Daydreaming about a wedding and knowing what I know now.

Everyone that reads my blog or knows me knows that I am a sunrise type of person – fully appreciating the miracle that a new day brings. It’s an opportunity to create a new life, or a new chance to drink in the moments and people that make your life already beautiful.

Daydreaming now...I have always thought that your wedding sets the tone of how your marriage will be. I used to tell myself that if I was to ever have a wedding of any size it would be at sunrise on the banks of somewhere beautiful - preferably on the beach where the mountains meet the ocean surrounded by close family and friends. We’d get the depth of the ocean and the strength of the mountains and in the middle – metaphorically - we’re standing on the beach between un-imaginary depths of love and unrealized strength that would carry us into a magnificent married life full of both. As the sun rose, we would speak our own vows and then instead of having a reception immediately afterwards, we would spend the day exploring exciting new things we only thought possible in our dreams. The reception would be at sunset, after a fun-filled day of adventure and new experiences. We would toast the special people in our lives and express our gratitude for them and for all the new exciting adventures that were waiting in our life together. The reception would be intimate. It would involve just the right amount of good food, great drinks, the best of friends and family, a lot of laughter and some dancing. It’s the perfect combination that would allow each of us to fully relax and experience what was happening in the moment and give us the ability to go back to our room and make love – and still remember it all in the morning.


Think back to your wedding day, and the moments when you got married. Does it reflect the tone of your marriage today?
(I would be a perfect wedding planner!...just saying.)

Madonna who? Oh you've gone and done it now...

As I was snapping away I yelled at them to “vogue”!

Then slowly the smiles faded and a look of confusion settled in – what the whaaa? “Vogue?”

Oy!  I started to explain it, but then thought to myself. “They don’t know how to vogue? I have failed as a mother and as an aunt – shame on me.”

You can bet they got a full “vogue-ing” education when we arrived back at the hunter’s lodge! Now they know what it means to strike a pose.

My job is done.

Sometimes the mood passes all too quickly.

Pick a picture! Any picture!

And then this one showed up.


A sign from the Universe?

I think so.

The meaning behind these words can be applied to every aspect of our lives.

Eating (raw) Healthy?  

“Of course! Until I smell any other food in the air – any other food – I mean ANY other food.”

Working out?

“Abso-freaking-lutely! Until I have a stressful day at work and crave wine. Or I’m tired from not getting enough sleep or just ANY other excuse I can pull from thin air!”

Getting your house organized?

Well, DUH!!! Until, EVERYONE ELSE piles their shit everywhere and then why the hell should I keep going? Those assholes – how dare them?”

I could totally go on and on and add more aspects of my life here especially Having sex every night? But then you would get bored reading about all that.

So STOP. Read it again and think about the aspects of your life that it relates to.  Are you committed?

I think I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m tired of letting the mood pass and doing nothing.  I’m sick of allowing myself to wallow in self-doubt because…because…because?

Didn’t your parents HATE that excuse when you were little or even now as parents ourselves? “Doodlebug, why did you throw that tennis ball and hit your sister in the head? Because… “

It’s so irritating.

I think true commitment comes from perspective. A perspective that each of us are meant to have, do and be anything our imagination can create. A perspective that we are entitled to the greatness we covet in others. A perspective that we deserve all the riches and success this world has to offer.

And shame on anyone else that would place a judgment which would require us to think anything less of ourselves – including our own judgment.

It’s all about learning to maintain that perspective with every choice we make.

So, may you find that perspective (commitment) and never let the mood pass.

Remembering what it is like to write.

I’m trying to get back to this mentality in the most positive and inspiring way possible. I am almost there…

Today is July 17, 2013. Over a month ago Adventures in K World celebrated its three year anniversary and none of you knew – I didn’t even post about it. Matter of fact, it’s been about 2 months since I published a post.

To say that I’m slacking would be an understatement. This blog is my therapy and I can’t even seem to find the time to keep myself sane.

Over the 4th of July weekend, I was reminded several times that I haven’t written in a while. I know. I know. Actually, I’ve been working on this post since the 9th. It’s pitiful.

And what is more pitiful is that this is the entire post…until next time...

My mood will be better and my perspective will have returned to inspire the world – or maybe just the 1mm people reading my blog. ;-)