Day 51

The workout that was scheduled for last night, umm didn’t happen. That’s okay though – I’m sure we will get over the heartbreak…

This morning was a different story. This morning, it was hardcore (in my book) 2miles of bootcamp-style w o r k I n g out – A LOT of running; periodically interrupted by 10 different body-weight exercises. The sweat was running into my eyes and Kitty even remarked that she couldn’t tell if she was crying or sweating – it was so bad! By the end of the workout, I told the girls to “spell a word” to get their minds off the last seconds of some stomach exercises, so CL spelled out P-A-I-N over and over!!! My friend was spewing out the names of the states in the U.S. in alphabetical order and singing her ABC’s in bouts of delusion. My girls chimed in every once in a while, but mostly they were shocked into silence.

There. Was. No. Slacking. Today.


My legs are numb from the knees down - It was a great workout!

Day 50

About 3 o’clock this morning, I woke up with what seemed like a sinus migraine, so there was not a workout this morning. It has been delayed until this evening. (Yay – I get to run in the heat and humidity!) Sarcasm font… From now on, I think we will have Torture T-days (Tuesday & Thursday). So I have that to look forward to in the morning – oh boy!

In light of today’s Health Tip below, I will contemplate the whole calorie consumed vs. burned theory.

In an article from, I read that 3,500 calories = 1lb of fat. So, to lose 1lb of fat every week, you need to burn 3,500 calories. Okay, this makes sense, but it really puts the pressure on counting calories – if this is the way I choose to calculate my future weight loss goals. Stay with me…writing out loud here…

Okay, so if I eat 2,000 calories a day for 7 days – I would have to burn 2,500 calories a day for 7 days to lose 1 lb. Burning 500 extra calories a day times 7 = 3,500 calories = 1lb of fat loss.

OR, eating 1,500 calories a day for 7 days – I would have to burn 2,000 calories a day for 7 days to lose 1lb.

Now, when I look up on and use the calorie burn calculator BMR/RMR, I find that I can burn this many calories with my activity level every day: (we forget that we burn calories even when we are asleep – yay!)

Calculator Status:

The results of your calculations are: BMR 1,544 RMR 1,511 (calories)

For an explanation of BMR and RMR and important notes on the accuracy of these calculations, see Calculating BMR and RMR. We also explain why RMR is likely to be more appropriate for your needs.

As BMR and RMR only represent resting energy expenditure or calories burned during a day of rest, an adjustment must be made to reflect activity level. This can be done by multiplying by an activity factor:
Factor----Active Category-----Definition-----BMR-----RMR

1.2---Sedentary---Little or no exercise desk job---1,853---1,813

1.375-Lightly-Light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week-2,123-2,078

1.55-Moderately-Mod exercise/sports 3-5 days/week--2,393--2,342

1.725--Very--Hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week--2,663--2,606

1.9--Extremely--Hard daily exercise/sports/job--2,934--2,871

In Theory

1. If you use your current weight to calculate your activities and consume the number of calories indicated, your weight will stay the same. If you consume fewer calories than indicated, you will lose weight.

2. If you use your goal weight to calculate your activities and consume the number of calories indicated, in time your weight will match your goal. But be careful. As explained in What It Takes to Lose It All, it is very important not to try to lose weight too fast. It will backfire.

3. Because your body burns additional calories digesting food, you should be able to eat a little more than indicated by the calories burned calculations. You will learn more about this in The Thermic Effect of Food.

I know all of this information is estimated, but if I choose the Moderately Active column and guess that I’m consuming about 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day, then my weight loss is consistent with my results.

Now I just have to choose if I want to continue the speed at which my body is losing weight and lower my food consumption or increase my workout times. In the What it Takes to Lose it All section of this website, it explains why we begin to see our progress taper off and what to do when we hit plateaus.

-eat less workout the same = weight loss

-eat same workout more = weight loss

-eat less workout more = weight loss

Got it!

It’s very cool to see that even though I have not counted any calories (AT ALL!) – I have adjusted my food intake which resulted in the same (less detailed) effects. Maybe one day I will get to the point where I count calories – maybe not…common sense seems to be working for me right now!

Day 49 - Last day of the 7th Week!

I could write a book about how I feel about this morning’s workout, but I am STILL mad. The conversation I had with the girls went something like this: “okay, today is all YOU again – you can put as much or as little effort as you want towards the results you WANT.” I heard Kiki say something like “really?” – Almost like she was being quizzed or something. The only thing I knew for sure when we arrived at our destination this morning, was that I WAS NOT going to pass them. The friend and CL are there too, so off we went…to make a long, enraged and angry story short, our morning workout went something like this:

Kiki – she runs (out front with CL and the friend) the WHOLE 1st mile and all but about a minute of the 2nd mile and more than half of the 3rd mile! I was so impressed with her! She was bursting with accomplishment when Kitty and I came WALKING (as slow as a freaking SNAIL) up after the 1st mile was over. Kiki performed exceptional this morning!

Kitty – she begins to run at the same time everyone else did and then decided to quit when the other three pulled about 30 feet ahead of her. Then she walks and walks and walks. I am PIST! I told myself NOT to yell (I don’t think any of you realize how hard this is for me…) – she will get on the scale in the morning and see what her efforts all week have produced and then maybe – MAYBE – she will want to work harder!!!!! I had to stay behind her about 30 feet (for her safety) because I could feel the angered energy building up inside me wanting to YELL at her to run with every gaining step. But, I didn’t! I let her do whatever she wanted – when she ran (which totaled to about a minute) I ran – when she walked – I walked.

I knew she could feel my eyes burning a hole in her back! I wanted so badly to run up behind her like a three-year-old toddler and push her down for no reason other than I was mad. Grrrr!!! (Again, I DIDN’T, shish!)

She walked the ENTIRE 2nd mile and when we reached the end, everyone else was way into the 3rd mile, so I told her “Don’t even bother – go sit on the bleachers.” She made a comment about her leg hurting and that ALMOST pushed me over the edge. I responded very subdued with an “I don’t care – your leg today, your side yesterday, your head the day before, your arms, your chest – it is always something – you have an excuse for everything.” (I didn’t even yell all of that at her…umm uh.) I simply told her afterwards, that she will no longer be in charge of her own workouts, BUT if she wanted to chose to not get up in the morning and come with us – that is fine.

This past week she has acted like she is being forced to get up and workout and hasn’t wanted to put any effort into her performance, so I will give her the same option that I and every other person has in this world – to either get up or stay in bed! I’ve wrote before that the fact that a person is willing to “show up” to a workout is commendable, but in this case – she is acting like she doesn’t get that choice. No more - I DO NOT have the patience to wait for her light bulb to flicker on with the reality that SHE and SHE only – can determine the results she wants.

So here you go Kitty – here is the Magic Freaking Wand that you have been waiting for – it’s called your ATTITUDE!

