396 Miles to Summer

It's 396 miles to summer...

Okay, maybe not the actual summer calendar date, but summer as in school will be out! WhooHoo! June 1st!

Since my workouts are hit or miss, I have challenged myself to complete 12 miles a day for the next 33 days - when school is out for the summer. Oy!

I can do it! My goal is to get 12 miles in everyday either running, walking, elliptical or cycling. But, I promised myself that only half of my 12 miles could be completed in cycling and the rest in another form.


Well, because my goal is to get out of the 45minutes -1 hour a day workouts (which haven't even been achieved!) and REALLY accomplish finding the time to take care of myself.

With my busy schedule and hectic family chauffeuring life, I want to prove to others out there that IT CAN BE DONE!

I devised a plan and it consist of daily workouts morning, noon and evening in order to get in the allotted time needed to complete the full 12 miles - EVERY DAY.

6 miles cycling
3 miles running/walking
3 miles elliptical

Am I crazy?! Probably.

But I am motivated and determined to see this short-term goal become a reality.

Today is day one.

Do you know what I did this morning at 5am?!


I did not get up and workout like I had planned - after 4 hours of sleep all I could do was watch the clock.

No sleep = total bitch!

I plan to make up the time this evening - come hell or high water I WILL get in these 12 miles today.

I am excited and ready to take on the world - today.


That might be another story...

But I will get in my 12 miles...


It's no secret to any of you, but I AM a writer. You faithfully return here day in and day out to read my work - and for this, I am deeply grateful.

I might not have an extensive vocabulary and I might not proofread everything completely and I even might not have the typical writer's "proper" format and grammar, but you know what? I don't care and it doesn't matter, because I AM a writer. Writing is my therapy...

I don't write research articles and I don't write - well anything - that requires ANY research. I write what I know - what I have read about and absorbed. I write about life and experiences and wishes and dreams and common sense.

I have been very lucky from a young age to be able to manifest my thoughts and dreams and I hope one day everyone will be able to feel the exhilaration that I feel now.

I have never failed to fulfill my dreams so far. I spent years taking care of work and my family and then doing college homework between the hours of 10pm and 1am - YEARS! I dreamed of a college degree and you know what? I graduated with honors.

I knew exactly what type of day-job I wanted - boss, schedule, flexibility and pay - and I HAVE IT!

I hold multiple certificates and diplomas in completely opposite and varying subjects that it would make you wonder if I had multiple personalities.

Included on my dream list is to make millions selling a book(s) that I have written - a book(s) that will help inspire others and instill hope on a cellular level.

Be warned: I WILL manifest this dream too!

I've already started a series. I dream beyond what others might think is impossible and prove to them that ANYTHING is this life IS!

I wasn't voted "Most Likely to Succeed" for nothing...

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

― Mae West

It sucked and then I cried happy tears...

To write my life is crazy is an understatement. I try to juggle EVERYTHING - career, family and home. And most of the time, I succeed, but lately, I have had this overwhelming feeling of needing to leave and escape.

Seriously people! I have been thinking about running away - leaving everything for Mr. Strong to handle - because I have been at a point where I would voluntarily go into a mental hospital for the "rest"!

Mental exhaustion has taken it's toll!

Okay, so maybe I have lost 20 of the 35lbs I gained, but I don't feel any healthier because I haven't done it working out. It's been diet and the lack thereof.

My endorphins have been vacationing without me and I don't care - I just want to go to sleep.

After a mini-breakdown and a really long conversation with Mr. Strong he decided that he would take the kids 2 days during the week and "handle" their schedules, so I would have time for me.

Mondays and Thursdays...

Yesterday was Monday...

I didn't workout like I wanted due to "other" items that needed my attention - dentist and work!

This morning while Mr. Strong was leaving I literally rolled out of bed and onto my spinning bike.

Picture this:

Hair looking like Amy Winehouse's, pajama pants, t-shirt (no bra!), socks and slippers. I just left the lights off...

It was cold and I didn't have the energy to change clothes or put on my shoes. The only thing I did was put on the top that goes to my sauna suit. I figured since I didn't have that much time, I would sweat and burn as many calories as fast as possible.

I started pedaling. Every joint creaked and my muscles screamed at me to stop. Five minutes in, I was panting already - ALREADY! My ass and my thigh muscles were reacting like I had never been on a spin bike before. I almost jumped back into my bed and said "fuck this!"

But I didn't. I told myself, 20-25 minutes is all I have to complete - I CAN DO THIS. My body was reacting a bit differently. Somewhere around minute 12 I told myself silently - "Damn! I should have put on a bra!"

By minute 15 I had a pretty good groove going and I was starting to feel my ass burn. So what did I do? I increased my tension and stood up! My attitude was to give it all I had, but it lasted for about 5 seconds. I didn't mind the tension and my thighs were burning, but my boobs wouldn't cooperate. Standing up created entirely too much "boob" movement!

The whole first 20 minutes SUCKED! I thought I was in better shape than what my body was screaming back at me.

Around minute 21 I figured out that I didn't quit at 20 minutes and I was proud of myself. I knew I had only 4 minutes left. (Because 25 minutes was the exact amount of "extra" time I had in order to get ready for work on time...)

At 22 minutes I was sweating and I knew that in just one more minute, I could start a 2 minute cool down. When I hit 23 minutes out of nowhere appeared a lump in my throat. You know that kind of lump when you are watching a really good movie and the happy tears are building because you know something great is about to happen?

I guess my endorphins returned from vacation somewhere around minute 24 because happy tears began to run down my cheeks. Not many, but enough to FEEL life's energy return to my spirit.

Screw the mental hospital and Psyche medications. Give me the ability to workout and write and suddenly I am headed toward a total body healing.

This morning in the shower I realized that life is about balance. If you can find some time EVERY day to take care of yourself, then you won't be looking for a divorce or mental hospital to help you escape your life.

May you all find your time!

Take it from me, it might suck, but the results can produce happy tears!

In a strange place...

Have you ever woke up and just found yourself wondering - where am I in my life? Am I doing all that I can to ensure my own happiness?

I feel like I have been in this strange place since school started for the girls. Work is busy, the family is busy and I am just watching myself act and react like a robot.

Could it be depression? Maybe, but to tell you the truth, I am happy, but I am also unhappy.

I haven't been able to write as much as I would have liked to over the past 6 months and now I am coming up on my two year anniversary. It's crazy - two years - and I am disappointed at how this past year has turned out. Almost everything I had set out to do....bombed.

This past 6 months waved a big good fucking bye in my rear view mirror with a smirk the size of Texas. A smirk that said, I knew you would SUCK at meeting your goals!

If I am being honest, I guess I could write that my life has gone in another direction. A direction of commitment to work and to my family and "who the hell has time to workout!"

Sorry, my attitude is shitty and my lack of care is apparent.

At times I want to get on here and just write...just blog without a care...but I am not anonymous and that could cause problems with individuals that read my work.

It's just crazy right now - or maybe it's me that is crazy -  I don't know...

But I do know that I am in a strange place, and somethings gotta change.