Day 113 - Last Minute Inspiration

Okay, to be honest, the hubby and I are getting ready for a big shoot this weekend here in Midland, TX, so I was going to bail out on my post today. I was busy at work and didn't have time to write this morning - not to mention I was at a loss for the post's inspiration.

WELL, let me tell you that ALL changed at lunch!

The hubby and I had a conversation that MIGHT or MIGHT NOT have went like this...I'll let you be the judge.

"Hello? Hi sweetie! No I'm not busy-what's up? Help you set up the trailer? Sure, I can do that in these shoes. I'll jump in the Ford and be right there. Love you too!"

We arrive and get ready to park this big beast...

"No Dear, I don't need you to guide me. I think I can get this big boy in there on the first try with the 3in clearance on each side. PLEASE keep taking pictures of me!"

"No, I got it! Please don't help me, I don't want you to mess up your shoes. ALL I need you to go do is turn on the AC and let the slide out. Oh and PLEASE keep taking pictures of me!"

"What was that? Oh NO - you just stand your sexy ass right there and watch me - I got this!"

"Oh this thing? No, don't worry about it! I will go get the block and come back and do this all by myself. I can guess at how level the trailer is...I'm that good!"

Sorry honey, I need to go unload the Ranger now. I wish I could stay, because you know how much I love you taking pictures of me! NOPE-NOPE - I got it - you just keep snapping away!"

"Honey I put up the tailgate for you, need anything else? I think I got everything done..."

"Oh no - thank you for your help Dear! You are the best - I LOOOVE you! No, your legs are not distracting me from pushing you out of a moving vehicle, why would I have the urge to do that? Did I mention that I LOVE you taking pictures of me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Okay - well that is my version anyway. See, you CAN get last minute inspiration from anywhere! I'm definitely NOT a girly-girl, but sometimes the suit and heels brings out the diva in me...I earn it every now and then!

P.S. I'm so happy I'm married to a man that can put up with me when my full-of-shit meter overflows!
Love you hubby!

My break from wearing suits...


My feet never have fat days - I love these boots!

Today's post is down there...keep scrolling.

Day 112 - I have proof!

Have I mentioned that I LOVE this time of year? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!

So, why can I not get my butt out of bed and workout consistently anymore? And forget about watching what I eat… Throughout the summer we did so great and now that a wrench (girl’s school and increased work stress) has been thrown into the mix – I can’t get my crap together. I am trying hard to find that “place” again that got me started and drove my motivation.

I’m losing the battle – no one told me this would be easy and I have written about how hard it actually is, but I was pushing through it one day at a time. I don’t know if it is work, the girl’s schedules, the house, the hubby, or my ass-itude (just checking to see if you’re paying attention…), but one thing remains constant with all of these and that is ME.

Whatever it is, I need to snap out of it because I have proof that the power of the law of attraction and manifesting work! Oh yeah!

I do!

Read this:

Day 108 was this past Saturday for me. (I could go all into how 108 is an auspicious number for me since it is divisible by 3 three times and how MY favorite number has always been 3 and how three is the Universal number…blah, blah, blah – but I won’t because it would probably freak some of you out – and I’m NOT crazy!)

Anyway, the hubby and I took a trip to Artesia, NM to participate in a sporting clays shoot. This shoot was to help the club raise money and since it was a “fun” shoot and we had never been there before we decided to go. I could write about the rules and explain what sporting clays are, but that might be boring for some of you, so let me just simplify: you shoot at 100 clay targets flying through the air and your score is determined by how many you break. Got it? MMMKAY?

There were two rotations – morning and afternoon. The hubby shot a 94 score in the morning rotation and was second to a 98. (I didn’t shoot in the morning rotation, but let me add that a 94 is pretty typical for the hubby. He is a natural shot and can pick up just about any gun in the world and “it just fits”. He is awesome in that respect and has a God-given talent. He has taught me just about everything I know, so this post is dedicated to him…lol…you’ll see.)

Then, the second rotation started. It actually started out very well! We went from station to station having a good time and not worrying about the scores until….

Until the hubby informed me that I had a perfect round going – by this time he had only dropped one target. “Oh great - thanks! No I won’t worry about that AT ALL now!” It took me by surprise because apparently I shoot well when I’m not paying attention…to the score that is! So now, we have about 6 stations left to shoot and all I can think about walking up to that next station was “DON’T MISS!” (Thanks honey!)

I took a few deep breaths and remembered that it is not about the HOW, but about the end result. I visualized myself being announced the winner and going up to the podium to get my reward. I did this for the next six stations that followed. I didn’t focus on the HOW (which was breaking EVERY clay target) I focused on the end result only.

Do you know what this is?

Yep – I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my plaque for shooting a 100 score!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, doing the cabbage patch – ridding the pony – oh yeah – oh yeah!

I beat the hubby (he shot a 99 2nd rotation) and 200 other men and women that shot Saturday. I can’t begin to describe the feeling of accomplishment! Not just from winning, but actually proving that visualizing DOES manifest! (HA! I’m sure the hubby is rolling his eyes right now, because he teases me about my newfound thinking! Well, I have TWO WORDS FOR YA……XX!)