Wave it, spin it, and sprinkle it with fairy dust because your attitude is the magic wand that turns your wishes into reality and here’s a secret for you – YOU are the only one that can control it!

Anyone else out there feeling the desperation of “wanting something better” (for your child) more than they do?

Days 47 & 48

Everywhere I research online, I find an article about fitness and dieting AND another article that completely disproves the prior article! There is nothing worse than too much disconnected information! As usual, I have to go back to what my grandfather referred to as “your own common sense”. It is very frustrating for me – why does everything have to be over analyzed, over processed and over dissected? I’m going to take Tao’s advice and “See Simplicity in the Complicated”…

I am also going to continue with the basic building blocks throughout our routine and I HAVE TO get busy on our diets! This morning we completed our 3 miles – tried something new (letting the girls determine the amount of effort they want to put towards their results…) BIG mistake. The first reason is because I don’t like being that far ahead of the girls at that time of morning and the second reason is because they WALKED the 3rd mile! So, I will have to compromise somehow, because I DO want to teach them the lesson of “getting out of it, what you put in” – a 1 week timeframe was recommended by CL, so we will see what happens.

My legs hurt so badly from helping out in 2 different renovations over the weekend. If you want to get in really good shape become a contractor – one that actually does the work! With that being written, Wednesday has officially become Hell Day instead of Hump Day around here. We’ll see if we can survive the whole workout. I’ve designed another one WITHOUT my level of conditioning in mind! Oh boy…

On a side note: I have designed and ordered our t-shirts. The ones that I said I was going to do a few weeks ago. These are much simpler than what I was going to do in an earlier idea. These will be the ones that we wear during our 1st 5k run in four weeks. I will send pictures once I get them in! Super excited! I think my mom should do it with us – she has walked (count them) 3 days in a row! I am so proud of her!

Oh yeah, beginning in 2 weeks, we will begin incorporating Yoga and Meditation into our weekly routines. At least once a week – maybe this will help us all learn to calm our minds of the thousands of thoughts and worries over things that haven’t even happened yet. Kitty made the soccer team and next month she will have to try out for Volleyball AND Tennis. She made the teams last year, but she has already begun to worry…so maybe this will help her!

This week we will focus on eating better (AGAIN) and drinking more water – I had a Dr. Pepper yesterday AND today! I thought it would help boost my energy, but it just made me bloated. Sucks… Do you have any plans or goals this week?

Days 45 & 46

In the end, one life is entrusted to each of us, and we alone are responsible for our own happiness. - Yanti

This is the message that I am struggling to teach one of my daughters. She believes that there is a magic wand in existence that will automatically transform her body overnight into what she wants – she is completely delirious! Her problem is that she has watched too many Reality TV shows that are NOT reality! Yesterday morning, we arrived to our workout destination and she decided that she didn’t want to push herself or do what I told her to do – so I ran ahead of both of them. (This came AFTER a conversation we had the night before about – only SHE can determine what results she wants!) After gaining distance from them and being tired of yelling at them to HURRY – I got to the point that I told them to get in the car – and we left after 2 miles! Furious, I bitched ALL THE WAY HOME!

So, let me take this opportunity to answer a question that was left a couple of days ago. Have I ever thought about becoming a trainer? Absolutely! I also believe that the best trainers are the ones that have actually experienced the everyday struggles, pain, and inconveniences and have wholeheartedly conquered every one of them! I’m talking about the people/trainers that DIDN’T have the luxury to go live in another place for 20 weeks, have private chefs, and be away from everyday influences OR the people that have been blessed thin their whole lives and have educated themselves to become trainers! (These people don’t count in my book, because their stories don’t compare to everyday REALITY!)

I’m not asking anyone to agree with me – this is how I feel.

Anyway, to answer your question again, yes I have thought about becoming a trainer, but I still have a lot to learn about what I can accomplish before I can help someone else. I do think that we all teach what we need to learn the most…so naturally, I would be great at training (because I have a lot to learn!!!).

With that being said, I don’t know how good of a trainer I would be. I don’t carry a lot of sympathy around in my pocket. I would yell and remind you of all the bad reasons why you wanted to work out to begin with and it would be guaranteed that I would piss you off EVERYTIME we met. I don’t get any sympathy for what the girls and I are going through to reverse our bad choices. THIS IS MY FAULT. I realize the previous statement should have been admitted to a few years ago, but this is life and life isn’t perfect. I do know that I would be naturally inclined to train children or families. I don’t want to train moms and dads when their FAT kids are home eating and getting worse. It’s not fair to the kids – my own daughters have made that light bulb turn on for me!

My reality now, is that you either want it or you don’t! I can’t do it for you! I do have compassion. If a person is willing to show up to exercise – no matter where it is or what time of day – that is the first step! That is commendable! That is a self-made decision that tells the world that you DO WANT IT! Therefore, it would be my job to keep reminding you of why you continue to WANT it when your legs feel like jello and you can barely raise your arms.

I don’t know if there are a lot of people in this world that would want a trainer like that…

On a side note:
To my mother: I am very proud of you for making the decision to take advantage of life’s opportunities that have come your way recently and become a healthier you. So, as you begin this journey, need I remind you that you raised four children on your own – working and struggling and providing all that you could to get us through to the next stages of our lives, so this should be a piece of cake! THANK YOU!

This evening will be full of house renovating (not mine - so I can't slack), so the girls and I will burn PLENTY of calories!

Day 44

I was this () close to staying in bed this morning. Kitty sent me a text even before my alarm went off that read “Mom, I don’t feel good.” I was VERY tempted to text her back “okay – we’ll take today off”, but I didn’t. I assured her that it wouldn’t be a hard workout like yesterday, so she was a little more inclined to get out of bed and get dressed.

The friend and CA totally bailed on us this morning, but CL was at the school waiting when we drove up. I explained to her that Kitty didn’t feel well (she has the whole sinus vertigo thing going on), so we wouldn’t be running, but we WOULD be completing at least 3 miles walking. I told her not to wait on us… When we hit the first corner, CL starts to run. She runs, and runs, and runs the whole first mile without stopping. By the time we hit the ¾ mile mark, we can see that she is already running the first ¼ of the second mile. We are not walking slowly (for us) by any means – we finished 3 miles in 48 minutes. Anyway, when we saw her still running, it was the first time in my life that I was actually jealous that she was going to have enough time to complete the (previously aspired to) 4th MILE!

I calculated the very spot that I knew she was going to pass us on the 2nd mile. And when that spot came, she was nowhere to be found. I began to think that she finally quit running and was walking way too slow (and I couldn’t yell at her to “walk faster!”), because she hadn’t caught up to us yet. Just as I turned around for the last time to see if she was gaining any ground on us, she pulls in front of us IN HER CAR! She said she had had enough – she ran the whole first mile and half the second and she was done.

