she didn’t feel her tryouts were that good and because they were scoring everyone on a points system this year, she “just wasn’t sure”.

So, in my newfound “positive” thinking I told her to imagine all of her volleyball games from last year and how she served 10 points in a row to win a game in one of their tournaments! She started smiling – and with that feeling, I told her to tell me that she made the team, and so she did. When we went back to the school after 7 and before she got out of the car, I told her to tell me that she made the team – she looked at me like everything I had been telling her was completely corny, rolled her eyes and said it anyway. She had to wait about 10 minutes before the teams were posted and guess what? She. Made. The. Team!

Ummm Huuuuh! You arrrrrre welcome!

I finished reading The Secret and the Secret is about the Law of Attraction. Basically, every thought we think is put out into the world – positive or negative – and it is exactly – positivity or negativity which comes back to us! It is this book and Notes from the Universe which started the wheels turning in my mind – about EVERYTHING! The other day, I was reading one of my favorite blogs Did I Just Eat That Outloud where the events of her blog post mommy cries really hit me this past Monday – the first day of school. I am watching a movie that catapults to this really awesome and inspiring moment and I just start bawling! I FEEL so happy and good and blessed and yet I can’t quit crying! It was one of those moments where I KNEW I was meant to do, be and have something really great , but the reality and fear of change added to my elation, confusion and tears.

Anyway, these books above have really helped me change my thought process. AND, it will be these books that I will revere over the next few months while I am trying to help my children and I lose weight and discover life’s other possibilities!

As I’ve written before, Building Blocks come in all shapes, sizes, forms, (and now) thoughts – you just have to start at the bottom and work your way up!

My goal this weekend is to start visualizing ALL of the things I WANT in this life and act like I already have them. Tomorrow I will send you and the Universe the list of these “things” that I KNOW I will have in my life!

Do you need to do anything to make your life better, richer, or fuller?

Oh yeah - learning how to (quiet the mind) during meditation is on my to-do list! Oh Man, the things I think about when I'm NOT trying to think!!!! ;-)

Day 78

Still in limbo over the next couple of days over workouts, so no great weight loss stories to share…

I do want to share with you a card that I received from “the friend.” This card epitomizes those feeling we ALL have when it comes to losing weight and how we deal with them as individuals!

Yes, this card did bring a smile to my face! The friend called me from a dressing room this past weekend too to tell me that all of the clothes she was trying on were too big and to thank me for the past 7-8 weeks of workouts. This made me happy for her! The truth is, I haven’t really done anything – SHE has done all the work! Yes, she complains and b1tches (and did I mention b1itches) over the workouts and getting up early, but she gets up and she works out anyway! If all I have to do is listen to her b1tch, then I have it EASY! That is why they make a volume control button – you just nod your head and turn it up…

Oh, don’t worry – she won’t get offended because she has turned that button up on me PLENTY!

When you have successful results it is very easy to appreciate your hard work, but when you add training your daughters into the mix and their results are not as “appreciated” as they would be if it was you or I, then it really puts a downer on the whole process. So, THANK YOU “friend” for reminding me that gratitude and appreciation IS behind your success and hard work!

I’ve learned that you waste your time and energy “desperately wanting” something for someone else. You get to a point where you throw your hands up into the air, take a deep breath and tell the Universe that “I will succeed anyway” with or without them. You acknowledge that you have done all that you can do, but ultimately it is up to them to change their thinking. Then – you let it go…

Because remember, everything and I mean EVERYTHING is possible in our own lives! Kitty came home yesterday excited about how she kept telling herself that “she made the team” and she performed wonderfully! She was practicing with the A team from last year and she FELT that she was a part of the team already! Tonight is the last night of volleyball tryouts and I KNOW she has made the team!

If you haven’t already, I recommend to EVERYONE to go buy or borrow the book The Secret and read it slowly! It is magnificent!

And for Kitty - I bought The Secret for Teens! I encouraged (made) her start reading it last night! Whatever works right?...I'll try anything.


Ever have that kind of day where you just wanted to be somewhere else?

Where school, money & work weren’t inconvenient issues at all?

The kind of day where your WHOLE heart and mental vision is somewhere else and all you want to do is follow them?


