Day 203 - Bullet Points

Where to begin today? Hmmm…

Today will be filled with the all inclusive, nothing corresponds, random bullet points! Yay! I can feel your excitement building already!

• I haven’t shared with you yet – because it’s not the New Year – my resolutions or deeply imbedded intentions for 2011. And I am still withholding that post until then, but I do want to share with you that in 2011 I will resolve to have a 6 pack! Hell Yeah! You read correctly! And I’m not talking about Mojitos over here! I’m talking about a flat, yummy, 6-8 pack stomach baby! Mr. Strong has one and I am jealous and now I think I need my own! Food is going to play a HUGE role in my success, so WATCH OUT! The crazy, schizophrenic, bitchy, and narcoleptic side of me might slip out every now and again. But rest assured that it is due to the food chemical dependency that I have and not because I am actually ANY of those things! Mmmmkay?!

• Ten miles a day until the end of the year is my goal. I want to finish 2010 strong and I have even impressed myself! Last night I met CA at the gym where we accomplished our 10 miles in the short timeframe that I had to work with. (7 miles on the bike - 1.5 on the elliptical – 1.5 on the treadmill) CA started complaining right off the bat about how sore she was already feeling in her butt and I think we had gone 3 minutes? So what that she had done like 20 miles the night before? She’s a pro – she is not supposed to complain! :-) She did require a little extra motivation to finish the 7 miles on the bike or maybe I just offered her my “Drill Sergeant” services for free – I don’t remember… ;-)

The elliptical went smoothly and if CA did any complaining I didn’t hear because I had Nickelback screaming on my iPod. We get on the treadmill to finish our last 1.5 miles and after about 2 minutes we both start running. This happens twice and then we both quit. CA is worried that her ass is jiggling way too much and the people behind her are getting in a good laugh and all I can think about is when I run my shirt rises up and I was praying that the people behind me weren’t staring at my sweaty ass crack if I had one. We got the 10 miles done in just over an hour and I was very impressed with both of us. (doing the cabbage patch – oh yeah – we're bad – woooo!)

• Last night driving home from supper Kiki is farting in the backseat of the HUMMER and Kitty is gagging in the front seat yelling at her to STOP IT! Kiki is replying with a “better out than in, I say” and Kitty is yelling at her “you’re not Shreck!” I opened the sunroof just so we could breathe – it was a cold, stinky ride home! Okay – I expect this from boys, but girls?! Come on!!!!!

• We will be traveling again this New Year’s holiday – which means more packing and laundry – and more laundry! Ughhhhh! I wish I owned a magical wand that with just one wave – POOF – all the laundry is done and organized and put up! Until then, it will keep building or I will have to break down and go to a laundry mat to get it all done at once. *sigh* (See! This is where my sickness of gobuymoreclothesinsteadofwashing comes into play - it's my own fault - I know!)

• What are your plans this New Year’s holiday?

Days 198-202 Christmas Story Condensed

We are back from our Christmas holiday vacation and man am I exhausted!

Needing a vacation after my vacation is definitely appropriate in my case!

The drive up to the ranch house was met with fog covered mountains and a feeling of Christmas energy.

Christmas Eve night was spent gorging on great mexican food and cocktails. After dinner we spread out and 20+ played games, watched movies, got caught up on what everyone had been doing and the little children sneaked away to jump on the Air Bed in the back room. My younger sister boarded herself up in the back room so she could finish putting together and semi-wrapping her Christmas gifts that she had bought a few hours before - now that is last minute!

Finally ALL the bebe kids children were off to bed and the house was quite (and the atmosphere was peacful!) Somehow Mr. Strong and I ended up sleeping in the bedroom that housed all the children...WTF! NOOOOOO! The romantic side of being away from home was ruined! We had Doodlebug's feet in our faces all night in this extraordinarily small queen sized bed, because he just couldn't sleep with all the other children! I didn't get "any" much sleep that night. Grrrrr!

