Parenting is HARD

Tonight I’m writing to the world, so I don’t commit any crimes upon one 16 year-old girl named Kaitlyn aka: Kitty!

Will this post make any sense? Hell no! But do you really care? It’s entertainment people…

You know how – as a parent – you think you have the best relationship with your DAUGHTER and then all of a sudden the sky turns black and the clouds form to make the skull face and you realize that the relationship might not be as open or the “best” you originally thought?


Well screw you – it happens.

I have realized two things:

1.       My daughter is a teenager and there are just some things she doesn’t want to share with me. (…even though those things got her grounded for the rest of her life, her phone and her Hummer taken away and could have been completely avoided if she would have just asked for PERMISSION…I mean gosh! Asking for permission…what a fucking concept!)

2.       AND! that I should never question my parenting skills again, because as she gets older, she will DECIDE to make choices for herself and she has been taught that those choices come with consequences and that ultimately – IT’S HER CHOICE to make – good or bad. I can’t prevent my daughter from making bad choices in this circle of life, but as a parent I can damn well guarantee that she will think twice before repeating her stupid assed mistakes!  

Sadly, it has come to the point where – when she talks to me – I just want to hold up my middle finger and say “Stop there – wait a moment” and go get her father. But that’s not setting a really good example of communication, so I will avoid that response as best I can –-- no promises.

Parenting is HARD. What really sucks is when your child makes a bad choice and you start second guessing your parenting skills and wondering “where did I go wrong?” and then you realize that THIS WAS THEIR CHOICE and get mad all over again.
I want what’s best for my children. They are provided with a 1,000xs more than what is required of me legally.  Am I a helicopter parent hovering over my children ensuring their success? YES and I will never apologize for that action, but I am also a realist and extremely understanding! I was a teenager too! Shit!

I preach the Law of Attraction every day and my daughter knows that every bad decision will bring consequences. She knows negative thoughts create negativity in her life – thus getting in trouble.

But now, after going through the nervous stomach and discipline routine with her, I’m over here scratching my head wondering “who the fuck in this Universe did I piss off?”


Getting back to normal and leaving for vacation.

Since I've been exercising again, I can feel my mental depression lightening. I have promised myself that I will work on getting back to normal - well - MY normal.

I've posted this before, but this creed by Christian Larson is helping me!

One day a time...

courtesy of

I will be leaving for vacation in a couple of days and my number one goal - aside from having an awesome time - is to come back weighing less than when I left!

Oh yeah! I'm on a mission to lose weight while on vacation - ANYTHING is possible! ;-)