From the deepest recessed corners of my being, I know my life is changing because my thoughts are changing…


You will have to bear with me over the next few days while we discover how school sports will affect our workouts in the mornings. Right now Kitty has Athletics 1st period and Tennis 3rd period with Science, Spanish 2 and Social Studies in the afternoon and Volleyball tryouts 2 hours after school. I don’t want her falling asleep in the afternoon classes – just yet…:)

No workout this morning, but I think Kiki and I will hit the park or school this afternoon while Kitty is at tryouts. Even though Kitty is getting 4-5 hours a day of workouts this week, Kiki and I need to keep up as much as possible, so we don’t lose our momentum.

In response to adjusting our thinking to a more positive mental status in order to help aid in our weight loss goals and overall health and happiness, I will venture in a few directions over the next week.

Today, one of my favorite blogs Did I Just Eat That Out Loud has a “WALL” where you can go to leave whatever stressor is consuming you, whatever fear is holding you back and you just need to release it to the Universe. If you feel the need to participate, I highly recommend jumping over to the “WALL” and letting it all go (or just entertain yourself with her postings – she is wonderfully brilliant!)

As a matter of fact, I am going to try something different. I am going to challenge You to go leave everything you are possibly worrying about at the “WALL” then come back here and TELL the Universe WHAT is going to happen instead. Yes you read correctly, TELL the Universe WHAT is going to happen. For example: Yesterday Kitty was worried about making the volleyball team because after the first day of tryouts, she was having trouble getting her serve (over-handed) across the net (it didn’t matter that all the other techniques were accomplished). She was crying and saying over and over again – “I’m not going to make it – I was horrible!” My sympathy and comforting was not working no matter how many excuses I made for her, so I finally got frustrated. I told her to turn her attitude around and tell herself WHAT was going to happen over the next two days of tryouts! I told her that she needed to believe and FEEL that even if she missed all her bumps, sets and serves that NO MATTER WHAT, she was going to make the team!

Having a teenager is hard, but having a female teenager with hormone, body and self-esteem issues is even HARDER! I kept asking her “what are you going to do tomorrow and what are you going to do Wednesday?” and she would reply with an almost believable “make the team!”

Reading The Secret and after reading some of the other books lately, I have learned that EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING you have or want in your life is a result of your thought process! So today when you are commenting to the Universe below, remember to TELL the Universe WHAT is going to happen. Don’t use words like “I WANT”, because wanting something implies that you still do not have whatever it is that you are searching out - TELL the Universe that you already have whatever IT is and be thankful. For example, if you leave at the “WALL” that you are worried about volleyball tryouts and not making the team, TELL the Universe below that you are thankful because you MADE the team. The goal is to let go of all the negative thoughts at the “WALL” and come back and replace those thoughts with only POSITIVE thoughts.

Sometimes “letting go” is the only way we can move forward. So, I challenge you to let go of everything negative, express to the Universe only the positive and create your own desired happiness! I have already started the process...

Leave your comments to the Universe as Anonymous if you want - it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks - YOUR thoughts are the ONLY ones that count! Make them good ones!

Days 73-76


This weekend was about getting ready for “back to school” and spending time with the family that didn’t involve CHORES.

It involved shooting in the dark under the lights, watching movies in the truck under the stars, shopping for backpacks, eating with friends and family and watching a movie at the theater.

Life is good!

This morning we didn’t go workout in anticipation for the first day of “getting ready” for school.

There are LOTS of things going on at the moment, but we will not forget our journey and goal to a healthier AND more positive us!

I was able to read some this weekend too! I’ve been reading The Secret. I have to admit that I am a reader MUCH MORE than I am a writer, so I leave here (to go take Kitty v-ball clothes – ALREADY!) a link to a video to help inspire you in such a way that ALL OF YOUR DREAMS MANIFEST!

Day 72

Here are our t-shirt pictures that I promised.

Front: Building Blocks Bootcamp

Back: EVERYTHING you want in your life IS possible.

As the snooze alarm went off for the second time this morning, I hesitantly got up and woke up the girls. Kiki got up and started getting dressed, but Kitty just laid there. I stood there for a minute just waiting for her to get out of bed. Finally, I asked her – are you going or not? She shook her head no and said that she was tired. I mumbled that we are all tired but we’re getting up anyway and walked out of the room. After I got ready and headed to the living room I noticed that Kitty hadn’t gotten out of bed, so I sat on the couch. I sat there thinking that – whatever – I didn’t care - it was okay because it was her choice NOT to work out, but that just increased my irritation. I DID CARE! I finally yelled at her to get up and for the second morning in a row, we were running 10 minutes late.