I was up early the next morning to watch the beautiful sunrise off the back porch. Man was it COLDDDDD! I was going to go running - I can stand cold - but when the wind is blowing - that is just plain torture!

The morning was filled with cooking the tradional Christmas dinner  - turkey & dressing, ham etc.. My younger sister was making all of us laugh as she tells my mom "to leave the kitchen if your not going to help..." and the promises from me to NOT blog about some of the conversations that were taking place! LMAO! Doodlebug also got to spend some time with Great Grandma playing at the breakfast table.

 The day was filled with a round of air gun wars, a little sight-seeing (the wind was too cold!), opening presents and enjoying the gifts of Santa Clause.

I took a ton of other pictures of all the Wild Game that the ranch has on it, but i forgot to take the paper film off my new camera phone so they (along with about 100 other pictures) were too blurry to see ! Pitiful - I know!

 The next morning we packed up and headed home and the trip home was a quite one! Everyone was exhausted from hard playing, lack of sleep and the crash of excitement overload.

 This is my Christmas story condensed because well - I'm back and WORK calls! It is not because I promised to not talk about some of the extremely funny happenings and conversations that took place or the lack of CLEAR pictures because of operator error or some unexplainable void that is going on between me and Mr. Strong!

Needless to say, I had a great time. I laughed harder than I have laughed in a while and it was great that the whole family could spend time and be together in harmony. We need to do that more often than once a year!

How did your Christmas go?

Day 197 Secret Santa

Today will be filled with all the stuff that I should have completed yesterday like grocery shopping, laundry, packing and cleaning – after I get off work that is – we leave to vacation the holidays away with friends and family.

I want to leave you with a parting Christmas gift to celebrate and share with as many people as possible.

Secret Santa: Doodlebug


As you go through your busy days and get impatient because of the lines of people and crazy shoppers, remember that they too are trying to bring smiles to others.

I hope you all have the most marvelous Holiday Season EVER!

(p.s. I am still struggling with food because I haven’t told myself to quit struggling yet. I have been working out still, but I have been extremely lazy on the other part (food) to keep the balance. I am determined to finish 2010 out strong – just watch and read!)

Day 196 "...candy coated dreams..."

Another busy day for me, but I didn’t want to NOT write today. This is my little taste of calm sanity before I am pulled in every different direction possible.

Today I want to share with you just a few of MY Christmas wishes and dreams:

1. I wish my friends and family have EVERYTHING their hearts desire this Christmas season and more than enough money, laughter and joy to spare.

2. I dream of being financially burden free very soon, so that I can pursue my other dream of self-financing my own Building Blocks Bootcamp Studio.

3. I wish EVERYONE has the opportunity this holiday season to manifest at least one secret desire and feel just a smidgen of the exhilaration and excitement equivalent to winning the lottery.

Although I’m in a state of nervousness over how I am going to accomplish everything that needs to be accomplished (like finishing Christmas shopping, laundry, packing, more laundry and more packing, loading, checking, rechecking, grocery shopping and cleaning all while working at my paying job all day) before we leave town for the holidays, I am sending out nothing but good wishes and candy coated dreams to everyone – but especially to ALL of YOU – my fans!

May your hearts be filled with love,

Your glasses filled with spirit,

And your lives filled with utter joy.


Day 195 "Let it be Christmas"

I have a very busy day ahead of me, but I wanted to share something with everyone first. (keeping in the theme of Christmas week, of course.) As I was driving from school to school yesterday picking up the girls so I could then drive them to the dentist, I heard a Christmas song that is now my favorite and took this picture of my rear view mirror which is very appropriate to the words of this song.

It is a country Christmas song by Alan Jackson. Before the eye rolling commences for you fans up north, I need to let you know that it doesn’t matter if you like country music or not because it is the WORDS of this song that are universal in all genres. I challenge you to listen with the fullest potential of your heart and ears!