Saturday, I became a believer! Hallelujah! Amen!

My name was also drawn and I won a Benelli 12gauge Pump Gun! (Oh yeah – running man, running man!) It was quite funny because when the announcer acknowledged the next gun they were giving away, the hubby turned to me and said – “there you go, that would be good for your Benelli collection” and VOILA! My name was drawn! Too funny! Love ya honey!

We had a great time – it was a blast!

To everyone that is reading this blog today, I challenge you to manifest something in your life. Start small – start with a front row parking spot. I dare you – no, double-dog dare you! Visualize yourself pulling up to your school, church, restaurant, work or favorite store straight into a front row spot. Or, for those that don’t have this problem (or, if you are like me and your vehicle is too big for a front row spot), visualize yourself going into a busy restaurant and being seated immediately! It doesn't matter - WHATEVER it is – visualize manifesting something you want in your life right now. Focus on the end result only and watch it come true!

Good luck!

Let me know what you manifested today!

Day 111 - Gurgle, Gurgle

I am drowning in work today...

I came up for air just to type this post and keep my sanity.


I'm going back in!

Days 107-110 HELLO WORLD!

I am officially home now with Kiki - she is sick from both ends today. (funnnnnnnnnnn...)

I will delay my GLORIOUS WEEKEND post until tomorrow when I have more time - it was a blast!

On a side note:

I have decided that I am a "sunrise" kind of person. Although I didn't want to get out of my bed, when the hubby left and I finally had ROOM to move, I got up and ran 2-1/2 miles on the treadmill while the sun came up. (LOVED IT!)

Remeber the Universe pictures?

Let me share with you the sunrise off the deck of our house in the tropics:

And this is the sunrise view from our house in the mountains:

Did I mention how beautiful the day is here in Midland, TX? There is a cool breeze, the sun is shining bright, the sky is clear and it is about 72 outside - no wonder I am in a good mood! Oh man, why do we have to work on a day like this?! (or clean up sh!t and puke, in my case ----oh well!)

Hope everyone is well on your end!

So, have you decided yet? What kind of person are you?

Day 106 - Just Breathe

I read a sentence last night that has stuck with me through this morning and afternoon:

“The thing to remember, to always remember, is that what you do, or don’t do, today is what matters most. In fact, nothing else does.” the Universe

I know we all have heard about living for the moment and living for today, but why is it so hard for most people to comprehend? Why do we get so distracted with work and family and chores and schedules that we fail to realize that EVERYTHING that happens from the moment we wake up until we fall asleep again is actually OUR LIFE!

The most important lesson here is that we are not promised tomorrow. But, if for some miraculous reason that we do wake up again – shouldn’t we be comforted by the fact that another day of opportunity is upon us?

For instance: All too often we put off working out or eating better until the weekend or until Monday or whatever future date we think we will be more inclined to start and stick with our goal. The piece of logic that escapes us all is that if we choose to workout and eat right EVERY DAY then there would be no reason that we would have to look to the future for help. Because day by day, we would lose and maintain the weight we want, get healthier and have time to notice our LIFE. There would be no crash diets or dreams of losing 10lbs in 2 days because we are going to unexpectedly meet someone from our past whom we want to only know us as thin…it’s not supposed to be this way.

The result is working out and eating better becomes a part of our daily routine and it is no longer a burden of trying to find out how to fit it in to our schedule. Now, we can focus on work or family and little by little appreciate all the small things (like having to leave every other day to take your daughters’ “something” they forgot to take to school) that make up our LIFE.

Working out, eating better, our household laundry and messy rooms, our always inconvenient family, our workload, our visualization or meditation times, writing, posting, running the kids around – why does all of this have to be a chore?

I went home at lunch to workout , but was distracted by the dishes, the laundry, the un-made beds and everything else that needed to be done. I walked into the kitchen then into the living room passing Doodlebugs room, the girls’ room and into our master bedroom. I looked at my treadmill and plopped down on our bed and stared at the ceiling. I thought to myself “in a few hours the house will be filled with the life that inhabits the never-ending mess and ever-growing laundry. In a few hours I will be present in the cooking, cleaning, homework and noises that are my life. But right now, in this moment, I will enjoy the silence and just breathe.”

Day 105 - Craziness Abounds

Before I begin: Someone special deserves a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So, happy birthday MrsFatass! I love the new design!

My book was on my mind all last night. I think I basically wrote the whole book in my head over the seven hours that I was supposed to be sleeping. Maybe it’s my pillow – whatever the reasons – I haven’t been sleeping. .. So, with this being written, I did not get up and workout this morning.

At first, I thought I would workout on my lunch break, but since the moment I walked through the door at work I have been extremely busy. So busy, that I have not eaten breakfast and I’M STARVING! So I texted the hubby and he is taking me to lunch. Awwwww! He really knows how to please me – with food! Get your minds out of the gutter people! Focus on my hunger!