WHAT!!!!! IT’s only been 26 minutes!!!!!!!

Here I am jealous that she had the time to get through the 4th mile and jealous as hell that she actually ran the ENTIRE 1st mile – and she is done! I’m sooooo disappointed (and yet secretly relieved that she is imperfectly human after all that running (at once!)…) Yes, I know, it wasn’t like she was running 26 miles without stopping like thousands of people can do, but I am working on just being able to run 1 mile (much less the 3 I need to finish the 5k) without stopping – and she can already do that. Of course it helps that she just probably graduated college last year or something maybe high school – she is A LOT younger than, ummm, ME…j/k! (But, she is closer in age to Kitty than to me – I just thought I would throw that out there….)

The girls and I became VERY aware that our mad conditioning skills are only a little more advanced than an elementary fitness test – thanks CL! If it takes us adding an extra workout in the evenings for the next 4 weeks, WE WILL be running the ENTIRE 5k – mostly – maybe half – we’ll see.

Day 43

It’s the official end of the 6th week and we’re off to a really great 7th week! I changed up our workout this morning and took my own advice from yesterday – to the next level. Our workout consisted of 3 miles of the following:
45 seconds of running followed by 30 seconds of walking and then 15 seconds of the following 9 exercises (one exercise per interval – designed to alternate between upright and ground work):

Jumping Jacks
Bicycle Sit-ups
Jump Rope
Walking Lunges
Leg flutters – it works the abdominals – I don’t know what it’s called, so I made up my own name…
Jumping Frog Squats
Running High Knees

All 9 intervals are completed in 1 mile.

I have to say that I am very proud of all the ladies that came to workout this morning! It was me and the girls, the friend, Coworker 1 (CL), Coworker 2 (CA), and one of CA friends – I will call her Lee. But, before I begin, I want to tell Lee that I am proud of her for getting up and coming to workout. Yes, she did only make it through 1 mile of this routine and then just quickly left in her car, but nonetheless, she got her butt up out of bed and showed up. Please don’t give up – it has taken us 6 weeks to be able to accomplish what we accomplished this morning, so don’t get discouraged! I promise I won’t yell at you for falling behind – just don’t quit! As the girls and I were choosing which exercises to incorporate into this workout last night, I honestly didn’t think we would make it all the way through 2 miles – BUT we made it through ALL THREE! (Oh yeah, doing the cabbage patch!) (Crap that hurt…) My muscles are not taking their time to become sore – they were sore before I finished! So sore in fact, that I took the elevator this morning – now THAT is a good workout!

Okay, this morning’s workout was BRUTAL! I don’t know any other way to put it. As usual, there was crying, nausea spells, dizzy spells, and a lot of YELLING! At one point we reached the 15 seconds of Leg Flutters in the 2nd mile and Kat decides to take 10 seconds to get on the ground and then she just laid there! I guess she didn’t think I could see her – so, I tell everyone to continue (there were numerous groans!) and I ran to where she was and got down on the ground in her face and told her that “ALL I’M ASKING IS FOR 15 SECONDS – 15 SECONDS – NOW GO!!!!!” Needless to say, she started crying, but she gave me those 15 seconds! We begin mile 3 and I’m yelling again at the girls to RUN and then I’m saying “WHY CAN’T WE HAVE ONE WORKOUT WITHOUT TEARS? YOU SPEND ALL YOUR ENERGY CRYING WHILE YOUR GETTING IT DONE, SO PUT THE CRYING EFFORT INTO RUNNING!” Then I use CL’s line “I can’t make you do it! If you don’t want to run then that is the results your are going to see – If you want to run, then that is the results you are going to see – you either WANT IT or YOU DON’T! I guess that made Kiki mad because she took off sprinting ahead of everyone else and almost finished the 3rd mile in 1st! I guess whatever works…right?

So, with that being said, I want to show everyone my heroes – this picture is 8 years old – one of my favorites (hold on a minute – tear :'(). Their dedication to getting up early and excitement over the THOUGHT of starting a new school year thinner, has given me the motivation I need to get up every morning and continue what I am doing.

To all the parents out there – this is NOT easy! But, when you get through all the crying, nausea, dizziness, and YELLING, you realize that you are helping your children live the way you want them to live and setting an example by becoming healthier yourself. Every day that we are blessed to wake up we can choose to take advantage of the time and all the opportunities that hopefully will lead us into a long and happy future. I have three degrees hanging on my walls, I LOVE the company I work for, and I am very good at what I do, but NOTHING has been more fulfilling in my life so far than this journey and seeing how MY commitment really is changing the lives that are dearest and closest to my heart.

Now for the worst part of this whole process – my weight and pictures…ughhhhh.

Kiki’s current weight = 127.1 – LOSS of 1lb! Total so far = 10.9lbs!!!
Kitty’s current weight = 168.2 – LOSS of 4.1lbs! Total so far = 9.8lbs!!!
You RRRRRR welcome!
My current weight = 167 – Loss of 1.1lbs! Total so far = 6lbs & since February 25lbs!!!

Given the results after 6 weeks, I can honestly say that I am soooo happy! Remember that we gained weight in one of the six, so that meant we had to lose those too! Not counting that week, we have stuck pretty close to our 2-3lbs a week weight loss goal! YEAH!

Building Blocks – start with one block (2-3lbs a week) and build up!

Day 42

Two of my coworkers came this morning and ran with us, and AGAIN, the 1st mile was great! But, there was a lot of yelling and crying through the some of the 2nd mile and ALL of the 3rd mile! I knew the girls weren’t “feeling” it this morning, but come on! Really? I mean who is excited to get up and exercise at 5am every morning? The fact is they don’t have a choice anymore, so why not make the best of it? I guess that’s too much to ask for…they could at least pretend! Tonight we will have a second workout – I don’t know what, but I do know that my knees can’t handle Jillian Michaels yet – oh darn – but it will be something!

Tomorrow is weigh-in, so we need that extra chance to sweat off 5lbs of water! I’ve been avoiding the pictures like a plague, so I GUESS I will submit those tomorrow too. Not that you all are dying to see my “belly belly” in all its chiseled glory! If I look like I have a six-pack (oh yeah!) tomorrow, it’s because I have been eating no fat and doing 1,000 sit-ups every day and not because I airbrushed my stomach to look like those men in 300 – I swear…

I am still thinking of a creative way to set up an obstacle course in the mornings to add some “fun and excitement” (sarcasm font) to our workouts without having to hall a trailer full of crap that I need to set up. So, if you have any suggestions (remember its dark at 5am!) that doesn’t involve loading up an 18-wheeler – send them my way! Maybe I can start with jump-ropes and similar stuff – maybe when we hit the corners, we can do pushup, sit-ups, jumping jacks etc…now THAT is a good idea. Oh yeah, the girls will definitely love me then – they will have so much fun and I will be the praised and cherished queen in our own little workout world! Um, okay – moving on….