Today’s post is dedicated to my fans battling the snowy blizzards up north and my fans that are experiencing the dry, windy heat down south with me and all my fans in the middle.


Days 190-194 The Season of Giving

The Season of Giving is upon us. This is my favorite time of year. THIS IS CHRISTMAS WEEK! YAY! The holiday season is about spending time with family and friends, giving of yourself and helping others. It’s the time of year where we remember lost loved ones, celebrate new lives and put aside most of our differences to come together for a greater cause – love.

Since this is my first Christmas with all of you here in blogland, I would like to share with you my favorite Christmas so far in my life.

It all started with tons of DRAMA like almost EVERY SINGLE HOLIDAY SEASON does in my family (this current one NOT excluded.) The whole family ended up coming together at my younger sister’s house. The air was thick with wonderful aromas of baked goods and delicious foods (and no I didn’t contribute – I was ordered to bring the paper goods…just saying)The setting was something like this: My sisters and my brother and I were in the den watching his favorite movie for the 3rd time that night. The parents and spouses were playing cards and dominos in the next room and ALL of the kids were running or crawling around terrorizing the whole house with fun and laughter. The movie ended and Flo-Rida’s song “Low” came on. As soon as we heard the (sing it with me now…) “apple bottom jeans, boots with the furrr…” my sisters and I jumped up and started dancing. My brother is laughing at us because – by golly – we are totally badass! I mean we were shaking our moneymakers and dropping it like it was hot and having the best time our - much older thirty-something’s – or dare I say – aged – coordination would allow. The kids started piling into the room and laughing and joining us in dance and – I know – wishing they could be as awesome as their own mom and aunts! Pretty soon the parents and spouses joined in to watch the shock and awe of the first class entertainment going on in the den. (I should have charged a cover – that’s how freaking amazing we were!) The evening ended with joy and laughter and I remember exchanging gifts at one point, but the most remarkable thing happened to me that night…

I took a step back out of the reality of 20+ people in the same room laughing and making fun – the DRAMA no longer existed and I saw the most beautiful picturesque time of our lives. I witnessed the pure and honest beauty that is my family. I felt genuine happiness and glee. In the still quiet of the night hours later, Mr. Strong looked at me and said “I had a great time tonight” and gave me a big warm hug.

Eighteen days later my brother passed away the day before my 33rd birthday. The holiday season that followed was darkened by a few less candles shining brightly in our family and drama to make someone feel jilted forever. But as they write “This too shall pass – Life goes on…”

Thanks to the Law of Attraction I no longer feel the depression and confusion of WHY certain things happen. I have a different understanding that allows me to not be sad anymore. I am very grateful for this…

This holiday season and throughout the Season of Giving I ask that you remember what it stands for. I ask you to look deep into your hearts and GIVE whatever it is that you can give.

Give your patience to overly excited children.

Give your forgiveness to those individuals that need it.

Give your love and open your heart to all that life brings.

Give your attention and perspective to someone that is lonely.

Give your services to someone that needs your help.

Give yourself to the moments that the season brings.


And keep in mind this quote by Bernard Meltzer:

“Blessed are those who give without remembering. And blessed are those who take without forgetting.” (Thanks Jess!)

We are not promised another Christmas or holiday season. We are only promised today – this very moment. So GET OVER whatever it is that is making you hesitate to see your family and friends, or hesitant to give your services to those that are less fortunate and make this Christmas and holiday season the best one yet!

Are you with me?

Day 189 No Santa....?

There comes a time in all parents’ journies that they have to have the talk about Santa Claus. Unfortunately, most times it is when their children are still young enough to “believe” if it wasn’t for that mean-assed kid at school or daycare that ruins the illusion.

This is what happended to me. Some rotten, selfish kid at school told my girls that Santa Claus was their parents and that’s why our presents are the same ones they saw at Target – or where ever!