I’ve put together a 30 minute workout routine that the girls will be doing every evening. The morning workout is no longer an option – for them – so they will be working out in the evening. Kitty has been working out 4 hours a day since school started and has only maintained her weight. She swears that she is not eating that much during lunch, but her results tell me otherwise. Kiki just desperately wants to keep working out to lose more weight and I don’t blame her. She needs to (Dr’s orders – don’t hate on me for agreeing!) Soooo, my plan is to find time EVERY night for them to get this 30 minute workout done and from now on (and since I can control it) dinner will be our smallest meal of the day! We need to make sure we aren’t eating more calories than we can burn – something I think Kitty is really close to doing…hmmmm?

On a much happier note! Remember a couple of posts ago where I mentioned that I had to leave to go meet Zac Brown? Well here’s the story:

Most of you already know that I am on the board at Bynum School. Our little school won the Campbells Labels for Education Grand Prize (and the Grammy Foundation) to have Zac Brown play for the students. This was a huge moment for all of us! We are getting ready to launch our Capital Campaign for a new school, so the timing couldn’t have been better. I have a ton of pictures but I couldn’t get them all loaded…whatever, I’m selfish.

Here is my VIP Pass. Everyone that was “on the list” got one. (staff, parents, students and board members) This event was ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN, so it was an intimate affair – LOVED IT!

The event started off with the children singing and hand-signing Chicken Fry for him! It was soooo cute! He was very touched! Did I mention that he is extremely genuine and very cute in that “rugged, lets escape to the mountains for the weekend and live like animals” kind of way.

Sorry, got distracted...

He played three songs for the children and they went wild! Wayyyyyy Coooool!

Here, Campbells Labels for Education has presented Bynum School with 100,000 redemption bonus points to buy the school musical instruments and a ton of other musical “art” items for the school. It just brings tears to my eyes!

To top everything off, just before Zac (yes, we go by first names now – I’m elite like that) left the premises, he gave the school a check for $100,000!

Now I am crying, because I know how bad this magical little school needs help in building a new school.

But, I know and feel with all my heart that we WILL raise the $8million dollars it’s going to take to fulfill our dreams. If you haven’t yet, I suggest you take a peek at what this school provides and the special children they teach. I have never been to another place where the true love of the human spirit can be fully comprehended. And, if you happen to have an extra $8mllion lying around somewhere - send it to the school!


Day 104 - Questions and Answers


When the hubby left this morning, I got up and jogged 4 miles on my treadmill. I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep because I JUST CAN’T TURN OFF MY BRAIN! I knew that after the day I had yesterday, if I didn’t get up and workout (revive the endorphins) I was going to call in sick. (AND THAT IS NOT IN MY CHARACTER!) I jogged 4 miles this morning without the TV or music on and you know what the mind-boggling, scratch your head, what the hell was I thinking now that I’m sitting here at my desk with my knee throbbing, thing about it was? I remember starting and finishing, but nothing in between.

That means I was so preoccupied with life and everything I was feeling that I forgot to tell myself I needed to slow down because I was short of breath, or I couldn’t run anymore because my side hurt, or I needed to walk more, so that I could run longer – nothing – nada – no excuses. I don’t remember when mile 1 became mile 2 into mile 3 and what possessed me to begin and end mile 4. Every step I took was like a grudge f@ck to the treadmill belt and I stepped off after 4 miles with no release!

I was still irritated, tense and ready to keep going, but the obligations of getting the kids up and ready for school and myself ready for work was priority. Grrrrrr!

Normally, I am not in these kinds of moods and I can’t blame it on PMS or any other chemical or mental breakdown – I can only assume that the answers to what the hell am I going to do, become, attain, and manifest in my life, will help.

I am a lucky person! It is easy for me to put my life into perspective! I have the perfect mate, wonderful children, a great job and all the support I will ever need. So why is it so hard for me to be content RIGHT NOW? Why is the burning desire to want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE or JUST BE PRESENT IN MY LIFE causing me so much strain?

I know that life happens, but at what point is it okay to tell all the excuses, pessimisms, fears and apprehensions to f@ck off? When did ambition, persistence and motivation become obstacles?


In through the nose, out through the mouth

Repeat 5 times.

From now on, I live, work-out and pursue my dreams for ME--because in MY happiness, I give freely and feel content. Is there really any other way to live?

Today is 104 days into this journey, so I will be adding another goal for MYSELF: 1,000 words a day for the next 60 days and my book published and selling millions beginning the first quarter of 2011. By then, I will be at my goal weight, have all the money that I can manifest and maybe even have my Children’s Personal Trainer License.

My mind is made up! There is no turning back now. Watch out world – here I come!

I have my release…ohhh yeahhhhh!

Days 101-103 - Bang, Bang!




This is me banging my head on my desk at work.




It's been "one of those weekends" leading into "one of those days..."

I need some asprin.

Do you know what I mean?






Day 100 - WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ONE HUNDRED DAYS!!!!! Oh yeah – doing the cabbage patch! Running man - sprinkler, now bring it back! Oh yeah!

