Words to Inspire

I know that it has been hard to appreciate the holiday season this year – especially now. Everywhere you turn, people are dying, tragedies are rampant in the news and others are sickly.

I am not an uncaring bitch. I feel heartfelt sorrow for what is going on in this world today and compassion for all of us affected. I pissed someone off this morning because I chose not to “talk” about all the negative happenings that are transpiring in the media.

If you have read me for any amount of time, you know that I believe the more “sad & depressed” energy you give negative situations only begets more sad & depressed energy towards more negative situations.

I try my very best NOT to partake. I am not a cold-hearted monster. I just choose to focus on the positive that is in my life and the world today with more force now than ever.

This is my favorite time of year! And everywhere I turn, it seems someone is trying to suck the GOOD out of the true possibilities that this season offers!

Again, I don’t discount anything that is going on – I just want to continue to focus on the positive & happy reasons where I am truly blessed.

Maybe the quotes below will give you some words to inspire a domino of positive realignment.

My post today is NOT to make anyone mad – instead I am trying to bring a positive perspective in an otherwise sad time.


“Sometimes it feels like there are so many things we can't control, earthquakes, floods, reality shows. But it's important to remember the things we can, like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts. Because the one thing that turns the world from a lonely place to a beautiful place, is love. Love in any of its forms. Love gives us hope.”


“The next time you feel frazzled, angry or irritated, take a moment to take a couple deep breaths and remember that we all have our own stories, our own troubles, our own challenges. No matter what our beliefs, we are all tied together here on this planet. If you can manage a smile and a kind word, it might be the only kindness another person receives that day. Imagine what impact that could have on someone; think about the importance of being the only bright note in someone's day. Remember in your own life people who have made you smile on a bad day, done a kindness with no expectation of return, even simply not made a bad moment worse. Know that you can be that person to someone else.”


"It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year (Holidays), to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember both our triumphs and our missteps - our promises made, and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures - or closed ourselves down, for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what New Year's is all about: getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about 'what if' and start embracing what would be. So when that ball drops at midnight - and it will drop - let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long."

This Holiday Season, I ask that you turn your sadness into a celebration - for what it truly is…

Do not mourn those that have passed; celebrate THEIR life.

Do not mourn your hardships, debts and burdens; celebrate YOUR life.

So happy holidays everyone. I hope there’s a lot for you to be grateful for, and that you can in some way pay it forward throughout the New Year.

I don't want to be skinny - I want to be healthy

Today is going to be busy.

Tomorrow is going to be busy.

The month of December is ALWAYS busy.

And it’s my favorite month of the year – love, love, LOVE this season!

I woke up this morning on a mission to get my wardrobe back. I don’t care what it takes or how I fool myself into believing that it’s not so horrible to sacrifice high cholesterol, high fat, and an obscene amount of calories in order to live a healthier and more energetic life.

I don't want to be skinny - I want to be healthy - I want to be able to run a few miles again without collapsing on the ground in the fetal position after only 20ft!
I might as well be standing in the middle of a state fair with my elastic waistband stretched to its limits causing a “high-water” pant leg eating fried butter on a stick. (Gag!)

This last year has been hit and miss and completely ridiculous! I should shank myself for letting "me" go.

I don’t want to wait until the New Year.

I NEED to begin today – yesterday – fucking 10+ years ago!

More importantly, I need to stick with it for-EVER!

This is how I feel:

And I’ve already promised Mr. Strong that this is going to be next year’s Halloween costume!

Soooooo...I have some work to do…


I wish...

Where do I begin…

I wish I was anonymous.

I wish my leggings didn’t roll down past my belly button after I pulled them up to my breast for the fucking thousandth time!

I wish my laundry would magically get done every week without my assistance.

I wish the girls’ room would stay clean.

I wish I felt better, because I am in desperate need of exercise.

I wish I would win the lottery so I could help those around me that I know are struggling, but still haven’t given up.

I wish I had passports for the kids, so I could just pick up and fly somewhere tropical –just because I can.

I wish everyone could comprehend the Law of Attraction, so I could quit screaming under my breath “YOU ARE YOU’RE FUCKING PROBLEM - YOUUUUU!”

I wish I didn’t have to go back and read my older posts sometimes for inspiration – I’d prefer to stay in that mindset always.

I wish I had my wardrobe back – like yesterday. There are only so many cute leggings and tunics on the market today. I’m ready to get rid of the “elastic” waistbands – being sick has helped! (Oh yeah! Ka-chow!)

But mostly:

I wish I had more time to write.

A good intention gone straight to hell.

It’s no secret to any of you that I’m not a cook. I would love to spend some time learning the culinary arts, but I’m afraid that just isn’t in my schedule.

Mr. Strong and the kids would say that it wasn’t in my talent range either, but who cares…right?

Anyway, both girls are sick, so I thought yesterday that I would LOVINGLY make them some homemade Chicken Noodle Soup.


I don’t know – I felt like I could try something new…

I Googled recipes…and then I thought to myself “Shit, I’m going to need things like...ingredients.”

All of the recipes contained the following:

Chicken Pieces

Chicken Stock





Bay Leaf

Egg Noodles

Not too complicated right?

Well? For someone that doesn’t cook very often I was extremely confused.

After my recipe search, my mind was racing. “What the fuck are chicken pieces? Do they actually sell chicken pieces? Is Chicken Stock the same as Chicken Broth and will the label tell me this? And what the hell is a Bay Leaf? Where in the world do I find that thing? Shit! Shit! Shit!”

Okay, after work I decide to venture into HEB because it’s two days before Thanksgiving and I thought it wouldn’t take me long with only needing a few items. Shoot me!

I wasn’t 10 feet into the store and it looked like a mad house! Everyone was racing to get their Thanksgiving menus shoved into their baskets and nobody was looking out for anyone else! Complete! Chaos! It was soooo crowded!

I found the vegetables I needed and as soon as I was about to venture into the meat isle, this basket came racing across my foot and the girl never looked back to see if I was all right. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs You fucking idiot! If you weren’t 7 years old, I would chase after you and beat your ass!!!!”

You can rest assured I didn’t. I just limped over to the chicken and this is where everything went downhill.

I swear the whole time I’m in the store, it’s like I’m moving in slow motion and everyone around me is pushing, reaching and racing on.

I couldn’t find “chicken pieces” – there were whole chickens and chicken parts and chicken breasts, but NO CHICKEN PIECES! In my vision and limited cooking skills I was looking for cubes of chicken or something similar - like the picture. None.