Just as I was pulling out of the driveway, CL called and said that the park where I told everyone to meet me for “T-day” (torture) was too dark to see anything – wasn’t going to work. I was already frustrated with Kitty, so why the hell not – go ahead and add to the mix the cancelation of my bootcamp workout that the girls and I spent 30 minutes getting just right the night before (secretly, I didn’t mind…;)). We drive to the usual school to get in our typical 3 miles and it was completely uneventful. Kiki wanted her skates – Kitty had excuse after excuse – so everyone kind of did their own thing.

I do admit that there was some YELLING. You know the kind of clenched teeth, low voiced, threatening kind of yelling – where you are so frustrated that you can’t physically SHOUT out the words!

Breathe in……Breath out………REPEAT!

Is there anyone out there that knows the secret to motivating children – I mean a concept or theory that I can utilize that doesn’t involve BRIBES!? How can I change ALLLLLL the negativity that is NONSTOP!?

See the “Health Tip of the Day to the left? My mood is definitely NOT boosted!

I’m still frustrated – I can’t make anyone WANT anything the way I do – it sucks!


Day 71

This morning I was lying in bed debating on whether or not to get up and workout. I kept trying to come up with different excuses of why I couldn’t workout this morning and I actually started typing a text message that would have read “I was not going to make it” to everyone. But then I realized that it wouldn’t have been fair to the girls and the more I kept thinking, the more I became “awake”. I discarded my text, got up and woke up the girls.

Since we were running about 10 minutes late, we were only able to get in 3 miles. I have to write that it was a beautiful morning! The sky was dark and covered in clouds and there was a cool breeze that made it possible to feel the water from the campus sprinklers. When we arrived home I didn’t get any crap from the girls when it came time to weigh – surprisingly! With one week left before school our weights are as follows:

Kiki’s current weight = 126.8 – LOSS of almost 1lb! (Total = 11.2lbs)

Kitty’s current weight = 169.9 – Loss of 2.3lbs! (Total = 8.1lbs)

My current weight = 165 – Loss of 2.2lbs! (Total since February = 27lbs)

I look at our weight loss and can remember back to last summer when the girls gained 10+lbs each. I know that we aren’t breaking any weight loss records here, but the reality that summer is coming to an end and we have succeeded so far (even when you consider the weight GAINS too!) puts a very happy smile on my face. I am happy because I know that it has been 71 days now and we haven’t quit. I am happy because I know that this is only the beginning of our progressing healthier life!

I met the girls for lunch and I was reminded of a poem by Henry David Thoreau that partially reads: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

This morning I didn’t want to get up, but I decided to venture into the woods because I do wish to live deliberately. I don’t want to be my daughters’ excuse as to why they can’t do anything and I don’t want to be my own excuse as to why I don’t do anything – I want to front only the essential facts of life – and those to me are that life doesn’t last forever, so I need to take advantage of EVERY opportunity (if only time) that comes my way.

My goals over the next few weeks are to train myself and my girls in the powers of positive thinking. I think this will help aide in our weight loss and motivation. I also think that with the stress of work, school starting, athletic tryouts, piles of laundry and work (oh yeah, I wrote that already), we need to find and KEEP a new perspective on how lucky we all are.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can accomplish this feat or any goals over the next few weeks?

Days 66-70 - Last Day of the 10th Week!

70 days! I can’t believe that we have been doing this for 70 – count them - 70 days!!!!!!!

I’ve been very busy at work, so I didn’t get to write yesterday…so here is the re-cap of days 66-70.

Friday was spent working or participating in a charity shoot (sporting clays) where our team took FIRST place. Everything was pretty standard and we had a lot of fun. When they announced our team as 1st place winners I went up to the front (in front of a huge crowd) to pick up the trophy and the gentleman asked me if I knew the team members….HELLO! I was one of them you idiot! Is it because I’m a girl? Shish! Anyway, we each won $200 Academy gift cards too, and since the hubby and I were on the same team, that meant $400 I could use on school uniforms etc…school clothes shopping – yay!