Kiki lost a shoe again this morning – I give up – next time, she is running barefoot!

We did cook a recipe out of the Biggest Loser’s cookbook last night. mmm, aaa – could have done without that meal. I need a lot of practice in the cooking department! I should have just had a glass of wine and went to bed, but NO –what kind of example would that have been? See, the girls aren't the only ones making sacrifices!

Days 38, 39, 40 & 41

I would like to begin by giving a “shout out” to the Lamesa U8 girls softball team, who went undefeated to win this weekend’s All Start Tournament Championship! WhoHoo! (My sister was one of the coaches…)

It was a busy weekend – no formal workouts, but there were lots of calories burned under the hot Texas sun! I had family down this weekend to watch the All Star Tournament, so it was a fun time. My mom FINALLY read my blog and expressed her pride in our success and my writing – she recommended that I write a book. (I had to explain to her that I will be writing a book, but THAT book will not be discussed here and it is projected to sell more than 50 million copies worldwide (okay, my projection...) ).

This morning I changed up our intervals. I didn’t focus on time, but rather on distance. Each side had a long run and recovery and the end had two full speed sprint runs and one short recovery in between. I have to admit that the full speed runs felt pretty good once I got past the knees popping and the ankles crackling! We get through the 1st and most of the 2nd mile fine, but Kitty and Kiki decided that they didn’t want to jog very fast. I could WALK behind them – that’s how fast they were going! Kiki starts to complain that her side hurts, so she needs water and Kitty is complaining about being out of breath. “I don’t care! Turn around and get started on Mile 3!” No, I wasn’t going to let them quit or stop for water or anything else for that matter when they were working at half pace! So, now Kiki is crying and Kitty is mad and I am “stimulating their motivation” (thanks Ted for the alternative word to YELLING). Kitty is way out in front of us now because she is mad and she knows that if I catch up to her she has to run more. Kiki is still crying and wasting all of her energy on crying instead of focusing on her breathing.

Kitty finishes the last long run and Kiki and I are not far behind. It comes down to the last 30 feet and I tell Kiki to run full speed and make it a great finish. She sucks it up one more time and just as soon as she hits the internal “GO”, she trips over her own feet and falls to the ground. She didn’t hurt herself, but now she is really mad at me and is completely balling! I try to jokingly tell her that she broke the concrete and not to worry because Kitty didn’t see, but she is upset. She gets over it by the time cool-down is over, but informs me that she thinks she has a thorn in her elbow. (She doesn’t…she just needed a little mommy TLC.)

Today, we are cracking down on our eating. Along with the biggest loser cookbook, I have found some great advice and tips on Doctor Oz’s website – (Thanks mom!)

Also, I think we will be cleaning and decluttering this week too – one thing (drawer, cabinet, counter, closet) at a time.

Building Blocks – start small and build up!

If anyone’s out there - what is your building block this week?

Day 37

When my alarm went off this morning, I turned it back off immediately! I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I knew I still had to go to work, so I rolled over and began resetting my alarm to go off at 6:45 then went back to sleep. Although it seemed like I had slept for another hour, it had only been 20 minutes! WTH? I guess that was my body’s way of telling me to get my butt out of bed! Fine!

I go ahead and get the girls up – I know we are late getting up, but we can at least get SOME exercise done. We head out the door and start walking. I tell the girls to keep up or they will have to run – so they kept up… I guess we were all experiencing a little bit of tired delirium, because we were acting so stupid.

At first we were speed walking. Well I was speed walking and the girls were acting like idiots trying to stretch out their strides and arms as far as they would go. They looked like wounded zombies running after someone’s brains! It was completely pitiful! I’m sure we woke up all the houses down the block either from yelling or laughing – they’ll get over it. They finally started walking right and I kept hearing bits of their conversation – it went something like this:

“You can’t say “YO MAMA” because she’s yo mama too!” (I guess they were telling jokes.) “Gross! You just wait! I’m going to save a big stinking time-bomb that will make you pass out!” “You need to start wearing a bra – shut up !” “Get off me!” “Walk with mom!” “It smells like fresh dog poop – ohhhh – you’re gross!” “I can’t breathe!” “I’m melting!” “At least mom is in front of us – she didn’t have her mouth open!”

After all of this, Kiki is now by my side. She is running in front of me because Kitty is about to push her and she thinks she is safer in front of me. WRONG! Then she turns around and says “my shoulder hurts, can you give me a piggy-back ride?” Umm NO! She turns around and pulls a wedgie out of her butt and then immediately pulls her pants up only to say “oh man, I gave myself another wedgie!” We are laughing and carrying on when we hit our turn around mark. I take several steps when I here Kiki yell “carry me!” I didn’t get to take another step before I feel her whole body jump on my back – Huummph! Down we go – my knees hit the concrete and the weight of her body is pressing my face into the ground. WTH?!!! I want to throw her off of me just as fast as she jumped on, but she’s heavy! Oh my! I thought my back was broke! We get up and she is apologizing and I’m picking stickers out of my ankles! Kitty is laughing so hard she needs to pee and Kiki is now scared for her life and yelling at Kitty to “Stop Laughing!”

I don’t say another word on the way home–and the girls kept up with my speed! Yes it is funny now, but unexpectedly eating dirt at 5:30 in the morning is NOT FUNNY! My back still hurts!

I guess kids will be kids and if we survive them being kids then it makes for a lot of funny memories to talk about down the road!

Do you have any funny piggy-back ride moments?

Days 35 & 36

Our workout yesterday morning was delayed until last evening because of the hubby’s monthly safety meeting in Odessa. I didn’t really have any plans as far as our workout, so we headed out the door and started walking. We ended up a mile down the street to a close friend’s new house. They are in the process of completely gutting just about everything and every room, so I knew that I could show up and put the girls to work for 20 minutes before we headed home – and that’s exactly what happened. The girls hauled mound after mound of trash and “stuff” to the dumpster and were sweating like crazy when we headed home. I know it wasn’t your typical, gym or school workout, but it was a really good one! The girls were making me laugh too! Kitty was acting like Arnold Swortsinizer (that’s how she kept pronouncing his name) and Kiki was acting like that 700lb fat man character on Austin Powers. They kept goofing off and then Kiki mooned Kitty – right there on the street! Oh yeah – that’s my daughter… That last mile was over with pretty quick because we were laughing and having a good time.

This morning, I got up at 5am and headed to the girls room to get them up, but Kiki was already up. I told her to get ready and she said that she had been up all night sick to her stomach (bottom end). So, I canceled the morning workout – not cleaning that up!

Kitty is still disturbingly obsessed with her overall weight “number”, so I took their weights this morning but did not let them see the results. I didn’t take pictures either because the suggested act increased the theatrical drama and I didn’t want to start my day off MAD grrrrrrr.

