Sitting at a green light...waiting for it to turn green.

Yep, that title perfectly represents the trance I have been experiencing over the last couple months.

It's been over a month since I wrote, and to be honest, I feel like I'm sneaking away now only to write to you all.

The lights are off, the doors are locked and no one is around.

Kinda sounds sexy huh?

Sexy enough to help me get my sanity back - after yesterday - I need some baaaaaaaad!

I can't stay long - today is just a quickie - but I promise I will respect you in the morning.

Oh and P.S.

I have officially said good-bye to 5 of the 35 pounds I've gained! I'd like to take a moment to thank diet and exercise, but those two bitches haven't helped!

Over the last 4-5 days I have been struggling with a stomach flu and I have developed an aversion to meat.

So, by my calculation, I only have 8 more stomach flues to go before I hit my goal weight! WooHoo!

Back to my title: Sitting at a green light...waiting for it to turn green.

Have you ever been there?