Saturday and Sunday we didn’t have a formal workout, but in preparation of the quickly approaching first day of school, we spent both days non-stop CLEANING! And I don’t mean straightening up and putting everything away, I mean taking the beds apart, sweeping and mopping underneath – decluttering and organizing the kids closets and drawers– LAUNDRY – oh my!- the piles of LAUNDRY!--On our hands and knees with scrubber brushes just to get into the grout lines on the kitchen and living room floors - and there STILL remains so much to clean! It felt good – it needed to be done a long time ago, but as I’ve written before, life happens.

Yesterday morning we woke up to our normal morning routine – EXCEPT – we completed FOUR MILES instead of 3! YAY!!!!! (Doing the cabbage patch!) It was a great way to start off the day.

This morning was supposed to be “T-Day” (torture day) but for some reason my stop watch and whistle went missing…hmmmm? That’s okay, because I am going to go get others and this Thursday we (they) will make up for it! AHHAHAHA! We completed another 4 miles this morning and everyone was there – the girls and I, the friend, CA, CL, PLUS one more friend. Another great start to our day!

Now I just need to find some time to add in yoga or meditation, so the stress from work doesn’t make me have a nervous breakdown…tomorrow is weigh-in – oh boy. (By the way, our t-shirts are in! Will send you a pic later today.)

I like the health tip of the day today posted to the left – I’m thinking…new shoes! What will be your reward?

Day 65

The hubby had a safety meeting in Odessa this morning, so I thought I was going to just sleep in. But, Doodle Bug (my son) woke up before he left, so he went along for the ride this morning. We were running about 20 minutes later than usual, but this morning we didn’t need to hurry home. The girls skated again and I kept up with a fast walk and a slow jog over 3 miles. My son loved the flashy blinky lights that we have to wear on our arms because of the darkness. SEE!

I didn’t have ANY problems with him in the stroller this morning – no bouncing, jumping or getting in and out. And guess what? No, I didn’t run the entire 3 miles like everyone knows I can’t do – there was no YELLING this morning! There was a welcomed slight breeze and the first 2 miles brought a lot of “shooting stars”! I know that technically it is the meteor show that we are actually seeing, but it was very nice. As we progressed through the third mile, we watched the sun come up. It was a good workout and a beautiful calming morning.

Until we got home…

Kiki came running into my room with her lizard (Lizzy) in her hand – crying! She said she found her on her back and she wouldn’t move! I can honestly say, I don’t know what happened – Kiki took very good care of her and even carried her around on her shirt – ALL THE TIME! She was BAWLING! I told her that we would go bury her outside and have a small funeral…I went to put on some clothes and this is how I found her digging the grave.

Dare I admit that this is my neighbors yard area...shhhh.

My heart sank! I felt so bad for her. This is ALSO the reason that I didn’t want her to get the lizard to begin with, because we have done this with fish and turtles already! Anyway, we said a little a prayer and Lizzy was laid to rest and her spirit was sent on to dwell in the wondrous magical reptile world.

I love you Kiki!

Days 63 & 64

Yesterday marked the end of our NINTH week! OMG! NINTH WEEK! Yay!

I’ve been so busy at work that I didn’t get a chance to write to everyone yesterday. We did workout though! Actually, it was a really good workout. The air was extremely humid and yet it had a soft wind that made it comfortable to run. Kiki completed 3 miles with her roller skates on and Kitty completed 2 miles with her roller blades on and the last mile in her socks. It was really nice to have them skate in front of me because I was able to run a lot longer than we had been previously.

Kiki did great! She even wanted to add another mile, but we didn’t have the time – if you can believe that!? Kitty on the other hand, although she did great too, she wasn’t asking to add another mile! In fact, she was off to the side puking after her 2nd mile! She said she got too hot and her thighs and lower back were burning. All three of our shirts were soaking wet from sweat – IT. FELT. GOOD.

It was a great way to start our day.

This morning we didn’t run, but this evening we will. No comments please….

On a side note: Our first EVER 5k is no longer on the website! I don’t know what this means yet because I haven’t been able to get a hold of anyone, but we have chosen the Habitat for Humanity 5k run on September 11th to replace the other.

The reality that we have more time to train is really, really nice!

In between thinking about work and family, my mind has been wondering A LOT lately – wondering about time, money, family and career – all in different perspectives. So, on this note, I would like to leave you with a little excerpt from a book I have been reading:

“Sometimes life is like reading a book. Days, weeks, even years just repeat themselves…until you turn the page.” The Universe.

Marinade on that sentence and then tell me, what is it telling you?