When I started this journey, I would not have guessed that 100 days later I would still be working out and writing about it!

100 DAYS! Shish - that is a head scratcher.

Okay – first I would like to thank God and my manager…okay whatever! Lol!

Today is a glorious day – today it is ALL ABOUT ME! Well sort of…it's about us.

I was able to sit in silence for a few minutes this morning staring out at the gray skies and the rain falling to the ground. It was utterly beautiful! Being able to be silent and appreciate your current view of the outside world makes you very grateful for everything you have - and you say "thank you." In the hectic chaos that is most of my mornings - I normally forget to stop, breathe and say thank you - but not today. Not on my 100th day!

Taking things one day at a time really does work! I have learned that anything we have “had” to do like cleaning, laundry, working out and eating right can become a chore and even a dread. By changing our attitude about how we feel about these things and pausing for just a moment – we realize there are countless people who would love to trade places with us…it really puts things into perspective!

Taken from Mike Dooley as the Universe “Life…it can sometimes be like one of those really, really “good problems,” huh?


I will be taking pictures with Zac Brown later today –shhhh - that post to come next week.

In honor of celebrating this 100 day milestone achievement, I would like to include a few people that deserve some other “CHEERS” of their own.

First, this Sunday Kitty will turn 14! OMG! WTH? How did she get to 14 already!? My baby is about to turn 14! Tear…

Okay I’m over it…

Another person we need to acknowledge is a “virtual” friend of mine. This is her birthday month (yes you read correctly – she celebrates the whole month!) She is absolutely fabulous in her own MrsFatass way! She has this whole “fill up her Giant Birthday Suckhole Extravaganza” going on and what kind of virtual friend would I be if I didn’t send everyone over there to comment on her amazing HooHah? Love, love, love her - and not in some silent virtural stalker way!

Drinks are on me tonight!

100 days later and I feel the power of “sticking with something!” I am amazed that we have gotten here from here and I have (mostly) loved every minute of it! I look forward to sharing the rest of our journey with you because ‘IT’S NOT OVER.”  

Days 94-99 WTH?

I have been so busy over the last few days with work and family (AND WORK) that I haven’t had time to write. Figures…just when I pull the book back out – life gets crazy! I am officially going through withdrawals! Not just from writing but from working out. Yep, it only took 4 days and the neck twitching, bad mood, irritation, hallucinating withdrawals have begun!

If it tells you anything, I am using my lunch break to write this post, because I JUST CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!

I didn’t think I would ever feel this way about either one – writing or working out! But I am there – I am at the point where I have realized that the act of taking a small amount of time to work-out and write everyday helps keep me sane. A few moments where it is ALL ABOUT ME!

By the way – our first 5k for Habitat for Humanity this past Saturday was awesome! I don’t know what our times were (or not going to write them…;-)) but we finished! I wasn’t expecting to push Doodlebug, but the Hubby had to work, so I figured – what they hay! Here is a picture of the starting line:

My boobs look HUGE! They're big, but NOT that big! - Just for the record...

After trouble with the very expensive jogging stroller that I own, here I am watching everyone else run.

The Marines were there running together in cadence – WAY COOL! Okay, it was not operator error people! As soon as we were told to start, I took off running. Suddenly, the front wheel started acting like it was going to fall off! (You know like that one wheel on a grocery basket that wobbles and makes everything vibrate and rough!?) My stroller was doing that! Doodlebug is yelling at me to “stop it mommy!” Fortunately the wheel would only act up when I ran – so I had to walk! WHATEVER! I’m not making this up – ask two of the gentlemen that stopped to ask me if everything was okay! Maybe it was the Universe trying to tell me to slow down and enjoy our first 5k instead of trying to keep up with everyone else…WHAT? I’m telling the truth!

It was a great day!

This morning I was able to get up early and workout at home. It's nice to know that all that money we spent on our treadmill was "not for nothing"...

We had a blast! Our next 5k is the American Diabetes Association Run on October 16th!

I'm still having trouble finding the time to meditate and visualize. I'm at the point where I will probably have to pull into a grocery store parking lot for a few minutes, because it seems that the only time I have to myself is between the dropping off and picking up the kiddos and going to and leaving work!

What has the Universe been telling you lately?

(Ted I know you are (and I quote) "really impressed", so I put 2 d's in kiddos JUST FOR YOU!) ;-)

Day 93

I just wanted to quickly let everyone know that I pulled my book back out from the depths of my archives and began writing (typing) again! Am I a writer? Hell no!

But, I enjoy it and I have even done something that would make Mike Dooley and Rhonda Byrne proud – I renamed my “file” NY Times Record Breaking Best Seller! Yes, you read correctly! Once this baby is finished my “file” name will manifest its self-fulfilling prophecy!

On another note: I sent a text out to my mom and sisters asking if I could post some old pictures of them on my blog – my direction was going to be about a loving and strong family bond…okay whatever!

Anyway, these are the ACTUAL responses from them:

Older Sister: none –she hasn’t even acknowledged my text. I guess she is busy opening up her new business or something successful like that. ;-)

Younger Sister: Do I have a mullet? (Ummm, yes in a lot of them YOU do AND older sister – but not me at all!)