Okay, I set there thinking “I will come back, because if this bitch reaches around me one more time, I’m going to bite her arm!”

So I take myself over to the spice isle looking for this all elusive bay leaf. It’s a seasoning right? Well I still don’t know what the fuck it is because I never found it. I finally asked someone that worked there and she led me to Basil – NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING LADY!

Apparently she doesn’t cook much either.


I walked out of the isle – who the hell needs a bay leaf anyway!?

I went to the soup isle and there was NO Chicken Stock – Broth or anything else CHICKEN in that isle. It turns out that Chicken Stock/Broth is used in Thanksgiving cooking and they were sold out.

OMG! Really!? I’m about to drop my basket in the middle of this isle and just walk out of the store when I realized that I still needed the toilet paper.

Fuck it! The girls don’t need Chicken Noodle Soup!!!!!

I went to check out with no rhyme or reason to the items in my basket – NONE.

I walked straight up to the express checkout – 10 items or less – with 12 items and the whole time I was begging the checkout lady to “say something!”

I’m sure she was thinking “Sausage, Toilet Paper, Sushi, Broccoli – awwww poor lady!”

Never. Again.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and if you’re cooking? May you find all the ingredients you need!

Total Deja Vu

I saw that someone had read this post in my sidebar today and instead of ignoring it, i thought "What the hell?"

And you know what? It was a total DejaVu moment!

I miss writing everyday...



HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY to my dearest Doodlebug!

You have brought indescribable joy into our lives.

Never stop smiling!

Never lose your sense of humor!

I love you more than words can define!

You are my heart - my life.


Unapologetically, the parent I am.

My heart broke a little bit for someone yesterday, and well last night? It broke a little more for me.

I can only write that I am sending out healing, comforting and positive energy to all those that need it now – including me.

I could go into details on what I just wrote, but I won’t – not today.

I will write this instead. This topic is weighing heavy on my heart too, so here it goes:

To my children:

I will ALWAYS be the helicopter mom; pushing you to be the best that I know you can be and encouraging the unlimited potential that I know exists inside you.

I will bitch and gripe and question the bad choices you make, but I will ALWAYS respect your individuality and encourage your walk to the beat of a different drum.

I believe that it is my job and responsibility to make sure you have the necessities in life, but I promise that as long as I am physically able, I will provide a richer world than what I experienced as a child so long as you show true appreciation for the gifts in your life.

I will ALWAYS be the mom that praises and supports you in everything you do or want to accomplish in this life.

I will ALWAYS support your dreams whether I approve or not, because they are in fact, YOUR dreams.

I believe that the more you help others, the more your life will be richly rewarded and I will never let you forget this.

I will never fail to remind you that even as teenagers and the world seems small and drama runs ramped among your friends, your ATTITUDE toward these life experiences will ALWAYS determine your overall happiness.

I will ALWAYS expect payment for the privileges in your life to include chores, good grades and gratitude, and I will never deny you your high school experiences if you put in 100% effort and still fall short. Nobody is perfect.

I will ALWAYS demand you show respect and use your manners in private and public – no negotiations on this one.

I will probably dismiss some of your gripes because I believe that you are bigger than petty gossip or participation, but I will NEVER dismiss your feelings or what you feel deep in your heart.

I don’t know how to be a parent that is not involved with every aspect of your life. The things I do or say about your extracurricular activities, education, work ethics and gratitude will ALWAYS be in your best interest – even though you might want to shank me in my sleep.

I will ALWAYS acknowledge that I am not a perfect parent and compromises will be necessary as you get older.

And I will NEVER let you doubt, that I will ALWAYS be your biggest fan and love you unconditionally – even when you are being disciplined.

These are my parenting skills – there’s no other way for me. You will ALWAYS be given the world of support needed in every aspect of your life; as you will also earn those privileges, have rules and be disciplined for bad choices.


The parent I am.

For good.

I was reading some of my older posts on Facebook and I couldn’t believe how “night and day” my life was a year ago. I was focused and working hard on running and cycling and trying to become the best me possible.

Then, work got busy and I took on two audits almost all by myself and lost the desire to make myself a priority anymore. It’s no wonder that when I do get around to exercising now I burst into tears.

A less than stellar checkup lately has me scrambling to find the solution that will turn my health around.

It sucks…

But I will succeed…

For good.

Even on the deepest darkest cloudiest of days, the sun finds a way to shine through.

Have a great week everyone!

May you be blessed with the energy to exercise, the taste buds to appreciate healthy foods and the perspective of true gratitude.

Columnist for Hire

Yesterday the Universe threw a book at me, so I took the time to read it last night. Every. Word. And you know what? I’m glad I did! More to come on the book’s topic, but in the mean time – GO GET IT!

It was mentioned yesterday that I should be a full time writer and should be publishing my posts weekly and well? I don’t disagree! One day I will get paid for a weekly column outside of my blog, so if anyone out there is looking for a part-time weekly columnist – I’m your gal!

Well, maybe…

Let’s see…

First, I would have to name my column. I think a weekly Dose of Reality would work! That’s actually kind of a perfect name! It’s probably taken, but who gives a shit? This is fantasy right now.

I mean, NOTHING says Dose of Reality like the experience of having your toddler shit in the yard next to your truck while you’re outside visiting with company! I have your reality right here...

Anywhoozle. What would my column be about you ask? That’s a great question. Let’s run through some topics.

Raising Children:

Ummm? Probably not! My personal experience only goes through the age of 16 and well? My advice might not be very well received.

Dear Dose of Reality,

My daughter has started talking back to me, blah, blah, blah.

Dear Reader,

Take her by surprise and POP her in the mouth while shouting NO! NO! NO! BAD! BAD! You know, just like you do to a teething puppy. The puppy learns – being the more intelligent species, so should she.

See what I mean? …might not be well received.

Moving on.

Domestic Maintenance: (AKA: House cleaning)

Ummmm? That would be a Hell NO! Have you read lately how much I love my maid!? Household cleaning is not and never will be my forte.

Dear Dose of Reality,

How do you remove the built up , stuck on grease and food from the stove trays under my burners?

Dear Reader,

Buy new ones. If they aren’t the removable kind, then buy a new stove.

I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting any calls to write a cleaning column.

Next topic?


Ummm? That would be a holy shit – fuck NO! My column would be a plagiarizer’s wet dream!

Dear Dose of Reality,

What is the best way to cook a Thanksgiving Turkey?