Days 60, 61 & 62

Guess what I was able to do Saturday? Nope, it wasn’t workout for 2 hours or run 5 miles – I was able to actually read a book. Yes, you read correctly – I was able to purchase, open and read it from beginning to end. It took me about 3-1/2 hours. I’ve always been a reader, but for some reason (or maybe 3) in the past 10 or so years I haven’t been able to actually sit down and read an entire book. Before, what would have taken me 3-4 hours to finish has taken me 3-4 weeks. This is how it happened…

Saturday morning we get up and drive over to Odessa to eat. When we get home, we drop off the “boys” and head out to several different stores with our “buying list” in mind. We visited Barnes and Nobel, so I could pick up a few books that I have wanted to buy for some time. Then off to Cavendars, Woods and Academy to pick the girls up some rollerblades and roller skates with all the accessories. After a couple of hours, we get home and I instruct the girls to get their room cleaned while I run to the office, so we can go tryout their new blades and skates that evening. So, I leave – then return to find them rollerblading and skating around the house chasing each other. Just as I enter the living room, Kiki is doing a dive toward Kitty (they were arguing AGAIN!) because she doesn’t have the balancing act down yet (and looks like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz)! They haven’t even touched their room and the trash, tissues, bags and boxes that previously contained their new “stuff” is now spread out over every room of the house. To write I was mad and extremely frustrated would be an understatement. All I asked for was for them to get their room cleaned AFTER I spent my time and money buying them the “things” they wanted. Is that too much to ask for? They were confined to their room until it was clean (clean to my standards) and was instructed NOT to speak to each other!

That is how I got to read an entire book - because they took 3-1/2 hours to clean a room that should have taken 30 minutes…

Sunday morning the kids and I got up and worked out at the school. The girls got to try out their new rollerblades and skates and then we had an early morning picnic on the bleachers. I didn’t bring the jogging stroller, but my son had a wonderful time chasing after the girls. He basically RAN the entire way – looking back at me and yelling “c’Mon, c’Mon – run, run!” Kiki ate the dirt a couple of times, so my son thought it was cute to run a few steps and fall down like she did. It WAS cute and a great stress reliever from the day before.

This morning was more like an obstacle course than anything else.

As I settled into my desk at work, I received a popup article that among other Myths, read the following:

5 Fitness Myths You Need to Forget• by Reader's Digest Magazine, on Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:07pm PDT

5. There is no best time for exercise.If you're simply walking to get healthy or take off some weight, it doesn't matter when you do it, as long as you do it. But if you're an athlete looking for the best-quality workout, choose the late afternoon, when body temperature is highest. Muscles are warm, reaction time is quick, and strength is at its peak. If you push yourself harder as a result, you will burn more calories.

Okay, there is 2 weeks until school starts. Which means that I need to take advantage of every bit of time we have to workout and the evenings are looking better and better for additional short workouts. After school starts I can only guarantee an early morning workout, because athletics and other sports’ practices will take over most of the afternoons.

We are approaching the end of our NINTH week and I look back and wonder where all the time went; saddened by the thought of the girls starting another school babies…

Days 58 & 59

A series of unfortunate events – WHAT IS THE UNIVERSE TRYING TO TELL ME?

In the last few days I have wrote about hurting my knee and a light bulb shattering in my hand. Okay – things happen… Wednesday my son is sick with a 24 hour stomach bug and I am home with him most of the day. During the day, I take care of him like mommies do, and I even helped a trapped bird out of my fireplace. (This was HUGE since I was scared to death that the noise was being made from a rat or a squirrel and I just knew that as soon as I opened the flue, I was going to be attacked!)

Anyway, after all that was said and done, I was able to put a little face time in at work. Hubby is out of the state on business and will not be flying back until late into the evening, so I decided that the kids and I would go out to eat. I get back from work, and get everyone ready to leave. As I push on the garage door button for it to open (the exact same door that I opened, parked and closed 15 minutes earlier) and it stops half way. I keep pushing the button and nothing is happening, then I notice the cable has come undone. Crap! Finally, after Kitty and I were sweating like the temperature and the humidity is 110 and 100% we were able to wrestle the door down (all jacked up and crooked of course).