Mom: I might have to sue if in any way it pertains to my fatness or me caught in unfavorable situations.

Okay – my mom’s response surprised me and after I quit laughing an hour later it got me to thinking “what exactly has she been up too?” UNFAVORABLE SITUATIONS – what IS that? Does that mean she doesn’t want me to show pictures of her in her bikini (or the men’s XXL t-shirt and long shorts she wore last time on the lake) or her stuffing her face with food? You have to understand that my mom is a lot of fun, but she doesn’t drink that often and she doesn’t venture out of her comfort zone too much either – hence the BIG clothes! So, now I am going to rummage through ALL THE OLD family pictures that somehow ended up at my house and see what I can find! HaHaHa!

Yep – that’s my mom and sisters for you! I am going to enjoy writing that future post – WITH PICS!

By the way, when the hubby took Kitty to volleyball practice this morning at 6:30am, I laid there awake staring at the clothes hanging on my treadmill. I thought about my post yesterday – got up – threw the clothes on the bed and ran for 3 miles! See, I CAN lead by example!

Tomorrow is our first EVER 5k. The charity is Habitat for Humanity, so I will be posting those pictures next week! YAY!!!!!

What are your plans for the weekend?

Days 91 & 92 - Action!

It wasn’t that hard to get up yesterday morning. I did my best the night before to make sure that everyone would be ready to go since Kitty was going straight into Volleyball practice at 6:30am. I did something that I don’t normally do too – I worked out with my iPod. All three of us did – it was fun!

As soon as we got out of the truck Kiki was saying “Mom, it is sprinkling!”

AND? You know my theory – I don’t care if it is - we are working out anyway. (It might be a surprise to some of my readers, but I do NOT melt when water touches my body!) We ran, walked & danced three miles in the fastest time that we had ever done before. Yes, you read correctly. We danced! The air was breezy and cool and you could see the light from the moon shining through the clouds – the weather conditions were perfect for dancing! Not to mention that I have a great playlist! All three of us were out there working out, acting like idiots and having a great time! You’ve all ready about my mad dancing skills, so I was giving the girls some pointers.

The campus sprinklers were running on the southwest side of the playing fields and when we first went by them, the wind was helping the water drift heavily in the air. As we approached them, I could see where all the water was located and knew that it probably would be best to walk in the middle of the street so I wouldn’t get soaked. Okay – picture this on the first mile: I’m in the middle of the street and the girls are a few feet behind me when the first wave of COLD heavy mist hit us. Three squeals rang out in the air and we all looked like a bunch of drag queens trying to cover up their hair and makeup and run in heels away from the sprinklers. Never mind the fact that we had already been running in the sprinkling rain! Pitiful! During the second mile we welcomed the heavy mist to cool us down and by the third mile the girls were walking on the sidewalk trying to get soaked!

This morning was a completely different story – I CHOSE not to get up. I probably should have, but my sinuses and ears are bothering me – yada, yada, yada. Kitty has a volleyball game this afternoon and afterwards, Kiki and I will get our 3 miles in.

We did weigh yesterday morning and the results were the following:

Kiki’s current weight – 129lbs – GAIN of 3 lbs

Kitty’s current weight – 173lbs – GAIN of 3lbs

My current weight – 168 – GAIN of 3lbs

You know what? By the way that we have been slacking off trying to find out how the school schedules will affect our working out over the past 2 weeks and the included holiday break – I am HAPPY! Three lbs – that’s all! We are back in the saddle again and those 3lbs will be gone next week! Oh yeah!

I could posses an entirely different negative attitude towards our (extremely small) weight gain, but remember that I am learning and trying to teach the girls that our mental attitudes WILL BE the determining factors in our weight-loss goals. So, this got me to thinking: are our actions contradicting our beliefs about our future success and that everything we want in life is possible? Let me give you an example. Here is a realistic picture of what my body will look like when I am done and maintaining on my journey.

Now, the question remains, are my actions contradicting my beliefs? Are the “big” clothes that I have hanging in my closet “just in case” I have a “nothing fits” day really conducive to my body above? Is the treadmill in the corner with my clothes hanging on it (even though I’ve been working out outside) really encouraging my beliefs about what I should be doing? Are the men’s XL t-shirts that I workout in really contributing to my beliefs about my future body image?

See where I am going with this people? Is anyone reading this? Am I alone????????????

I have to analyze my actions and also those of the girls to coincide with what our true beliefs are. This is a hard lesson to learn, but one that I am now fully aware of and taking ACTION against.

I guess what I am trying to relay here, is that ALL of us need to take a look at our actions against our beliefs. Do you really want or believe that you can have, be or do anything, but still have the “actions in the closet” mentality - just in case?

About a week ago I wrote to everyone and let them know that I was taking my glasses off for good! I BELIEVE that my vision will restore back to 20/20 in no time – because IT CAN! Guess what....... it hasn’t restored fully YET – but I have kept a pair of glasses in my purse this whole time – what does that say about my beliefs? Yep – the glasses are gone!