My initial reaction was to go spank that kid for ruining the “spirit” behind Santa Claus, but then I just felt sorry for that kid…Santa must have never came to her house.

It wasn’t until we, as a family, started buying for other children off the Giving Tree at Christmas that the girls finally understood the meaning of Santa Claus. The Giving Trees are put out every year by the Department of Child and Protective Services. The ornaments on the tree contain 2 gifts per a child that has been put into their custody and into foster care. (It breaks my heart to see that ANY of the trees still have ornaments on them right at Christmas time…)

Anyway, we always buy 2 presents for 1 kid per family member which equals 10 presents for 5 children.

This year we ended up sponsering 1 gift for 8 children and 2 gifts for 1 child because of the “pickens” left on the tree. The girls had a FUN time shopping this year and Doodlebug, well let’s just say he learned the hard way at 3 years old that every toy I buy is not for him! Lol.

Here is my explanation to the girls:

“Santa Claus is a Christmas spirt. He is a spiritual energy that can make miracles happen. You can’t use your own perspective when it comes to Santa. You have to open your imagination across the entire globe and know that Santas are at work everywhere. Do you realize that because YOU BOTH decided to buy 2 presents for children that are in dire need of a Christmas miracle and wish, they will be waking up to presents under the tree this year in a stranger’s house – just for them!? Do you think that for one instant, they will think their parents put them there? You are the Santa Claus that will bring the excitement and joy to a small child that has otherwise been in a very bad situation. Do you realize that because of your giving nature this holiday season, you ARE Santa Claus to that child? You might not be there in person to see him or her open their gifts, but you can feel their happiness through how you felt when you opened your presents and it was EXACTLY what you wanted. You are their Christmas miracle – you are the reason that gives a child HOPE that life can be fantastic! That is what Santa Claus is all about. That is why Santa Claus is so important to believe in - in your life for evermore. “

By the time I got done, the girls were bawling. I think they finally understand Santa Claus and what he means. They had a great time this year and you want to know something else? Each present that we buy for someone else – or another child – is counted as part of their Christmas. They willingly give up quite a few presents every year to see that another person or child gets to experience the magic that is Christmas.

Man I love my family!

Here they are – proud of what they (as kids themselves) get to provide for someone else!

So use my explanation if you have too – it’s the only one that worked for me. This holiday season, I challenge you to give a gift to an unexpected stranger. Buy the person behind you in a drive-thru their lunch or drinks. Buy some stranger’s lunch in a restaurant or send over a free desert to their children. Leave a larger tip than normal, buy someone’s gas or let the person that has fewer items than you in front of you at the grocery store checkout. The list of “pay-it-forward” has endless possibilities.

Oh yeah – I asked Mr. Strong what he was getting me for Christmas this year and this is what I got in response.

"He is sooo going to kill me when he sees this! lol! Love ya honey..."

I am NOT disappointed! Oh yeah baby! Yummy!

SOOOO, have you decided how you might pay-it-forward?


Rhonda Byrnes writes: “to change our lives, at some point we have to decide that, rather than suffer anymore, we are going to live in happiness. And the only way we can do that is to make the decision to look for things to appreciate, no matter what.”

I write this because I am having a hard time even liking people today, and it is only 8:30am.

I don’t know what is wrong with me today, but it might have started this morning when I spent 30 minutes looking for either the tops or bottoms to several business suits with no success for a match. The more I looked, the angrier I got and when I finally stepped on several shoes (that are piled up across my closet floor because there is no more room on my shoe shelf) it made me fall to my knees because my foot cramped – I took that as the sign to stop my thoughts of negativity and get ready or go naked - whichever, but just get the hell out of the closet already!

Now I could easily blame the girls since they have been helping with laundry again and have been hanging up my clothes for me, but I can also direct blame to myself for having 15,000 pieces of clothing cram-packed into a 12x9 x double rack closet!