Fine! “Let’s go out the front door, we are taking the truck.” The words were very simple to say and the idea was our only other alternative to leave… then, I open the front door and it falls off the top and middle hinges! WTH! Really!? Really!? Our front door is SOLID wood, so it is heavy! Both of the girls are trying to hold it up, so I can get a screw back into the top bracket, but it takes 4 screwdrivers, 1 electric drill, and numerous screwdriver bits before I find the one that actually works!!!!! I get a screw into the bracket so the girls could finally let go and then I finished the rest.

I turned around to go put up the tools, (mad, but I still sort of felt good because I was able to solve the problem) and then my sandal breaks! WHAT! I give up! I’m standing in the middle of the living room on the verge of tears looking up to the heavens asking “what did I do? Why me?” The kids are watching me with blank stares in their eys thinking that I'm about to have a nervous breakdown.

I change shoes, leave and get the kids fed, come home and I don’t want to move out of my bed for fear of something else happening.

THEN, yesterday, I fear the worst, so we don’t go work out, but I do get up and go to work. Everything seemed to be a lot better and I was able to accomplish and complete a lot of the work that I was behind on from the day before. Last night, the hubby treats us to dinner at Shoguns. We get through the dinner and are about to leave when we hear screams behind us. We turn to see a girl with flames all over her shoulders and what looked like flames coming out of her ears! It looked like she was sprayed somehow with the fluid during one of the tricks (trick gone bad). She was wrestled to the ground and the flames were put out, but her mom and the rest of the group, left to take her to the hospital. I didn’t see any burns on her face, but her hair was scorched and she walked out (what looked like) in shock. I pray and hope that she is okay! My stomach was so nervous and upset about the whole event. In fact, I prayed and had anxiety over what I witnessed that I couldn’t sleep last night – which means that I didn’t get up AGAIN and workout this morning. (We WILL workout tonight!)


Days 56 & 57

Monday night, I was helping my daughter fix her “Reptile Light Bulb”. Basically, it is a normal ice-cream swirled looking light bulb. I was trying to get it back into its base and the bulb shattered in my hand. So, after Dr. Hubby fixed me all up, I was off to sleep with a little extra pain relieving medication. In fact, I slept right through my alarm and didn’t wake up until 7:30am! Needless to say, there was no working out yesterday morning – or later in the evening – it wasn’t happening.

This morning was different. Even after a restless night, I seemed to be eager to get up and workout this morning. I get the girls up and off we go. We get through the first mile with complaint after complaint, so I told (yelled at) them to go back to the car and wait! CL and I got through the 2nd mile and when we came upon my vehicle, I could see that they were in there watching a movie! Really! Do they not care at all! I was mad, so I got them out of the car and made them do the 3rd mile with me. Of course I’m yelling at them most of the way – telling them that I am going to let them see their weights today – they will see how much their efforts over the last 2 weeks has affected the direction of the scale!

We got home and not much was said. Kiki gets on the scale, then Kitty. Both of them were quiet...

Kiki’s current weight = 127.6 –SAME + 5 oz

Kitty’s current weight = 172.2 – GAIN of 4 POUNDS!!!!

My current weight = 167.2 – SAME + 2 oz


I know it’s been 2 weeks of this or that, but WE need to get our crap together and redirect our motivation towards our goals!

After all the morning events were done and the girls had gone back to their morning chores. My son decided that I needed to clean up his puke and diarrhea for numerous hours! YAY!

That’s what I get for yelling at the girls this morning! I know...

Days 52-55

Catching up:

Friday was spent with 8 hours in the hot West Texas sun at the Oilmans Sporting Clays Shoot– no formal workout.

Saturday was met by 5 straight hours of sweat running into my eyes from cleaning renovation messes and moving a friend’s furniture to her brand new house – no formal workout.

Sunday was spent doing very little because the pain from a knee injury moving a couch was still healing – no formal workout.

This morning – no workout. The swelling in my knee has almost disappeared into a really ugly green and blue bruise. We’ll see about tonight, but don’t expect my eagerness to improve.

This week is weigh-in. Even though, we haven’t had any formal workouts, I’m not really worried. I wouldn’t even care if I gained a pound at this point, because I know that LIFE HAPPENS. There are situations, circumstances, obligations, and choices that WE (ALL OF US) meet every day and if that means that you have to adjust your routine for a few days then THAT is exactly what you do. You don’t stop living, you don’t take a time out from everyone you know and you don’t fly away to Never Never Land when you are working out and learning to eat healthier.

You just take a few deep breaths, buy a knee brace and decide to keep marching toward your success 1 pound at a time.