What are your actions saying?

Days 88-91

The girls and I worked out Saturday and Monday. If you add in the calories burned from cleaning house and doing laundry, then maybe – MAYBE – we were able to break even from all the food we ate! I’ve decided that we are going back to the weigh-ins – starting tomorrow! Yay! Sarcasm font! With Kitty working out 4 hours a day now (Volleyball & Tennis) with a sporadic 5 hours a couple times a week, she no longer has the excuse that she doesn’t work out enough. Her weight-loss goals will be determined by her caloric intake. Kiki and I will have to continue working out and eating right, since our motivation has been weakened over the past two weeks. (Back in the saddle again!)

So, in the joyous mood that I am in because of the impending weigh-in tomorrow, I would like to take this opportunity to address an email that I received. Basically, is stated the question of “what makes you an expert…blah, blah, blah”.

To this person, I would like to write (since I don’t know if you were trying to be mean or just really wanted to know my expertise…) I MAKE ME AN EXPERT! There are no doctors, psychologist, fitness guru’s or even dieticians in this world that can or ever will be an expert on my body. We are all different and the only person that knows what works for me and my children – IS ME! You know why? It is because I am in charge of EVERYTHING that goes on in my thought process. Understand?! At any given moment, I can decide or not to decide what works for me – and it is the truth. Whatever I think works for me WILL and whatever I think doesn’t work for me WON’T! It’s that simple.

After all of these past years taking one step forward and two steps back , going up and down with crazy diet fad after stupid diet fad – even turning to prescription pills and looking for some EXPERT to give me the magical quick fix, I always found myself disappointed and faced with the reality that it really is the basic fundaments of less eating and more moving that works! That is what makes me an expert – EXPERIENCE.

After fighting through grieving depression and then trying on pieces of clothing after pieces of clothing in my closet , finally falling to the floor in a fit of tears because nothing fit (or it wasn’t ironed… ;-)), I conquered the emotions and negative feelings that were holding me back – FROM MYSELF – that is what makes me an expert – LIFE.

After deciding that my children will NEVER have to sink to the unhealthy levels of losing weight like I did and taking control of MY LIFE, I am now 91 days into a journey of epic proportions. That is 91 days of getting off my butt and FINDING the time I need to devote to our health and learning what it is like to change over thirty years of eating habits! I KNOW what it is like to drastically change food habits and I know what actually works for us! I KNOW what it is like to begin working out and not be able to function properly because of sore muscles. I KNOW what it is like to work 50 hours a week, be the family doctor and sports chauffer, only have time for take-out food most days, start your morning at 6:30am and NOT have ANY time that is devoted to yourself between then and 9:30pm! This is what makes me an expert – MOTIVATION!

After 91 days of trial and error, good times and bad times, sore muscles and mounds of frustration, I have NOT given up. This is what makes me an expert – ATTITUDE!

The very attitude that writes to the world my reply to the aforementioned email that I AM SOMEBODY and EVERYTHING THAT I WANT IN LIFE IS POSSIBLE!

NEWSFLASH! There are no magical prescription medications, no magical diet fads and no magical wand that can be waved and VOILA! – You are the best skinny you EVER! Sorry, life is not a fairy tale of pixy dust and magical Godmothers. But, if you feel the act of spending money on something is the only way your mind will accept the “guarantee” that “it” is sure to work then let me try to sell you this:

Take whatever monetary dollar amount that you will be spending on the next “get skinny quick” idea to a local church or charity (or even the homeless man on the street) and give it to them. THEN for the next 10 days (that’s usually the quick selling timeframe right?) , find time to walk for 1 hour everyday and CUT your portion sizes and I will guarantee you results in your weight, emotions and life!

What was that? You don’t have time? Then get up earlier! That is the only way I can work out – it IS possible you know! Can’t? Then walk down the street at a park on your lunch break WHILE you carry and eat your food.

What was that? You don’t have time to cook a healthy meal? Good – because I am not asking you too! All I’m asking is that you cut your portion sizes! Next time you go to Texas Burger (or wherever – work with me people!) and want a double meat double cheese chili burger with large fries – try ordering the kiddy sized double meat double cheese chili burger and small fries – IT IS A START! Do you get the idea now – cut the portions of the foods you are already eating. Improve on what you are ALREADY doing and then you can progress to fish and salads later! The goal is to cut back the calories, but NOT create the cravings that go along with drastic food changes. It’s not hard!

What? Really? You don’t have anyone to workout with? When did this become a problem? You are not deciding to change someone else’s life and help THEM lose weight (unless you’re a mom helping your children but then you wouldn’t have that excuse) - YOU ARE DOING THIS FOR YOU – REMEMBER?!

I promise that this will work for you if and only IF you QUIT MAKING EXCUSES AS TO WHY YOU CAN’T! I’m yelling this at you now – can you hear me?!!!! QUIT WITH THE EXCUSES!

Shish – already!