Dear Reader,

Furrs Cafeteria. If they are closed then my Google search says that Rachel Ray prefers this recipe…

Yep. A Cooking column is out.

So what’s left?


Hell to the YES! Pay me (my family) to stay in 5-star hotels and travel the world. I will write you the most delicious, juicy, and very descriptive columns you have ever set your eyes on. I will be happy to relive every minute detail of my good times, good food and overall stay – or of the actual travel destination – whichever you prefer.


Ummm? Fuck YEAH! I could sooooo write a sex column! I could answer almost everyone’s questions! Because I’m a FREEEEEAAAAAK! I would never get bored with that kind of column. Of course my exceptionally well descriptive writing (although not properly written according the English language rules) might have people jacking-off in bathrooms, so that could be a small problem.

Law of Attraction:

There would be NO ONE BETTER! Hell, I’ve lived and am trying to live every day by its rules. I have no problem telling people that like attracts like! I have no problem inspiring and motivating people to become the best they can possibly dream to be! I also don’t have a problem with telling people to shut the fuck up with all their negativity and to look in the mirror at the source problem! But I would toooootally write that is a nice, none cursing way.

So there you go world!

I’m for hire!

(Note: I'm trying to hit 500k page views, so please forward and share! Many, many thanks!)

(Disclosure: I do not condone anyone to hit children. Do not take any advice literally – this is an entertainment BLOG only and not a platform on how you should live! The fact that I have to write this – in America – is truly sad!)

Ask and you shall receive.

Today I need to write.

No rhyme or reason.

Just for my sanity. The person I get to be when I write is not the person I get to be in the real world. Somewhere in between is the real me...

I’m leaving town next week.

I would like to write that I am escaping to some exotic tropical destination where I can relax, workout, eat healthy and repeat, but I can’t.

Not yet.

I’m looking for a new book to read – something inspirational and motivating OR filled with sex - nothing in between. So if you have a good suggestion please share.

In a few days the heavy demands of work will ease for about 4 months. I am super duper excited. I hope this means that I get to write more! And not just in my journal! I love my job - especially more so now.

The beautiful cooler weather we have been having makes me itch to get outdoors. Not to do anything specific, but just be outside in nature. Maybe out riding my bike in my oh so super sexy cycling helmet.

I love my maid. I am truly in love with her cleaning skills. I think more so, because she continues to return week after week even though she cleans the girls’ room. Have I written lately how much I love my maid?


Next week Mr. Strong and I will be confined together in an RV – all week. I was hoping to have mind blowing sex every day – you know the really nasty satisfying sex you can only have when your kids aren’t around knocking on the door asking “Mommy? Daddy? What are you doing?” - BUT, Mr. Strong is letting someone stay with us, so I’m shit out of luck I guess. Booo.

I went to Barnes & Noble on my lunch break to get Doodlebug some books to help him with his letters and numbers and this book fell off the shelf while I was walking down an aisle.



I did write earlier that I was looking for a new book to read…(and what is my title above?)

But really though?!
The Universe is throwing books at me now?!

Damn, I better listen!

Do I really care to read this book? Umm NO! But when a book magically falls off a shelf in front of you, you have to think that maybe there is “something” written on the inside that you really need.

Besides, picking it up and paying for it is better than running through the store with crazy arms screaming "There is a Poltergeist near the children's aisle! And it wants me to lose weight!" AAAAAAYYYYYYY!

You Failed Miserably!

Dearest Daughters:

Your rooms look like shit! I have spent the better part of 2 weeks trying to convince you two that your rooms were top priority every night to get cleaned with no luck.

I was at my wits end yesterday morning when I went through the house – after everyone had left – and realized that your rooms were still disaster areas from the night before. I spent numerous text messages bitching and griping and STILL your rooms were not done last night!

I explained that you two will consolidate back into one room, because I would rather have ONE room to worry about than TWO. I figure that the WHOLE room by yourselves must be too much work and trouble and I don’t want to burden you anymore than what you can handle. Regarding the instructions to consolidate into one room: I feel this way there will be TWO people in ONE room to help get it cleaned in HALF the time – right?

Last night, I refused to express any anger from the morning events and went about cooking and talking like nothing had happened. I waited to see if either one of you would do what I told you to about your rooms – and nothing. I guess you figured I was in a good mood, so you didn’t have to mind.

Last night was a TEST and YOU BOTH FAILED MISERABLY!!!

I shouldn’t have to be in constant Drill Sergeant Mode for either of you to mind me or believe my threats. Period!

So to Kitty…

…my darling sweet sixteen-year-old. You just had a birthday last week and are quite old enough to drive and have a little freedom, but you have failed to ONCE get your chores done since we handed over the keys to the HUMMMER. In my pre-happiness that you were finally old enough to handle your own schedule and drive yourself places, I failed as a parent to recognize that apparently you are not mature enough to handle freedom AND your chores. My bad…

So let me help you out. When you get back tonight you will park the HUMMER in the garage and you will not drive it until you prove that you are mature enough to handle and appreciate the extremely generous gift your father and I have provided you! I want to help you help yourself, so by taking away the HUMMER, I am helping you realign back to what is important to OUR household – getting your chores done!

But my love as a parent doesn’t stop there. I see that you have two classes where your current average is below what is acceptable in our household. As you know, your grades come first even before your chores, and neither is being done to my standards. So, I have happily canceled all your private tennis lessons and practice this week in order to assist you in what should be most important in your life. I can see the weight of driving on your own, cleaning your room and doing your homework is a trifecta of burdens that you can’t handle at once.

Oh no, no, there’s no need to thank me. I am doing this for you in hopes that you will learn to appreciate what your father and I work our ass off to provide and that one day you will wake up and realize that the greatest moments and achievements in life will always come to you with a little hard work and dedication. The price of teenage freedom comes in the form of cleaning your room and keeping your grades up. If the price is not paid – your freedom is repossessed!

It’s a simple lesson in life to learn.

You will thank me later.

Now to Kiki…

…my dearest, kindest thirteen-year-old. Let me begin by asking, why the hell was I called to come take you a polo shirt to school today?! Was it a surprise this morning that after 2 years of wearing uniforms to school that you HAD TO WEAR A UNIFORM TO SCHOOL TODAY?!

Ummm. No words…

Your room is even worse than Kitty’s. For the entire summer you were gone, that room stayed spotless. You CAN NOT BLAME Doodlebug! It appears that you have too much shit. I will be happy to help you load up trash bags full of clothes, toys and makeup to give to another child, whom I’m certain would greatly appreciate the abundance you have been afforded.