If I take Rhonda Byrnes’ advice and look for things to appreciate it is very easy for me. I fully appreciate the clothes and shoes that I have been able to acquire (I just don’t appreciate the disorganized chaos), so I will take this morning’s episode as another sign that during this holiday season, maybe I need to get rid of a lot of the stuff in my closet to those that haven’t had the small luxuries that I have had and finally get organized in my closet! (The rest of the house is a slow process, but it IS proceeding nonetheless.)

I mean we, as a family, sponsor children every year from the Giving Tree, so why not expand on our giving, right?

Until then…

Or until my attitude changes toward the more positive today…

I will be hiding out in fear of spreading my early morning negativity.

So leave me alone.

Don’t knock on my door.

I will call you, don’t call me.

And keep your impatient ass away from me where I can’t see you waiting – that will just delay my recovery time.

No matter how hard I try, I guess I can't be happy ALL the happens!

Days 185-187 Tidbits and getting motivated...

The girls and I went and played tennis yesterday; finally I was feeling well enough to participate in some extracurricular activities. Kitty was wearing a tennis skirt with tennis bloomers. She put two balls in her bloomers and then started bouncing around getting ready for my serve. Both of her tennis balls dropped out and she held up her hands yelling “wait, my balls fell out!” as she walked bow-legged toward them.

Kiki was making her plate for supper last night and Mr. Strong came up behind her and scared her. This is what came out of her mouth to Mr. Strong, “Ohhhh, do that again woman and see what happens!!!”

To those that need a little extra help getting motivated, inspired and back on track; I give you the lyrics to a song by a country group that has sold millions of albums not to mention they are close personal friends of mine… Rascal Flatts! (not really but this intro sounded better than the one I wrote before…)

Watch the video below:


You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright, you'll be alright


Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand

Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before its gone
Start holding on, keep holding on

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend till you break
Cause it's all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, then you stand

Every time you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend till you break
Cause it's all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, then you stand

You need to know that you can do anything, be anything and have anything you want in your life!

Don’t settle for less than what you deserve – everything!

Don’t give up around the holidays or forget what you are accomplishing every day. There are people out there struggling and battling with things much bigger than any of us can imagine.

Take advantage of your situation and manifest all your dreams!

There are 18 days left in 2010 – FINISH STRONG!!!



Day 184 "'s only getting better!"

!!!!!!!!!Party Time!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah…go me…doing the cabbage patch….oh yeah….go me!

It has been half a year since I started this journey and it has taken me in directions that I didn’t think was possible. The therapy I have received from writing has been priceless. I don’t think I can ever give up writing again! (I am still behind on my book, but I have forgiven myself for that and 2011 will bring a few other goals for the year – my book’s included.)

To get my 1 year anniversary date, I looked back to the day that I started this blog and it was on Wednesday June 9th. Holy shitballs of fire – really?!!!! Hold on, I need to check that date again…

Yep, I started on June 9th! Normally I wouldn’t be so surprised, but June 9th is my brother’s birthday! In a few short weeks, the day before I turn 30 again (ok, I’ve turned thirty a lot of times – shhhhh!) will mark the 2nd anniversary of my brother’s death. So I ask myself, could I have really started on his birthday? A day that I knew I was going to be sad and depressed?

Well folks! The computer doesn’t lie when it comes to post dates! I guess I did unconsciously start on his birthday. Ummm it was 5am too – my mind doesn’t work that well at 5am…

Man…this actually makes me feel kind of good knowing…the date that is, not that my mind doesn’t work well.

In half a year I have gone up and down (literally), been guided in various directions and lost and found my motivation to keep going.

In half a year I. Have. Not. Quit.

In half a year I have proved to myself that I can do anything as long as I first “think” I can do anything.

In half a year I am still here, still learning and still moving forward.

Anyway, I am going to celebrate!

Hell yeah!