Still need to know what makes me an expert – the EXPERIENCE, LIFE, and dedicated MOTIVATION isn’t enough? How about LONG-LASTING (note: I didn’t write quick-fix) RESULTS? Okay, 91 days doesn’t seem that long? Well for your information, this journey with the girls began 91 days ago, but my journey began 212 days ago! Every pound I have lost – I have KEPT OFF – if you consider a normal 5lb flux… you gotta give me that! ;-)

I’m not perfect – I live an extremely busy life – I have 3 children – I work more than full time (in the stressful accounting & financial world no doubt) – I have given myself thousands of excuses over the past many years of why I can’t do this or that – I have slacked off – I still haven’t progressed into the next phase of eating better – on the other hand I haven’t taken myself out of my daily reality or given myself time off to jumpstart my journey either – BUT – I have been more successful than all the times before added together through this newfound way of thinking.

I didn’t want to be fat – I don’t want my girls to be fat! Guess what – we don’t have to be! But, that meant changing our attitude and committing to finding time to devote to our health goals and eating better; finding out what works and what doesn’t, so that we can continue producing long lasting results.

Funny how all this success was just based off a decision I woke up and made one day – a decision to take back my life and be accountable for my OWN happiness!

That my friend is what being an expert is all about!

Day 87

This morning Kiki and I ran 2-1/2 miles at one of the local churches. The cloud cover made the school extremely dark, so we ventured across the street toward something different. The wind was blowing and the air was cold. Yes, you read correctly – the wind was COLD! I LOVED IT! Kiki complained for a while – well until her body warmed up – and then actually welcomed the cold breeze. I look forward to every morning as the air gets cooler. I envision the cold air is coming from hundreds of miles away from the snowy mountain tops and it seems (well to me anyway) that the air is cleaner and it is easier to run. It was a great start to our holiday weekend.

The holiday weekend will allow me to spend some more time with the hubby. We are busy all week with work and the transport of our children from one event to another that the fact that most of our time is spent apart doesn’t really dawn on us. I started this journey with my daughters, but don’t forget that there are two men in my life that have been encouraging us this whole time.

Meet the hubby.

This is my soul mate. He is the love of my life and my strength. (The fact that he does the dishes has no wavering affect on my affection for him ;-)) He is genuinely (from the very definition) a good man. From his work ethics (and talents in “other” areas – wink, wink) to the love for his family and friends – he IS as good as they come! He is a wonderful father, and although he is tough (I did NOT write difficult) to work for, he is one huge teddy bear! Don’t get me wrong – being tough to work for is a POSITIVE thing! It makes you a better employee, it makes your work higher quality and it establishes loyalty. He is a no-nonsense kind of guy that will tell you straight up what, how, and why things are going on and are done a certain way. But, most importantly, he LEADS BY EXAMPLE! To work for him, you have to have tough skin and put forth your best  – but hey – this is TEXAS – everyone EXPECTS an unquestionable work ethic! He has a knack for seeing potential in people and knowing how to cultivate their aptitude and skill set to help them advance in the right direction. These qualities earn respect – period. (Sometimes I think he is too fair and over accommodating, but again, he sees things that I don’t.) We’re a lot alike and completely different – if that is possible – in our management styles. Me being a Capricorn and he a Taurus, our personalities are perfectly matched. He is a pessimist (he calls it being a realist - whatever) and I am an ever dreaming optimist - I give him hope and he keeps me grounded. We are both strong and weak in certain areas of our lives, but are equally independent of each other financially. After 17 years (OMG! – 17 years? – really? – it’s been that long!?) I still have a huge crush on him. And tonight when we go to a dinner party with a 100 people, I will see him across the room talking to another woman (feeling extremely secure with myself) and have those feelings of teenage butterflies you get with young love. That’s how much I am in love with this man. I am blessed!

Here is the new man in my life. Meet Doodlebug.

He was 4lbs when we brought him home. Don’t get distracted by my husband’s long hair, (j/k sweetie!) but Doodlebug is smaller than my husband’s bicep & tricep! Awwww. See what I mean? The hubby is a softy! Almost every night and I mean almost EVERY night these two have fallen asleep together. Whether it is Doodlebug falling asleep in his arms kicked back on the recliner or Doodlebug following him to the bed – he wants to do what daddy is doing! Matter of fact, Doodlebug will be 3 in November and we are just now weaning him out of our bed. Sometimes he will sneak into our bed before we do and this is what we find:

How can you move him to his own bed? Awwww.

This was Doodlebug’s first EVER haircut (which he was almost perfect if you can imagine that) and my husband was reading to him! One of our good friends owns his own salon called Joe James Salon and Day Spa. Super nice and you won't find better service or people ANYWHERE! LOVE THEM!

Experiencing your child’s youth comes only once and the hubby wasn’t around much when the girls were little because either he was out of town working or in the oilfields working 100 hours a week. With Doodlebug, he is able to appreciate the “time” a little more. Here they play while we are at a restaurant and you can see that he is still not much bigger than the hubby’s arm! Lol.