Why does your room seem to get worse the more you try to clean it? You keep making piles and moving those piles around and finally you end up with several piles of what? Where the freak does it come from?! I can only assume you took the sheets and blankets off the bed in order to get ready for Kitty to move in with you, but seriously – WTF?!

I know you do your homework in your room and I can’t gripe about you being a straight A student, but I can’t help but notice that your TV is very distracting when it comes to cleaning your room. I have passed your room on numerous occasions to find you sitting your ass on one of the beds watching TV. You have been working on this room for TWO freaking weeks!

I tell you what, I know that between Choir and Tennis and homework and your chores, it is very stressful for you. I am going to help you too. I will be taking your TV out of your room and I have cheerfully canceled all of your private tennis lessons this week too. Because I can’t take away a car you don’t have, I can explain to you the benefits of exercising.

Now, I know you have been complaining about being tired and you think that your room is dirty because of someone – anyone – else, but I am here to tell you today that this week, you will be running 3 miles every day after school. Exercise creates energy and endorphins to help with your complaints and concerns. You are worth my time and effort and what kind of parent would I be if I didn’t address your grievances head-on! I love you and would never want to see you needlessly suffer from lack of energy or accountability.

Tonight, I expect you both to cohabitate peacefully. I have no problems sticking your asses on a mattress out in the garage – seriously – I don’t want to hear your frustrations at me taken out on each other.

I write this email with love. You WILL learn that you two have a life that most kids dream of – never take it for granted – because the Drill Sergeant in me has no qualms about setting your ass straight!

(After looking at your pictures, I'm pretty sure it has been a rule since BIRTH that you are not allowed to eat or drink in your rooms!)

ALL of your choices in your lives have positive or negative consequences. YOU are the only one that can make that choice for YOU. You are the only one that can decide to live easily with abundance in exchange for a few minutes of hard work and dedication, OR you can be grounded until you leave for college.

I think the decision is a no brainer – but hey? I can’t make it for you…


Sixteen years ago yesterday, Mr. Strong and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl into this world.

She swears that we don’t look alike, but everyone else looks at her and thinks she’s my clone. (If only I had blue eyes and dimples...)

You decide.

Yesterday was a great day. She passed her driving test with an almost perfect score:

We were able to spend some quality mom/daughter time together before she had to report back to school and then as she dropped me off and drove away in the Hummer by herself, I. Broke. Down.

As a Sweet 16 Milestone arrived in her life, simultaneously one arrived in mine. For both of us it was a milestone of freedom. For her – her freedom is about driving herself around town and handling her busy schedule and appointments. For me – it was about watching my daughter take her first steps all over again.

I was scared and full of joy that she was “walking” and knew that her world would forever change with the physical ability to mobilize at her will. Yesterday, I was scared and full of joy that she was “driving” and felt all those same feelings as before. I knew her (our) lives would change forever in the knowledge that she was growing up.


I know that as life passes us by, she will have a multitude of other milestones – as we will too – but, I feel comfort knowing that no matter how old she gets, she will always need us – as parents – to support and love her unconditionally.

And we will.

It’s funny how you realize when you become a parent, that you are living/experiencing life through another’s eyes. You get to experience your own life as an adult, but you also get to relive and make brand new memories for your kids of things you wanted to do or see at their age.

I’m not talking about spoiling my children. I’m talking about giving them a life that your inner child gets to experience too.

One day you wake up and hope and pray that you have taught them morals and ethics and they will strive to become even greater adults. And then you move on in the reassurance that you’ve set the foundations for them to make the positive choices they know will guide the circumstances of their future.

To Kitty:

I love you.

Vision Board Manifest Reality

Today, by baby (Kitty) turns 16. Tear :’’’’(

I will post about her birthday festivities tomorrow…

Today, I want to share with you another Law of Attraction moment. If you’ve read my blog for any lengths of time, then you know I have two visions boards – one at work and one at home.

Here is a snapshot of my work vision board:

Now look really close at the picture at the very bottom next to my calendar. Can you see what it is?

Here’s a closer look.

Right next to the Cadillac, I have a picture of an H1 Hummer and under the Hummer picture I have a picture of a slant back Jeep. I have been posting pictures of vehicles that I would want to get myself since the first of the year knowing Kitty would be taking possession of my vehicle.

Some of you that know me personally know that I have been struggling with what I want to drive for even longer than that. I’ve posted these extremely expensive vehicles on my vision board because?

Why not?! Why can’t I have a car of my dreams!? Besides, it was just a small picture that I printed and cut out and stuck on a cork board. I didn’t cost me a dime. Who cares if that H1 Hummer was over six figures! It was one of my dreams on a piece of paper that I took the time to focus on by finding the picture, printing it, cutting it out and then tacking it to my vision board. Five minutes...

The past few days have proved very interesting. I won’t go into a lot of detail, but needless to say I was sitting down at a dealership yesterday, about to fill out paperwork to get Kitty this car

when I got a phone call out of the blue.

This phone call changed EVERYTHING!

Within two hours I was sitting behind the wheel of this:

And now it’s mine.

The Universe conspired to get me what I truly wanted and I didn't hesitate to accept what the Universe had helped me manifest!

I can’t write enough, that when you focus on what you really want and give thanks for what you have, the Universe will align YOU with all you need to make it possible! Whether its money, a job, a contact or serendipity. The Universe WILL make it happen – as long as you focus and believe that it is possible. Five minutes of focused thought and activity of adding the Cadillac to my vision board was all it took. I’ve added so many other pictures that the Cadillac is barely visible – but it remained on my vision board to look at daily.

I have been very fortunate these past two years to remove items off my vision board into reality and add a ton of others.

I'm living proof!

Today marks the day that yet another item will come off my vision board manifest into reality. My new Cadillac is not the same color, or year or package as the one in the picture on my vision board, but in my heart, I wasn’t trying to go for “matching” – I dreamed about driving a Cadillac with all the bells and whistles – that’s all.

Go out and create your vision board…

Dream HUGE...

I dare you…

EVERYTHING you want in this life IS possible!

Share Hope

It's Saturday, 7am and I'm writing.

For the first time ever, I am posting on the weekend. Today I want to share hope with someone that needs it.