Week 5 Results

Kiki: current weight is 128.1 – LOSS of 1.2lbs!

Kitty: current weight is 172.3 – REMAINED THE SAME – I’ll give her an ounce!

My current weight is 168.1 – LOSS of 1.7lbs!

Kitty is driving me crazy with the whole “number” issue! I’ve already hid the scale, so I am going to need to come up with another way to motivate, record, change – SOMETHING – so she won’t be so devastated that she isn’t losing completely unrealistic and unhealthy amounts of weight. The whole spin on we are training to run a 5k – IS NOT WORKING! (But we ARE going to run a 5k!)

I know I need to get really serious about the type and quantity of food we consume, but what else do you think I should do?

Do you know of any books that I can make her read that will inspire her to change her negative attitude into a positive and confident one?

Kitty just called and she isn’t feeling that great either, so any workout is canceled for today.

I know life happens and it’s not how many times you fall, but it’s how many times you can get back up that actually counts. Although it is very frustrating on this journey that I am taking with my girls, I CANNOT allow myself to get discouraged enough to give up or even let them give up. (AND I have been this() close!!!) If we are truly doing everything that we can do to become all healthier and bad azz – then shouldn’t our bodies become a complete reflection of our choices and actions? Why is this logic too hard to comprehend for some?

Days 32, 33 & 34

We headed into the weekend on a mission to clean, de-clutter and organize our closets, cabinets and drawers. Not to mention, shop for, plan and create a healthy menu for this week AND survive a 2 hour-long workout on one of the days.
Let’s see how we did…

Clean, de-clutter and organize:
Closets – cleaned off the floors and hung everything back up (since the pile was clothing that I tried on and it didn’t fit or was wrinkled…)
Cabinets – nope,I did open and then close them again
Drawers – umm, no – them either

Shop for, plan and create a healthy menu – thought about it, but that’s all - too busy being mad

Survive a 2 hour-long workout – didn’t even think about it – didn’t care that I didn’t even think about it.

Now, let’s replay –

Friday night, the girls wouldn’t clean their room – I’m mad.

Saturday the hubby is either working out or napping with son and the girls are hiding in their room NOT cleaning it or napping. I am washing clothes and trying to clean the house all by myself and getting madder by the minute.

Sunday morning the hubby leaves to go shoot for 8 hours, the girls are still NOT helping me because now they are mad that I have to go to work and can’t spend my afternoon playing tennis, or shopping for a stupid guinea pig, so they have the attitude of “why should I help now – we aren’t going to get to do anything!” I’m at the point where I don’t want to speak to any of them, so I start an argument with the hubby VIA text – that turns into us eating out at Olive Garden and me eating and drinking WAY too much and going to bed early.

Yep, I think that about covers my crappy weekend.

Surprisingly, I didn’t have any urge to go back to bed when my alarm went off at 5am. I knew I had to make up for not working out. Don’t get me wrong, I burned off plenty of calories, just not the way that I had originally planned.

This morning was 3 miles. Mile 1 and 2 weren’t so bad, but mile 3 was spent mostly walking. Not because my foot hurt terribly or because we all were trying to recover from doing poorly over the weekend, but because one of my daughters WOULD NOT run. Normally, I would have been screaming and yelling at her, but she unabashedly explained to me that her stomach was cramping and if I made her run she would poop on herself! Umm, okay – never mind – take your time! We finished the 3rd mile and she made it home – all the while telling the whole house “Man, I wouldn’t go in there for a while!” She did bring some much needed laughter to the house…

Day 31

This is the 2nd day in a row that I woke up before my alarm went off! CRAZY! It is also the second day where I am approaching lunch time and feel completely narcoleptic! I could literally fall asleep here at my desk, stopped at a red light, or even parked in my garage. I am tired! And hungry! And bitchy! Sorry…

This morning we completed 3.5 miles! YAY! We are s l o w l y increasing our distance – which is needed because we only have 6 weeks until our first EVER 5k. I switched up the intervals this morning – 30seconds running / 30seconds walking. Mile 1 and 2 weren’t so bad, but when we started mile 3 it was hard! Only 30 seconds of walking/recovery time is brutal! But, if you think about the intervals 30/30 it means that we are actually RUNNING half the distance! At the minute intervals, I think we were walking at a slower pace trying to recover – which decreased our total distance. Instead of increasing our minute intervals to 1.5/1.5 or 2/2, I think I am going to increase our running intervals only. Right now we are .30/.30. I want to increase this to 1/.30 then 2/.30. I guess the point I’m trying to make is that if we can increase the run time and not the walk time, then we can make that 4 mile goal within our allotted morning timeframe very soon! (Oh yeah, cabbage patch!)

This weekend might consist of a day off and it might not – I’ll let you know on Monday. At least one of the days this weekend will include a long 2 hour workout with weights, bands and lunges. Oh boy-can’t wait! (sarcasm font)

Kitty has soccer tryouts tomorrow, so that will be an extra workout for her. We’ll also tackle some much needed organization at the house. I don’t know about you, but the thought of clean, uncluttered and well organized drawers, cabinets, closets and bathrooms gives me enough energy to go run another 3 miles – almost…until I think about the humongous list of things that need to be cleaned out and uncluttered and then I’m tired again. I think we also need to create some kind of weekly menu and buy the groceries, (oh yeah and kitchenware, too) so we can be more successful in the “Eating a Healthy Diet” portion of our journey.

By the way – this morning before we began, I started making everyone say OUT LOUD their reasons why they were up and running at 5am. I think this will give us all that extra bit of fuel we need to jumpstart AND finish our workouts.

I might add that neither Kitty nor Kiki responded with an “I am here because my mom is forcing me to get up” – answer. Awww.

I know a lot of this exercise stuff is common sense and some of you might be thinking DUH when you read, but KNOWING something and learning how to achieve that something is NOT the same thing. Yes, if you run more your distance increases – DUH – but if you are like me and have NEVER been a runner, then you have to train yourself to actually run more so your distance increases!

Drop a comment and let me know if you have any exercise secrets or quick tips for eating better when children are involved.

Day 30

This is the first morning that I actually woke up before my alarm went off! Whoo Hooo! Today we went to one of the local parks. I had already scouted it out and measured the distance around the park, so I knew that 3 laps would equal a mile. My goal this morning was 4 miles – again. I feel that we need to break out of the 3 mile rut. Did we do it? Crap no! But, we did go 3.3 miles! It isn’t the 4 miles that I wanted to accomplish, but we broke free from the usual 3 miles – I am happy!