Maybe I will go to lunch with some friends, watch a movie by myself this afternoon, and get a new pair of shoes! Or, maybe I will hit the gym for 2 hours instead of one today, since I have a few goals to accomplish before my 1 year anniversary! After 1pm today - anything is possible!

In the next half year I have set up a few goals that I want to accomplish…

1. Attain my PT Certification in January and begin…

2. Participate in one of the Marines military Mud Runs.

3. Run (I repeat RUN) a half marathon. (Which is going to require that I get over my extreme dislike of running. – ughhhhh – you might want to keep watching out for a backup goal to #3.) Not kidding! ;-)

This past half year has been the therapeutic healing that I have needed for some time and it’s only getting better.

For me, it has been about baby steps. Taking the necessary baby steps each and every day, so that I could look back and say that I DID IT! Baby steps are the Building Blocks upon which I am constructing and manifesting my own celebrity future! Oh yeah - you read correctly! I am going to be a celebrity people (of course in my own way...) mmmkay?!

I feel a “Building Blocks U.S. Tour” coming on…the excitement is increasing by the minute!

(Doodlebug is not old enough for a World Tour yet, just in case you were wondering why I wrote U.S. Tour.)

Thank you to everyone for your support! May the support you give to me come back to you ten-fold!


Days 182 & 183 " catching up with me..."

Today is just about getting my newer fans caught up for my big day tomorrow. I am very surprised to have
  [                               this many                                        ]
fans in such a short time! Yay!

108,000 and climbing baby!

What is the big day, you ask? Well, it is day 184 and that is HALF A YEAR MILESTONE for me! Hell yeah baby! (Doing the cabbage patch, riding the pony – oh yeah, I’m bad!)

Technically the half year mark was today, but this happened on the morning of Day 1.

Then, on Day 3 my inspiration started building.

But, that was short lived along with my patience on Days 5 & 6.

Then I learned that I’m not as conditioned or as patient as I thought.

Then school started and everything went south – the workouts in the morning ended and I don’t think I have fully recovered from that fact.

I have learned some really HARD lessons and found new workouts along the way.

Through all of this, I haven’t lost the reasons I am thankful.

You can read over some of my most recent posts (most of you have already) to learn where I am at now and what my agenda is going forward.

So, happy reading today – I look forward to you catching up with me, so you know I am not a crazy ass lunatic that only preaches about the Law of Attraction.

Smooches! xxx

Oh and thank you Mr. Strong for putting up with ALL of my multiple personalities, schizophrenic, what-the-hell-made-you-write-about-that-today hotass glory!

and for letting me take your picture a gazillion times!


Day 181 - Food = Yummmm!

I’m in the discovery mode today. I am on a mission to connect this

with this

BEFORE this happens.

I am researching the “fullness” mechanism that is supposed to inhabit my brain. I’m convinced I was born without one.

I need to get my diet back on track and share healthier meals with my family. Right now I feel like a food robot that sees food and says “food = yummmmm.”

It is going to involve this

but I fear this:

So we’ll see how it goes.

Of course Mr. Strong tells me to “will it” being a smart-ass with my whole obsession with the Law of Attraction. But, to you Mr. Strong I write – “BITE ME!” The LOA is not about some instant religious “you are healed!” miracle, it is about a way of positive thinking.

And I am positive that I will find a way to connect my brain to my stomach, so the eating MASS quantities of food at one time will stop. I will research and study WHATEVER it is that I need to in order to finally “get it”! I need to find the opposite balance to my workouts in the food I eat to achieve my goal before my PT Certification in January. I havvvvvvvve toooooooo!

In the meantime, I still have a variety of eating pleasures and places in mind to provide backup - "do not fear! my family will not go hungry!"

My diet is my “hang-up” right now – the one thing that I have yet to consciously master - what is yours?

Days 178 - 180 CHEERS!

I didn't forget about my 108,000 fans and followers today; I've just been very busy at work! So as I arrive home and get comfortable and begin putting up my Christmas tree, I say to you...