Sometimes in life we all experience a shortfall in our income. We all experience the ability to ignore our health and weight. We lose loved ones and we lose relationships and we lose hobbies. Sometimes by choice - sometimes not. The feelings of depression and worthlessness set in and then you start to question how things got so bad - where did you go wrong and who else is to blame?

The fact is, no one is perfect and NO ONE is immune!

Most times the problem with people is that they can't see past their current circumstances. Doubt and fear set in and you get lost and overwhelmed. Your entire life is consumed by wanting - needing desperately to fix the unending problems.

Today I want to tell you that if you are experiencing one of the previous situations ----- let go.

Let go of all the worry, the anger the frustration---just let go. Say it with me, "I cast my debts, worries and fears onto the One within and I go free." Say it again with your eyes closed and really mean it! Hell, say it as many times as you need to until you believe that it is possible! (The One means Divine Intelligence or God or wherever your faith lies.)

We were not put on this earth to suffer and the more you worry about debts and health and relationships, the longer you will be stuck in the circumstances you are desperately trying to get out of.

NEVER DOUBT those words in the last sentence. NEVER.

Read the sentence again.

Amidst all the chaos and anxiety you need to remember all the things in your life that bring you happiness and gratitude. If you think that you've hit rock bottom and are frozen in time, then let me tell you this. Your life isn't over! Pull your head out of your ass and quit sulking in shit! You don't have too! It's time to take back control of your life!

If you are down to your very last dollar - give it away to someone that is far worse off than you - I can guarantee that there is somebody - and be genuinely happy for the other person. KNOW that as you help others without hesitation, the flood gates will bring back to you the things you need most in your life - especially money. If you can give away your last dollar or even buy some stranger's latte in the Starbucks' line, then you are telling the Universe that you are ready to believe.

There is hope and proof that each and every one of us can be as rich as we so choose. You just have to believe that you are worth the effort of concentrating on what you want in life instead of focusing on what you don't have! I'm living proof that you can turn every circumstance around in order to enjoy life again. Debt - Health - Relationships - I'm living proof!

One of these days I might write that testimonial, but today isn't about me. I will however, share with you how I changed and are still changing: by consciously focusing on what I WILL have and giving thanks for what I do have. I've had to really try hard to focus only on positivity and believe me - that shit is HARD! I've looked like I was possessed with multiple personalities - many of them bipolar. It's not always easy, but I consciously choose to pick my battles now. I don't like talking about anything negative anymore - debt, health or relationships. I know that if I indulge in those conversations I am adding the kind of energy that I don't want in my life. I haven't mastered the techniques by any means, but I am living proof that they work!

If you want to get out of debt or simply just have enough money to pay your bills and you are swarming with collection calls and people, I'm here to tell you - "I KNOW you will be okay. There is a way out." If you can write out a list of everything that you want to pay and have money for, then you can achieve what you currently think isn't possible.

So here we go:

1. Write down everything that is to be paid off - don't leave any bill off the list even if it's only $5 - write them from smallest to largest. Make this list on the largest piece of paper you own or find a poster board and hang it somewhere you will see it every day! (This helps with the psychology of accomplishment.) Then write a separate list of your monthly expenses/bills to make sure you are covering your highest living priorities and basic necessities.

2. Add a vacation or a new car or something else that you can picture yourself having to the bottom of your list. Think BIG! Each family member should add something.

3. Focus on and visualize using or enjoying the things on the bottom of your list and promise yourself - your family - that you will pay/mark off the debts on your list in ORDER! This is very important. Stay in order!

Now get to work.

As you begin to focus on the big items at the bottom of your list, you will start the Universe in motion to help you achieve those dreams. You will begin to mark stuff off your list and after a couple of months you will surprise even yourself at the power that has always been within your control. As you focus on your dreams at the bottom of this list and visualize your use and enjoyment - you lose focus on the worries, anger and frustrations.

Did your phone get cut off? Who cares?! Civilization lived hundreds of years without them!

Are bill collectors calling you? Who cares?! Tell them they're on the list and you will honor your debts in the time it takes you to get to them on the list. No pressure.

Let the anger and frustrations go - welcome in the relaxation that will take you one by one to the completion of your list. When it comes to money, KNOW that there is enough in this world that is making its way to you right now as long and you FEEL its possibility!

You are not your circumstances. You are worth the effort. You CAN create the life you want. You...YOU.

A couple of years ago I made this same list and stood in shock at a half million dollar debt figure. Wow! I added my dreams to the bottom and refused to believe it wasn't possible. My house was toward the bottom of my list and that is now almost paid for! Don't get discouraged - that is why you have a list from smallest to largest.


I look at my list everyday and you know what has kept my focus? #33. The day Mr. Strong and I write out that 3 million dollar check for the lead donation to help build the new Bynum School.

The world and all its money is yours...

No rhyme or reason

Nmnm mjk, mjk, m jk,jmk mj mj m jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

jnmjhkm h,kjnm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnn    nb               fdddddddd

Oh sorry, that was me banging my head on the keyboard.

Today’s post has no rhyme or reason – I just figured if I didn’t start writing, then I would be caught doing one of two things:

1. Sleeping, or

2. Sneaking out of my office – to go anywhere – anywhere else.

  • I haven’t been sleeping well for various reasons. I’m. Tired.

  • Work is beyond busy – I take it home with me every day and I dream about it at night! And not in a good way.

  • This morning Kitty started my day off with some joke that was on her phone. I don’t remember the exact words, but it had to do with some mistake about writing a paint color down as “Chocolate Shart”. I laughed for 10 minutes.

  • I had a conversation with Mr. Strong the other day that started after I commented on someone we know being good looking and attractive. And then of course I felt the need to explain my definitions of attractive. I had to explain that even though some men were handsome and very good looking, they weren’t necessarily “attractive”. You see, I have varying degrees of attraction. You have those men who are a little rugged and give off those “sexual attraction” vibes. Those hardcore bend me over and….well you get the point. Mr. Strong is one of those men – he has that “sexual attraction” attraction. Then you have some men that are good looking or have great personalities that I find attractive for those characteristics, but that doesn’t mean I want to jump their body! I know you all agree!

Nummy! Nummy! Still in Lust after 18 years together!

  • School started this week for the girls and already I want to run screaming for the hills! So I guess this is a forewarning to my family – be afraid, be very, very afraid. Mommy Dearest is lurking very close to the brim. Kitty will get her license in a few weeks, so I’m hoping to tell Mommy Dearest to fuck off – but until then…

  • Yes, I cursed. If you don’t like it quit reading, but I’m tired of not being able to right what my fingers type unconsciously afraid to hurt someone else’s delicate nature. Get used to the curse words; I’m no longer editing my poor choice of descriptive language.