Although I am happy, Kitty is not. Ever since we weighed-in on Wednesday morning, she has been sulking like crazy! She didn’t want to push herself yesterday and she didn’t put forth any more effort this morning either – even with me yelling at her! She just acted like she couldn’t hear me…

So, I need to come up with some alternative brilliant, light bulb flashing, music playing and the whole TA DAAAA idea, so she will quit focusing on her weight “number” and start focusing on her goals! I’m an educated woman and I have taken enough Psychology classes in my lifetime to be able to come up with something…! Her problem is that she has reached that age of puberty where her hormones/mood swings/self identity/ self esteem – whatever – is ALL OVER THE PLACE! I can do it though – I’ll take suggestions if you have any too! My problem is that I wasn’t blessed with a lot of patience and after a very short while of support and accommodation, I just crack and say “Quit griping and DO something about it!!!!!! Shish!”

I have ZERO patience for self-degradation! Instead of griping about your thighs, why don’t you say “I am lucky that I can get my butt up and run in the mornings to take care of my troubled spots…”? OR, instead of saying “I’m tired – I’m sleepy, can we only do 2 miles today…” try being thankful that you were given another day to wake up and LIVE. Instead of complaining about how much I YELL, why don’t you say “I am lucky to have someone that yells at me because she doesn’t want me to EVER give up on anything in life and supports me enough to get up at 5AM every morning so I can be happier..?” You know life and attitude really are that simple. Just some suggestions…

I watched my brother die at the age of 36 after haven been sick for 10 years. Going from an extremely athletic man to the point where there were a lot of things that he couldn’t do physically anymore is reason enough for me to NOT take for granted the health that I have. It took me 12-15 months of deep depression to finally wake up and appreciate this reality.

When people say “Life’s too short” they are right! Life IS too short, because I can still remember the very day when Kitty learned to walk AND climb stairs! Sigh…Nope – don’t take anything for granted. Because the things that you keep putting off today are the things that you wish you had spent more time on in the end…
Haven’t you ever started a 4-6-8 week “something” (or maybe longer) then quit the first few days in – then after that time passes, you wake up one day and realize that you could have already been done if you would have just stuck with it? It sucks…

I can’t control the past – I can’t control the future – BUT I CAN control the choices I make today (because I was lucky enough to wake up) that will lead me into the future I want! (So, technically, I do control the future…?) Hmmm?

Day 29

“Success in any endeavor does not happen by accident. Rather, it’s the result of deliberate decisions, conscious effort, and immense persistence – all directed at specific goals.” ~Gary Ryan Blair

Today’s weigh-in:
Kiki: current weight is 129.3 – LOSS of 3.3lbs!
Kitty: current weight is 172.1 – LOSS of 1.1lbs!
My current weight is 169.8 – LOSS of 3lbs!
Sorry - you’ll have to wait for pictures until next week’s weigh-in! It was one of those mornings and that’s all I’m going to say about that, so don’t push it!

Total 4 week weight loss:
Kiki: LOSS 8.7lbs!
Kitty: LOSS 5.9lbs!
Me: LOSS 3.2lbs! Total weight loss since February 22.2lbs!

I know this is not the 10lbs in a week every week success story, but that is not our reality! If you add the weight back in that we GAINED in week 3 – the girls would be at a LOSS of 10lbs a piece! Oh well, you live, learn and keep on running.

The girls and I got up this morning and went to pick up my friend – the SLACKER went back to bed and stood us up. My goal was 4 miles again, but we didn’t make it – again! Mile 1 was done and over within 11 minutes. We begin mile 2 and Kitty drops behind me. I keep yelling at her to get in front of me and it seems that the more I yell, the slower she goes. Finally, I just stop and wait for her to pass me – “what is your problem!?” She acts like she doesn’t hear me and runs by – “WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!” She stops jogging (which I could have walked faster than her jog) and says “nothing-I just can’t believe that I only lost a pound.” WTH? So I begin explaining to her in a slightly raised voice (ok, I was yelling-whatever) She is expecting the 10lbs a week every week fantasy and IT ISN’T GOING TO HAPPEN! First, she doesn’t have that much to lose! Second, if she really wanted to lose weight faster, she wouldn’t be eating the way she does when there is no one around to stop her, and third if she was so upset, why the hell was she jogging slower than I could walk?! I would be pushing myself over the limit trying to make the next week a big LOSS week – not sulking like there is no hope in the world! BREATHE – 1,2,3, continue. Okay, Kitty, when we first started this we agreed that 2-3lbs a week would be the healthiest and maximum weight loss we could expect – right? (no answer) You gained weight in week 3, so you deduct those lbs in the end. We figured at this rate, you and Kiki could lose 30-35lbs before school started – so now, at this rate, you’re stuck with losing 25-30lbs instead. Is that so horrible?! She proceeded to whine and moan about how she is trying – whatever – GET OVER IT! If you are not happy with how fast you are losing weight – tough sh!t! Do something about it - RUN!

By the end of mile 2 she was over it. Just like that…poof. She and Kiki were ahead of me playing around and pushing each other when we began mile 3, and I’m not saying which one did it, but let’s just say that I didn’t eat a bug this morning - I ate a gas pocket! Umm Huh! You read correctly. The girls are playing around and I hear this machine gun sounding noise just about the time we start running. The girls are laughing so hard and I’m behind them yelling “man, you need to warn somebody – my mouth was open!” Normally, you would think that the smell I so surprisingly ran into would have scared off any insect within a 5 mile radius, but it seemed to attract every mosquito around! (And I thought they liked sweet smells…) We finished mile 3 swatting and dodging mosquitoes – NOT in record time!

So, we have developed the habit of getting up and working out in the morning and have committed to staying active. That is only half the battle. The next four weeks we are going to commit to eating A LOT better and controlling our portions and learning to cook new and healthier things too. Small problem: I really don’t have the kitchenware to accommodate cooking. If you know me, you know I can’t cook. And, it’s not that I physically can’t cook – but I can put my whole heart into the process and follow any recipe to the T, but it doesn’t turn out – well, edible – I honestly think it is every stove that I have ever owned and NOT me! I am the “black sheep” in my family when it comes to cooking. I have never developed a “taste” for cooking, or even tried to for that matter. Anyway, once the girls were old enough to start helping my husband wash dishes – my kitchenware began to disappear. Literally! As you can see in the picture below, I have two – probably 12-15 years old – skillets (that’s what they are called right?). I have a few different sizes of pots and dishes and I did have a very expensive set of dinnerware (?), but it seems they too have disappeared one by one - taken from the night gremlin and not because my girls feel the need to throw pots, pans, storage containers, forks, spoons, utensils, glasses and knives away instead of washing them. Oh yeah, it has to be the night gremlin…Umm huh.

I do have plenty of wine glasses and of course the wine cooler where our dishwasher used to be - priorities...

This whole cooking thing is going to be harder than I thought, because kitchenware (even the sorta good stuff) is not cheap! So, if any of you know about a great brand or recommend a certain type of kitchenware, or have tons of the good stuff (like my sisters) and want to share(GIVE) the extra to me - let me know!

Day 28

Day 28 and the last day of week 4!

