For good.

I was reading some of my older posts on Facebook and I couldn’t believe how “night and day” my life was a year ago. I was focused and working hard on running and cycling and trying to become the best me possible.

Then, work got busy and I took on two audits almost all by myself and lost the desire to make myself a priority anymore. It’s no wonder that when I do get around to exercising now I burst into tears.

A less than stellar checkup lately has me scrambling to find the solution that will turn my health around.

It sucks…

But I will succeed…

For good.

Even on the deepest darkest cloudiest of days, the sun finds a way to shine through.

Have a great week everyone!

May you be blessed with the energy to exercise, the taste buds to appreciate healthy foods and the perspective of true gratitude.

Columnist for Hire

Yesterday the Universe threw a book at me, so I took the time to read it last night. Every. Word. And you know what? I’m glad I did! More to come on the book’s topic, but in the mean time – GO GET IT!

It was mentioned yesterday that I should be a full time writer and should be publishing my posts weekly and well? I don’t disagree! One day I will get paid for a weekly column outside of my blog, so if anyone out there is looking for a part-time weekly columnist – I’m your gal!

Well, maybe…

Let’s see…

First, I would have to name my column. I think a weekly Dose of Reality would work! That’s actually kind of a perfect name! It’s probably taken, but who gives a shit? This is fantasy right now.

I mean, NOTHING says Dose of Reality like the experience of having your toddler shit in the yard next to your truck while you’re outside visiting with company! I have your reality right here...

Anywhoozle. What would my column be about you ask? That’s a great question. Let’s run through some topics.

Raising Children:

Ummm? Probably not! My personal experience only goes through the age of 16 and well? My advice might not be very well received.

Dear Dose of Reality,

My daughter has started talking back to me, blah, blah, blah.

Dear Reader,

Take her by surprise and POP her in the mouth while shouting NO! NO! NO! BAD! BAD! You know, just like you do to a teething puppy. The puppy learns – being the more intelligent species, so should she.

See what I mean? …might not be well received.

Moving on.

Domestic Maintenance: (AKA: House cleaning)

Ummmm? That would be a Hell NO! Have you read lately how much I love my maid!? Household cleaning is not and never will be my forte.

Dear Dose of Reality,

How do you remove the built up , stuck on grease and food from the stove trays under my burners?

Dear Reader,

Buy new ones. If they aren’t the removable kind, then buy a new stove.

I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting any calls to write a cleaning column.

Next topic?


Ummm? That would be a holy shit – fuck NO! My column would be a plagiarizer’s wet dream!

Dear Dose of Reality,

What is the best way to cook a Thanksgiving Turkey?

Dear Reader,

Furrs Cafeteria. If they are closed then my Google search says that Rachel Ray prefers this recipe…

Yep. A Cooking column is out.

So what’s left?


Hell to the YES! Pay me (my family) to stay in 5-star hotels and travel the world. I will write you the most delicious, juicy, and very descriptive columns you have ever set your eyes on. I will be happy to relive every minute detail of my good times, good food and overall stay – or of the actual travel destination – whichever you prefer.


Ummm? Fuck YEAH! I could sooooo write a sex column! I could answer almost everyone’s questions! Because I’m a FREEEEEAAAAAK! I would never get bored with that kind of column. Of course my exceptionally well descriptive writing (although not properly written according the English language rules) might have people jacking-off in bathrooms, so that could be a small problem.

Law of Attraction:

There would be NO ONE BETTER! Hell, I’ve lived and am trying to live every day by its rules. I have no problem telling people that like attracts like! I have no problem inspiring and motivating people to become the best they can possibly dream to be! I also don’t have a problem with telling people to shut the fuck up with all their negativity and to look in the mirror at the source problem! But I would toooootally write that is a nice, none cursing way.

So there you go world!

I’m for hire!

(Note: I'm trying to hit 500k page views, so please forward and share! Many, many thanks!)

(Disclosure: I do not condone anyone to hit children. Do not take any advice literally – this is an entertainment BLOG only and not a platform on how you should live! The fact that I have to write this – in America – is truly sad!)

Ask and you shall receive.

Today I need to write.

No rhyme or reason.

Just for my sanity. The person I get to be when I write is not the person I get to be in the real world. Somewhere in between is the real me...

I’m leaving town next week.

I would like to write that I am escaping to some exotic tropical destination where I can relax, workout, eat healthy and repeat, but I can’t.

Not yet.

I’m looking for a new book to read – something inspirational and motivating OR filled with sex - nothing in between. So if you have a good suggestion please share.

In a few days the heavy demands of work will ease for about 4 months. I am super duper excited. I hope this means that I get to write more! And not just in my journal! I love my job - especially more so now.

The beautiful cooler weather we have been having makes me itch to get outdoors. Not to do anything specific, but just be outside in nature. Maybe out riding my bike in my oh so super sexy cycling helmet.

I love my maid. I am truly in love with her cleaning skills. I think more so, because she continues to return week after week even though she cleans the girls’ room. Have I written lately how much I love my maid?


Next week Mr. Strong and I will be confined together in an RV – all week. I was hoping to have mind blowing sex every day – you know the really nasty satisfying sex you can only have when your kids aren’t around knocking on the door asking “Mommy? Daddy? What are you doing?” - BUT, Mr. Strong is letting someone stay with us, so I’m shit out of luck I guess. Booo.

I went to Barnes & Noble on my lunch break to get Doodlebug some books to help him with his letters and numbers and this book fell off the shelf while I was walking down an aisle.



I did write earlier that I was looking for a new book to read…(and what is my title above?)

But really though?!
The Universe is throwing books at me now?!

Damn, I better listen!

Do I really care to read this book? Umm NO! But when a book magically falls off a shelf in front of you, you have to think that maybe there is “something” written on the inside that you really need.

Besides, picking it up and paying for it is better than running through the store with crazy arms screaming "There is a Poltergeist near the children's aisle! And it wants me to lose weight!" AAAAAAYYYYYYY!