  • We raised a ton of money for Bynum School this past weekend and I couldn’t be happier! It was loads of fun. After 5-1/2 hours of playing doubles tennis with my daughter I only thought I was going to pass out once, puke twice and punt her over the fence once. She's lucky they started serving alcoholic beverages at 9am! It was great fun!

  • The daycare just called (yes, I know daycares don’t speak in literal form) and Doodlebug is sick. So I guess I need to get off of here and go perform my mommy duties. I’m pretty sure – after this post - the Universe is telling me I need a little more compassion today.

No time to proofread…laters!

Text from my mom...

I received this text from my mom over the weekend:

I just finished a week of Zumba and I feel like I’ve been run over by a train twice.

Lol! In my responses to her text and her explanations she wrote that she was unhappy with the huge inner-tube that she couldn’t hide with clothes anymore. And she commented on being middle-aged...

I expressed my excitement and told her that next week will be better because:

In reality, my mom has put on weight. (Me too, but this post isn’t about me…) If you knew her story, most of you would excuse that fact. This woman practically raised 4 kids on her own. Over the years she has buried her mother and her father and she spent 10 years in and out of hospitals holding my brother’s hand while he was sick. Then to top everything off – she had to bury my brother – the worst possible thing for a parent. Stress is EVERYTHING when it comes to our health.

I know there were times when my mom couldn’t be there for her children and there were times she couldn’t be there for her children as adults and she has held on to those guilty feelings for far too long. She spent her whole life trying to provide for her family and do the best she could with 4 very active children and that has not let up with wanting to give the same attention to her grandchildren.

She is a giver. It is no mistake that her career has been in the medical field my entire life. She has sacrificed parts of her life to take care of others and I believe she will be justly rewarded according to the Law of Attraction.

Now that time has passed and the pains of some very deep wounds have lessened, she is finding time to take back her life – one Zumba class at a time.

It is NEVER too late to enjoy the best life that you can create! It doesn’t matter what you weigh, or what you will sacrifice in order to help others - let go of all of those limiting thoughts and begin by embracing the life that you want and deserve. Let the picture you see in your mind support your goals, and you will help them materialize that much faster. Let your dreams be the guide to your future and the road to success.

Humor me for a minute:

Take 3 deep long breathes and read the following words:

As you inhale thru the nose – think: “I take in the energy that will manifest miracles in my life.”

As you exhale with pursed lips – think: “I release the past and all my stress, and I. Go. Free.”

Once you have the words memorized, perform this exercise once a day with your eyes closed.

This post is dedicated to my mom – you continue to inspire and amaze me and a multitude of others after all these years. May your workouts and/or Zumba classes this week get you closer to your goals! You deserve the most sincerest happiness on Earth!

“One new perception, one fresh thought, one act of surrender, one leap of faith can change your life forever.” Robert Holden

That is one of my favorite quotes – read it slowly so it sinks in, because EVERY word is true!


Why does writing a post every day have to be so difficult? I write 2 or 3 posts every day in my head, but finding the time to sit down and type it out on the computer has become extremely challenging!

Why does something as simple as eating less and exercising more have to be so hard?! I mean I can eat less and workout more, but in the same freaking day? everyday? Why!?

Why can I plan out EVERY minute detail of the business I want to open and run for years to come, but I can't seem to go any further?

I'm so pissed that I'm letting myself get in the way of MYSELF again!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I'm going to go to my happy place....and breathe.....woooooosahhhhhhhh.


I know why now...

And I will do something about it...

But damn! Really!?


Change is Constant

Dearest Blogland:

Today I am writing...

It’s been a very stressful week and a half. The girls are back and my schedule has gone to shit again. I’m trying to get through work and juggle the many tennis lessons, practices, tournaments and challenge matches – and it’s only been 10 days!

I feel like I have been picked up in a 500MPH tornado with no control. I am working on patience and trying to live in the moment, but it turns out that when I try – I realize I am extremely unhappy.

The only thing we are guaranteed is change and change is constant. I want to be that mom that pushes her children to excel beyond their capabilities, so that one day they can experience triumphant victory.

On the other hand – I can’t do it for them. I can’t make them want something more because I want it for them and I can’t make them fully appreciate their talents or make them use good sportsmanship. I CAN preach the Law of Attraction all day – but I CAN’T make them believe.

I am struggling with this. Something that is so simple to practice (LOA) and that can turn their tennis goals around exponentially is exactly what their problem is!

I’m tired of saying “change your attitude, change your game!” But the mom that I am won’t allow me to shut up.

So I keep yelling and pushing and I’m learning to accept that I CAN’T do it for them…well…I’m slowly learning…

I realized something else over the weekend too.

Going back to the whole change is constant sentence above. In reality, I can’t expect everyone to change in the direction that I want them to change - I can’t expect everyone to believe what I believe. But it brings attention to the fact that after all that time – knowing someone – if beliefs change – can you withstand it? Can you smile politely and nod your head? Can you stand by and let someone else try to impress their beliefs?

I. Can’t.

Or, can you unconditionally support someone’s happiness in the adversity of your beliefs? Can you?

Why yes,

I. Can.

Because when someone is happy – who the hell am I to ruin it? A happy person contributes positivity to this world and we all know we could use a shitload more happiness!

Sorry for the melancholy post, but I needed to vent.

Until next time…

Happy Wednesday

There are days in your life where you just shout: “What the F@ck!”

Case in point:

1. I have been taking high doses of Vitamin C to boost my immune system to deal with the high levels of work stress and viola! I have one of these moments this morning – I seriously thought that the whole first floor could hear me! WTF! I’m supposed to be healthier from taking all this freaking Vitamin C right?!

2. I put on a pair of work pants this morning and they were a little big. Now, I’m not complaining that they were a little loose, but damn! I saw a picture of my ass reflected in the window at work and ---really!? My ass looks like that? When the f@ck did that happen?! It HAS to be the pants, because in my mind I still have the ass of my 18 year-old self. Mmmhuh!

3. You all know I started training for a marathon. Then I stopped. Then I started again. Then I stopped again. I have NOOOOOOOOO excuse this time. The girls are at tennis school and Mr. Strong takes Doodlebug to daycare. I. Have. No. Excuse. WTF is up with my laziness?! Someone should kick me in the nuts – I don’t have any, but the intention would be the same.