Four weeks we’ve been doing this! Time flies when you’re having…umm never mind.

5am and back in the habit. Our goal was 4 miles in 1 minute walking/running intervals. We really need to start building up our endurance for the 5k we will be running in August.

This morning I picked up my friend (the friend) and another coworker and off we went to Abell. I told everyone what the goal was and we weren’t going to stop even if it started raining. So naturally, it started raining…the sky was dark, the air was cool and the rain felt great to me. Mile 1 went pretty smooth. We finished with a 13 minute time and 3 minutes of that was the beginning warm up and stretching. Pretty good! Straight on to mile 2 and everything seemed to be going great half way through. Then, I looked up to see my coworker (whom was running with Kiki about 60ft ahead) look back to see where we were and lose her footing and almost bust her butt on the street. Now, I’ve known this coworker for years – she used to help take care of the girls in daycare when they were itty-bitty, so the comfort level to laugh my butt off if she would have fallen is established - just FYI. Just as she recovers, Kat who is 10ft behind me is looking dead ahead and runs right off the curb! She didn’t fall either, but it made me question what was going on in her head to make her look straight and run crooked… Meanwhile, my friend is lagging behind all of us about 50ft and is not saying ANYTHING. I guessed that she was not happy with me making her run in the rain…she’ll get over it.

Okay, everyone had recovered and seemed to be running straight. I have the stopwatch in my hand, so it is me that is yelling at everyone when to run and walk. (Me yelling? Imagine that…) Three-quarters of the way into mile 2 I’m getting motion sickness! The rain is hitting my face and the humidity is fogging up my glasses, so I have to keep taking them off and waiting on a glimmer of light so I can see and yell at everyone at the end of every minute. It doesn’t take long before I just start counting in my head – that didn’t work. The rain was distracting; I was breathing so hard and trying to keep my glasses on my face that I kept losing count – crap – I had to look at the watch! At the end of mile 2, Kiki and my coworker had finished about 1 minute ahead of me – 2 minutes ahead of Kitty and 6 minutes ahead of my friend. We stop and get a drink, so my friend can catch up and then it was off to mile 3.

It didn’t take long (the very first minute) before Kiki and my coworker were about 40ft ahead of me and Kitty, and my friend was 60ft behind us (I guess she didn't hear me yell RUN!). We turn the first corner and I feel like I’m about to lose my stomach! I can’t look at the stopwatch anymore, so I give it to Kitty – I have to stop running – I neeeed to stop running! Just about the moment I am opening my mouth to tell everyone to walk a freaking bug flies into my mouth! I am choking and hacking and gagging and leaning over in the grass ready to lose the contents of my stomach (which is NOTHING - I'm starving)! Kitty is laughing at me so hard that she pushes the wrong buttons on the stopwatch and loses all of our times for the morning. Aw MAN!!!!! Meanwhile my friend comes up behind us about 20ft and is telling me that she was shot in the butt with an arrow! WTH? What? It's dark - let me see! She proceeds to tell us that she feels like she got shot in the butt with an arrow because her butt cheek got a cramp. I started to laugh, because I can see my friend totally falling and rolling on the ground yelling and moaning – dialing 911 and telling them that she was shot in the butt with an arrow – only for EMS to find out that it was a butt cramp! Then I felt bad because that is the reason she fell behind in mile 2 and if it really would have been an arrow – well, we would have still been running ahead like nothing was happening. Although, the vision of her having an arrow sticking out of her butt did take my mind off of the whole bug-in-the-mouth issue!

Anyway, we get through mile 3 and mile 4 is out of the question – we ran (no pun intended) out of time.

My friend took half (so she says) of a muscle relaxer because her butt cheek was still hurting – ouch! I hope I never get a butt cramp like that! I guess her mind and body were fighting each other in battle while she was running.

Tomorrow is weigh-in and pictures – Oh Boy! Yay!!!!!! (sarcasm font)

Days 25, 26 & 27

The heavy grey clouds and rain made Saturday a perfect rest day. (A rest from working out, but not a rest from anything else – like usual, I needed to get caught up on housework & laundry.)

Sunday was a different story. I told the girls that no matter what – raining or not- we were getting up and working out. And we did; in the rain! At first, it was sprinkling which felt really good, but then it started to mist pretty heavy. We were soaking wet when we finished those 3 miles and it felt really good to know that, as easy as it was to excuse ourselves from not running because of the rain, we made the right decision and ran anyway! Don’t get me wrong! There were definitely a few moments in our 3rd mile that I had to keep reminding the girls that we didn’t have it as bad as our military that train, work, and protect in more severe weather conditions! I might have also thrown in that they do it dressed in full combat attire with heavy boots – AND if they (the girls) didn’t stop griping, I was going to go buy them some of those items to wear! They got over their attitudes pretty quickly. That night we had a great time popping fireworks out at Windwalkers gun club. They had a big party with food, drinks and shooting (not in that order, of course!). After everything was said and done, the clouds lifted and made way for the most beautiful star filled night that I have seen in a long time!

Yesterday morning I had to get some work done for the school, so the girls and I worked out afterwards. I delivered the laptop (work completed) to the school and I drove back to Abel. The sky was covered in clouds and the wind was softly blowing – I loved it! Yes, it was humid, but for some reason, I like to work out now when it is humid – I sweat more and it makes me think I am really bad azz! (Aside from working out, I do not like to do ANYTHING else in the humidity! Nothing is worse than getting dressed up and going out in public with a sweat-mustache!) We finished mile 1 and the girls were struggling. Neither of them was hurt, bleeding, or injured, but they wanted to act like they were all three! At the half way point in mile 2 I had had enough! What was their problem? What about today is different from yesterday? Kiki started to cry and Kitty just acted like I wasn’t talking to her. No answer! Fine! Run, Run, Run – the rest of the way! We end mile 2 and both of them are mad at me – I don’t care, because I am mad too! Get to the bleachers! We do 1 set of pushups then 1 set of step-ups and repeat. We are about to begin mile 3 and Kitty, says “I have to go to the bathroom.” WTH? You already went! FINE! Get in the car! I was so disappointed! I know they’re tired – I’m tired, but I figured after taking Saturday off – they would have wanted to push themselves a little more. They knew I was mad because when we got home, they actually cleaned their room without me asking!

Oh well! It was a great 4th of July weekend overall!

Although we slacked a little on working out, we did better on eating!

Day 24

This morning – rain, so we run tonight.

Last night – Zumba for the first time EVER!

Okay, before I get into my Zumba story, let me start by (tooting my own horn) saying that I CAN dance. I was blessed with mad skills and a talent that makes most people jealous (toot, toot). But, just as Jillian Michaels burst my “I’m doing so great” bubble, Zumba completely destroyed my dancing ego!