Much love and wine tonight!

Day 176 "I'm not letting go!"

Today I thought I would do something a little different since the frustrations are running high and my demeanor is one of wanting to go home and go to bed…

I need help people! I am struggling today. Maybe it’s the headache, the sinus pressure or sleep deprivation, but I am barely holding on. I need someone to guide me in the right direction to an “easier” healthier diet that I can incorporate into a family of 5! I am an educated women and I know how to Google, so leave that suggestion out please! But a certain cookbook, eating plan – SOMETHING – is what I need help with.

I have illustrated a little comic that I think demonstrates how I am feeling today.

I guess you can see where Kitty gets her artistic talent from!

The bull (yes that is what that is!) is supposed to represent eating healthier. I’m not letting go – no matter how much “shit” I have to put up with or go through, I. Am. Not. Letting. Go.

I am on a mission to prove that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! And when I open my studio, I am going to have before and after pictures of me on the wall! Oh yeah, I am that confident!

Day 175 - Immune

I didn’t make the Body Pump class this morning at 5:30am. I DID get up at 6am and get in 3 miles of interval running & walking. At lunch I went home and got in another 2 miles of walking.

And you know what? I feel like sleeping! Right now, this very minute, here on my desk at work!


That was my almost narcoleptic bigazz falling onto my desk in a stumbling fit of sleepiness - guess you had to be here to appreciate the humor...I'm ok...thanks for the

I have been struggling to ignore the allergy and sinus pain and headaches for two days. Whether it’s the 5 inches of thick dust that I have cleaned out of my house recently or whatever the wind keeps blowing around I have finally began the itchy, raspy, laryngitis sounding voice with an inconvenient cough and I can’t ignore it for much longer. Unless it is the random Tylenol or Advil, I don’t like taking medicine.

This is what I feel like:

…but I will probably get in another 2 miles before the day is done.

The old me would have stayed in bed at 6am and would have laid down to rest at lunch, but here I am (remember?) on the road less traveled by, putting in the effort that I need to prove to myself that I have what it takes. I know my body needs rest, but for me, getting up this morning and completing 3 miles was like feeling the accomplishment of surviving a last chance workout on the Biggest Loser – you just couldn’t tell it on my face.

On a completely related and nonrelated note…hmmmmmmmm?

I read an article the other day about how children are becoming sicker because their houses are being cleaned and disinfected too much, so the children’s immune systems are not able to – never mind I can’t think straight enough to paraphrase. Here is an excerpt from the article:

     According to recent research there exists the possibility of being too clean. By scrubbing and sterilizing too often we are in essence killing off the good germs.
     This does not mean you have to give up cleaning, this just means keep cleaning in moderation. For my home environment I clean weekly and others clean every other week and some just once a month.
     It has always been taught to let our children be exposed to germs for it will help to strengthen their immune systems and avoid allergies as they grow up. There are people who believe that all germs are bad and will excessively clean, this is when they are more prone to becoming sick.
     The belief is by changing the microbiology in the home is what allows for a “super bug” to be born and much harder to kill. By using anti-bacterial items in our healthy homes we are destroying the chance for our immune systems to become developmentally strong by being exposed to a few germs.
     Using anti-bacterial products when we are sick is great protection for our immune system when it is not functioning at its optimum best. The other time is when we are out and about and not close to facilities that allow for washing of our hands to rid ourselves of pesky germs. These are the cases when anti-bacterial products should be used.

Suffice it to say – even after cleaning the 5 inches of dust out of my house – my children have been exposed to enough germs over an extended period of time that they (we) should be immune to everything!

So in the spirit of me not feeling my absolute best – I ask you all to consider how much you should REALLY clean your house this “flu” season. For yours and your children's sake!!!!!!!!!! lol.

Because after all, the less sick you are, the more time you have to chase your dreams – oh and workout too!