So there you go – I’m not complaining – I’m just over here scratching my head wondering where my motivation and inspiration are vacationing - and pissed off those fuckers went without me. On the bright side, I probably lost 5lbs with case #1. I realized my reality and true reality might not be the same in case #2, but that I’m okay with that. And to top everything off I burned a few extra calories typing case #3.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Smile and the world smile's with you...

Pay it forward.

Where do I begin today? I sure have missed you guys! I’m happy to see that you keep coming back day after day even though I have consistently deserted my writing and let you down like a bad porno movie.

~~~Cue in the UPS man and the corny joke about “delivering his package”~~~~

Sorry, I digress…

I am not here today to deliver you a “package” – mainly because I don’t have one – but I do want to deliver a message.

You have all witnessed me talk or write about the Law of Attraction, so today will be no different.

Sometimes in life we get caught up with all the negativity surrounding us and we focus on who to blame and reasons why we can’t break free from the downward spiral of helplessness. Well, let me tell you why – because you won’t take responsibility of the fact that NO ONE can determine your happiness but YOU! Because NO ONE can make you feel anything less than what YOU allow them to. We tell ourselves that we don’t deserve better because of one reason or another, but today I am telling you to WAKE UP!

To all the people that complain of sickness, and being tired and having unexplained ailments, the Law of Attraction tells us that as long as we are focusing on sickness, being tired and having unexplained ailments, EVERY ONE of them will continue to rule your life.

To all the people that complain about how their partner’s treat them like crap or how everyone around them always “does them wrong”, the Law of Attraction tells us that as long as you keep thinking this way the people around you will continue to feed your complaints.

To all the people that express worry and focus on the lack of having or getting stuff in their life, the Law of Attraction tells us that as long as we continue to concentrate on all that we do not have, we will continue to NOT HAVE.

The solution? Is to change your thoughts 180 degrees and start taking responsibility for everything that is good or bad in your life.

Instead of permeating sickness, depression or tiredness, start focusing on your health and giving thanks for the ability to change your circumstances immediately.

Instead of bitching about your partner or family, how about you celebrate the good and begin to appreciate their contributions – because no one is perfect.

Instead of focusing on lack, how about you rejoice in the fact that you have an ABUNDANCE of things to be grateful for right in front of you – and that there are millions of people in this world that would never take for granted the means you have been afforded.

I’ve written before that life is like a domino effect – negativity attracts more negativity and positivity attracts more positivity.

Don’t drown in or entertain someone else’s negativity because it only brings negativity to you. Don’t talk about people and don’t judge people – because this too will be returned to you.

Instead, focus on your gratitude and being thankful for all the wonderful things you have in your life.

Because WHEN YOU DO…you attract more things to be grateful for and you will find that all your dreams seem to manifest magically.

It will be hard to stay focused on positivity and grateful at all times - I can promise you that you will look like you have multiple personalities and bi-polar disorder, but as long as you are consciously trying to remind yourself to be the best you – you will immediately see the wonderful changes in your life.

When you get your mind and perception in order – the outside world will follow.

No need to thank me today, just pay it forward.

Your Journey

I know most people are posting July 4th - Independence Day events and plans, but I am venturing in a different direction today.

I do want everyone to have a great holiday and drink many Mojitos for me please! And of course I will do the same for you! (wink, wink)

Today I wanted to share with you a poem by Constatine Cavafy named Ithaca:


When you set out on your journey to Ithaca,
pray that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge.
The Lestrygonians and the Cyclops,
the angry Poseidon — do not fear them:
You will never find such as these on your path,
if your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine
emotion touches your spirit and your body.
The Lestrygonians and the Cyclops,
the fierce Poseidon you will never encounter,
if you do not carry them within your soul,
if your soul does not set them up before you.

Pray that the road is long.
That the summer mornings are many, when,
with such pleasure, with such joy
you will enter ports seen for the first time;
stop at Phoenician markets,
and purchase fine merchandise,
mother-of-pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
and sensual perfumes of all kinds,
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
visit many Egyptian cities,
to learn and learn from scholars.

Always keep Ithaca in your mind.
To arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for many years;
and to anchor at the island when you are old,
rich with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.

Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would have never set out on the road.
She has nothing more to give you.

And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not deceived you.
Wise as you have become, with so much experience,
you must already have understood what Ithaca means.

I wanted to share this today to inspire you to look around and enjoy life right now - the 4th of July holiday tomorrow - and the days to come. Enjoy the little things along with the big! Take in every moment - NONE of us are perfect, but we have been given perfect lives to live and to journey to the depths of our innermost dreams - so pray that the road is indeed long.

Today I ask you to find your Ithaca - open your eyes - and enjoy your journey.

May you be blessed beyond your wildest imagination.

Look again...

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words...

And sometimes the picture hides secrets from all its viewers:

Case in point.

Could Doodlebug get any cuter or more handsome! I swear I would eat is face if it was legal. Sometimes I can't get enough of his laugh or goofy smile.

(sighhhh...the girls used to be that way...)

Look at that innocent little boy and how cute the picture is! Awwww!


Want to know the secret behind that smile?

The little shit kept throwing the lemons at the photographer thinking it was funny!

Now look at the picture again...see the mischief behind those eyes?!

Yep, that's my son!

You arrrre welcome!

Never lose yourself! If I could have anymore advice for my children, it would be those words. As Kiki finishes her upcoming last year in Jr. High and Kitty begins driving in High School I have only one million request.

Never lose the person you are destined to become.

Just because "everyone else is doing it or gets too" doesn't mean you need to fall on that bandwagon and participate. Never let someone - ANYONE - tell you who you are, what to believe in or how to act. You will have years to evolve and find out for yourself, so be patient.

I would hope that Mr Strong and I have instilled enough in you two the manners, respect and individuality that will take you through decades of fulfilling each and every one of your dreams.

I write this today because yesterday I think they were showing a Rocky marathon and one scene really got my attention. I got chills up and down my body and boy did I hope those words would sink down into my girls' very souls!

I give you the scene...you arrrre welcome!

I hope you find motivation and or direction after hearing those words.