The girls and I get to the class and my friend (same one) is waiting for us with her daughter in the back. We are in this huge gym and the class is full! The girls are super excited because they have performed Zumba in their previous P.E. classes at school and LOVED it! I know I’m going to do good because – well that’s how talented I am…

Class begins and I think to myself, this isn’t so bad. Then the music picks up…I no longer had a direct vision line of the instructor. I’m standing still asking, “Wait, what is she doing?” Kitty is laughing at me because I am doing the arm movements but not the leg movements - because it turns out that the closer you are to the instructor you get to see how to do the moves, but the further you are away, you have to rely on the people in front of you to know what is going on. (huge mistake!) I got so frustrated because remember – I CAN DANCE! I kept thinking to myself “If this big lady in the pink shirt would just MOVE, then I could see what was going on!” Shish! My ego was quickly dwindling away, so I started adding my own moves.

• You’re going to do a quick ball chain – I’m doing the running man – oh yeah, look at me – oh, you want to go the other direction do you – running man, running man! Bring it on! You want to stop and move your torso like that? I can do that too! See this, I know you see this!? You want to do that with that part of your body? Okay, I’m doing the MC Hammer – you can’t touch this! You want to move in circles shaking and groovin’ ? I’m doing the electric s-l-i-d-e… Arms in the air – I can do that! Breathe-------------------

End of round one. The girls are laughing so hard and Kiki is telling the whole gym that she doesn’t know who I am! We are drenched with sweat, but we all are having a good time!

Round two! The next moves were easy enough to follow and I kept griping that I couldn’t see anything. My friend told me to watch this other big lady in black because she knew all the moves. I started doing everything that she was doing and realized that maybe she was a little too big to add the bounce to the rhythm of the music. I get frustrated again! By this time, I am dancing like a spasmatic idiot having a seizure OR I am just standing there scratching my head. This is not acceptable! So, in my head, I was “battling” the instructor.

• You want to go sideways, move your arms in the air and kick your leg? Take this! Robot, robot – sprinkler – bring it back- I’m bad! I can’t see you anymore, but you want to go in circles? Okay – to the window-to the wall-sweat drip down my b.lls! (taken off of the Proposal for those that have no idea what this is-Sandra Bullock dancing in the woods) Anyway, just in that instant my friend says “I’m sweating so bad – if I had b.lls, I would be sweating from those too!” Funny, funny! You want to go from side to side moving your arms – okay – bounce, bounce, cabbage patch – slide, slide, cabbage patch! I soooo got this! You want to get down in a downward dog position and walk it out? Okay – never mind – I’ll just watch! (There was no way that if I got down on the floor, I was coming back up!) You want to squat down and shake you assets and pump your arms? I can do that too! Check me out – oh yeah – whoo-whoo!

Right about this time, I thought I was going to faint! Luckily it was over! Just for the record, these weren’t the only awesome dances I did – I was able to see her some of the time and TRY to do what she was doing! I can promise you that next time – I will be prepared! Kitty said that she got more of a workout laughing at me than anything else! Oh well – humor, fun and laughter at my expense is worth seeing the smiles on my girls’ faces. We ALL burned a lot of calories in that hour…

It doesn’t end there though…

We get home last night and the girls immediately start telling the hubby what I was doing! He is laughing and asking me to show him my moves, but I was playing it off and saying “you don’t want any of this – I’m bad azz!” The thought of my performance kept bothering me – I KNOW I am better at dancing than the uncoordinated, shaking, idiot that I just portrayed! So, I go to my bathroom mirror and start dancing! That’s the problem! I have several layers of fat that hide my total talented dancing hotness! CRAP! I keep looking at my body – In my head I’m popping and locking and dropping it like it’s hot! But, in the mirror, I’m clinging and jerking and the more my body jiggles the more my boobs and butt are less defined and all over the place! I give up trying to make my moves more fluid and precise-looking! It was making me mad…

Oh, don’t get me wrong! I still have it! I just need to uncover it a little more so the rest of the world will believe me!

News Flash!

Thanks to your feedback from emails, I have chosen our first EVER 5k run!
We have decided to join the Too Hot To Trot 5k run in Midland in August - the very weekend before school starts. Our goal is to run the entire 5k. I know, I know! We need to get busy and increase our run times!


Your support is extremely appreciated!

Day 23

Last night we ran 2 miles. It wasn’t easy, but we did it. I had my son with me, so I pulled out the jogging stroller. He was cute at first because every time I would yell at the girls to run or walk, he would copy me. At one corner I was yelling at them to walk (interval training, remember?) and he kept yelling at them over and over “RUN, RUN, RUN!” It was a proud mommy moment – he will make a great replacement Drill Sergeant for me one day. Aside from his cuteness – he was wearing me out! It was hard enough to run, but running while pushing a jogging stroller was killing me! It wouldn’t have been so bad if he wasn’t moving around, going up and down, trying to slide out the bottom or standing up and jumping! It took everything I had to keep the stroller going straight and upright! Oh, and did I mention all 3 wheels were going flat!? (Dare I say – RESISTANCE – no wonder I was sweating like I had just walked out of a steam room.) We went to my friend’s house afterwards (the one that I pick up most mornings) and cooked homemade healthy pizza. Yum! I thought I would let everyone know this, so you don’t think we slacked off yesterday.

I was praying for rain this morning – it didn’t happen! I got up and went to the living room to look out into the backyard. It looked like it could have been raining, but I saw one of my dogs lying out in the grass, so I knew it wasn’t(cause there's no way in hell she's getting wet). DARN! Instead of getting the girls up right away, I decided that we would work out again this evening and go back to bed. I even re-set my alarm to go off at 6:30am. After about 5 minutes of lying there, I began to tell myself that this is one of the first excuses I have given myself to NOT get up and work out – “we can do it this afternoon – I’m tired”.

I.Got.Up. I can’t start slacking now! Crap, we all GAINED weight this week and I want to go back to bed?! WTH was wrong with me! I got out of bed mad at myself and woke the girls up. Off to the school.

By the time we left, we were already behind. We ran 2 miles this morning, then 2 sets of pushups and step-ups. We started mile 1 with me yelling at them and finished mile 2 with one of them crying, so it was a typical morning…
We got home and Kiki cooked breakfast. From out of nowhere she wanted to make eggs –over easy! I have never done that and I know her daddy hasn’t, so I was thinking that this was going to be a disaster! I asked her if she knew what she was doing and all she said was “I’ve seen it done”. Umm – okay….

When I got back to the kitchen she had breakfast made – eggs & biscuits. I was very proud of her!!!! I was so proud of her that I even took a picture of my egg! Kiki, (my eleven year old) cooked this egg without any grease, butter, or cooking spray – very impressive! (Thank God she didn’t get her cooking skills from me!!!!)

Tonight, the girls and I are going to Zumba at the YMCA. My friend talked us into going since there is no age limit on this class. This should be very interesting!

My arms hurt from pushing the stroller yesterday…I’m tired…