May we ALL never lose ourselves to the outside world!


Sometimes I just want to throw my hands in the air and say "f&ck it" to all my work commitments! Sometimes I would just rather be traveling the world or spending time doing stuff with my children than to be preached at about perfect appearances.

Sometimes I just want to yell "who the f&ck cares?!"

Life shouldn't be about struggles, it should be about successes! That's the Law of Attraction anyway right? The more you focus on successes - the more successes are drawn to you!?


Anyway, I felt the overwhelming urge to run and scream and break something write this morning to calm down my potential boiling-point temporary insanity moment. I love writing - it brings peace to my soul like no breathing technique could ever accomplish.

I have been training - yes I have missed a few days - but training nonetheless. Training to prove to myself what this sign reads below:

Last  Friday Kiki turned 13 and last Saturday Building Blocks turned 2! Yes T W O!

I was not in town to write about either event, but the fact that I didn't celebrate my own birthday on here last week shows you how frustrating it's been for me. Some days I feel like a robot, but the Universe has shown me a way to get caught up!

Next week Mr. Strong and I drop the girls off at a Summer Tennis Academy for 5 weeks! I will be extremely sad and might even have to make a spontaneous trip up there after a couple of weeks, but we will ALL survive.

For 5 weeks I will not have to worry about their tennis schedules, school trips, last minute schedule changes - all while trying to juggle an overbooked career - I get 5 weeks of work and MY schedule.

Yay! (Doing the cabbage patch!)

If I completely f&ck up these 5 weeks then I have no reason to EVER bitch on here again!


Over these past 4 days I have been struggling with schedules and work and the fact that I am so mentally exhausted by the end of the day, all I want to do is drink a bottle of wine and go to sleep. So now that it is Friday!? I want to leave you with a bit of motivation that will get me through my next workout...and hopefully get you through whatever challenges you may be facing.

Have a good one my friends! I'll catch up on writing more soon...

This is about me now.

I am approaching my two year anniversary and about to begin my Year 3. This blog has been evolving and adapting to what is happening in my life. It has gone from one extreme to another and back again, so thank you for sticking around.

I’m sure some of you were worried for a while that I was a person that possessed multiple personalities or bi-polar disorder, but I assure you that I am just your typical hormonal bitch woman – in no “true” need of medication or psychiatric help.


After some recent soul searching and some extensive Reiki self-healings, I have come to determine that I love me now.

I haven’t been able to write that in a long time, but I am comfortable enough to let the world know – I love me. I am worth fulfilling any and all of my personal goals and dreams without the complications of other’s self doubts - PERIOD

I hope you understand.

I haven’t really done the things I told myself I would do this year, mainly because I have been consumed with family and career and even battled depression for a while, but all that is over. I CAN do it all. The only thing that has been missing is “my” time and that is changing – starting today. Oy!

I have never officially set down and wrote out a Bucket List of things I WILL do in my lifetime, but trust me – it is VERY LONG. Every time I fulfill a wish – I add two more to the bottom. (I’m badass like that…)

Somewhere on my unwritten list is to finish a Half-Marathon. I don’t wish to win or place or anything that extreme, but I would like to compete in and complete a Half Marathon.

I envision my family waiting at the finish line screaming my name beaming with pride as I look like a wounded zombie headed towards his prey looking for brains. Or maybe they will run with me part of the way…I don’t’ know, but this is about me now.

To go out and run/walk 5-6 miles is typical and something I know I can accomplish. But, the thought of run/walking over 13 miles is breathtaking. Literally! I have struggled with asthma my whole life and I haven’t master the breath control needed for long runs. I am scared.

But, I’ll have to get over it – and quickly!

Because today, I found the Half-Marathon training schedule that will fit my fitness and scheduling needs. It will be 14 weeks of dedicate workouts and following a stricter diet.

What I don’t have yet, is a Half-Marathon to go to...

It will have to be at the end of summer or late 3rd quarter in order for me to have the necessary time to complete my training. Wherever I decide to go, it will have to be somewhere where my family and I can travel to and see a little piece of the world we have never seen before. Any ideas?

Maybe I can erase two things off my Bucket List at once...hmmm?

Which means I’ll need to add four new dreams later…

SHOUT OOUUT to the bike!

I recently posted 396 Miles to Summer = 12 miles a day until the girls get out of school.

Welllll....let's just write that I'm a few miles short. I have been consistently getting in 9-10, but the time for those last 2-3 is fleeting! I have gotten in my 12 miles once! (That totally counts!)

I mean, the only thing that has saved me in getting in 9-10 miles is the bike! It takes the same amount of time to go 6 miles on the bike that it does to go 3 on the elliptical! Yay "shout out" to the bike!

I don't want to talk about running right now...ummm...my slogging isn't cutting it anymore. (Slow jogging)

I CAN admit that I have had some really great "sweats" - you know the kind where your neck, back, armpits, and ass crack can be identified completely! Yah! It makes me feel like I have worked out harder than I have when "sweat marks" can be identified. Of course, it makes it completely embarrasing when you walk out of the gym looking like you've just peed your pants!

Oh well...the things we do for our health and fitness - or for the extra 35lbs hanging on to dear life to my midsection! (I will shake those bitches off!) 

You're probably not going to believe this, but it has taken me 5 freaking hours to write this tiny little post!

That's how busy I am.

 But I needed a sanity break...

So thanks for reading!

In about an hour, I am going for the big 12 miles! Let's see if today is another successful day!

396 Miles to Summer

It's 396 miles to summer...

Okay, maybe not the actual summer calendar date, but summer as in school will be out! WhooHoo! June 1st!

Since my workouts are hit or miss, I have challenged myself to complete 12 miles a day for the next 33 days - when school is out for the summer. Oy!

I can do it! My goal is to get 12 miles in everyday either running, walking, elliptical or cycling. But, I promised myself that only half of my 12 miles could be completed in cycling and the rest in another form.


Well, because my goal is to get out of the 45minutes -1 hour a day workouts (which haven't even been achieved!) and REALLY accomplish finding the time to take care of myself.

With my busy schedule and hectic family chauffeuring life, I want to prove to others out there that IT CAN BE DONE!

I devised a plan and it consist of daily workouts morning, noon and evening in order to get in the allotted time needed to complete the full 12 miles - EVERY DAY.

6 miles cycling
3 miles running/walking
3 miles elliptical

Am I crazy?! Probably.

But I am motivated and determined to see this short-term goal become a reality.

Today is day one.

Do you know what I did this morning at 5am?!


I did not get up and workout like I had planned - after 4 hours of sleep all I could do was watch the clock.

No sleep = total bitch!

I plan to make up the time this evening - come hell or high water I WILL get in these 12 miles today.

I am excited and ready to take on the world - today.


That might be another story...

But I will get in my 12 miles...