Here Doodlebug goes for a ride after picking out some shotgun shells for daddy. All he really cares about is going fast on the Polaris Ranger! HE LOVES HIS DADDY!

I look at Kitty and Kiki sometimes and wonder where the time went, but I keep telling myself that it is not over. Kitty being our first child is still experiencing and learning things about life that only a parent can appreciate. We forget that their learning doesn’t stop after potty training or reading in kindergarten. Sometimes “having been there and done that” is lost on our patience, but the real miracle is that we get to see and experience the world through our children’s eyes if we pay attention…

These are the men in my life and as we (the girls and I) go forward, I won't forget to thank them for all their support and encouragment.

Have you ever discovered something or appreciated something more in this world just from watching a child?

Day 86

Okay, so Kiki and I got up late this morning, but we got up and this is what happened:

It wasn’t as humid as I was expecting, but 3 miles felt like 6! I could feel all of the mojitos, mixed martinis (which I have discovered ALL are like moonshine and undrinkable) and the red wine dripping out of my pores! I was soaking wet and it felt great!

This morning was a 180 from the other mornings! We left at exactly the same time and I was running behind the exact same minutes, but my mood was not hurried, bitchy or irritated at the thought of running 10 minutes late to work. Isn’t that something…? ;-)

Here are some of my “WILL HAVES” that I have been promising to post to the Universe:

First let me write that I hereby express my deepest gratitude and am very thankful for all of the things that I have in my life now. I am a very lucky individual!

This will be the millions of dollars that I write a check for to Bynum School in Midland, TX to help build a new, desperately needed school. All too often we take for granted our perfectly healthy children and those are the children that we say “are our futures”. We don’t realize (because it is not part of our everyday life) that children with severe disabilities and special needs are ALSO the children of our future. They are our future advancements and breakthroughs in Speech, Physical, Music and Light Therapies. Just because most of us don’t have special needs children, doesn’t mean that our lives will forever be untouched by the possibility. This school is helping guide the way into the future, so our children’s children and their children’s children will have more opportunities to heal, adapt and live their lives to their fullest potentials. This why I believe and support Bynum School in Midland, TX with all my heart.

This will be the millions of dollars that I share with my family (to lead them in the direction of fulfilling all their dreams) and my other chosen organizations.

This IS MY next HUMMER:

These are our vacation homes near the ocean and in the mountains:

This is the bus (that we will pull the HUMMER behind) and our truck and trailer that my family will travel to sporting clay shoots in:

This is my life:

…filled with love, family and gratitude.

Okay, so these are just a few of my “WILL HAVES” – what will you have?

P.S. I’m not wearing glasses or contacts today – they completely contradict my positive thoughts on EVER needing them again. (For those of you wondering how I can see, I really don’t have a strong prescription anyway...I feel that this feat will be easy for me!)

Days 80-85 Stuck in a Funk

Can someone please explain WHY I can’t seem to get up anymore at 5am? I mean, we go ALL SUMMER getting up at 5am and now that school has started, I can’t seem to get up! For a couple of days I told myself that Kiki and I could work out in the evenings, but that hasn’t happened! I should have known! My evenings are extremely busy and THAT WAS THE REASON THAT I COMPRIMISED WITH THE GIRLS that MORNINGS would have to be the TIME for us to work out this summer! So I ask again WHY (YELLING it to the Universe now) WHYYYYYY can’t I get up anymore? After 71 days straight!!!

Since school started 8 days ago, I have gained 2 lbs! I am back to 167lbs. I am irritated and extremely moody ALL THE TIME! I know it is because I haven’t been working out and I’m eating more than I was during the summer. There needs to be another SHOCK to my system that will wake me up!

There is a one day exception – Saturday. We were leaving town Saturday and for some reason, I woke up around 6am and couldn’t go back to sleep. After about 20 minutes of lying there, I got up and went into my closet (my closet is about the size of a small bedroom 9x12) and actually meditated (it was more like visualizing) for about 10 minutes. IT. FELT. GREAT. The house was so quiet and peaceful. After I was done, I got dressed and left for the school. I ran two miles while the sun came up. The sunrise, sprinklers, early morning football practice, cool breeze and my iPod, made for the perfect start to ANY day! Starting my day off that good, made my WHOLE Saturday GREAT!

With the hectic routine of getting everyone up and dressed for school and daycare and making sure that homework papers made it back into the right backpacks and workout clothes, tennis shoes, tennis rackets, violins, and whatever else is not forgotten, I NEED a morning like that EVERY DAY! Don’t get me wrong – I 100% absolutely LOVE MY LIFE - everything about it – down to the girl’s dirty underwear on the floor in THEIR bathroom. I LOVE MY LIFE!

In my quest to manifest ALL that I will ever WANT. I have decided to also include the transition of wearing glasses to not EVER needing them again. In a very short time, I will not ever have to need glasses again! I’m not talking about surgery or anything like that; I’m talking about the powers of the mind. I’m talking about the law of attraction and quantum physics. And, guess what? I will not be the first person or even the 1,000th person to accomplish this feat.

My “I WILL HAVE” list to the Universe that I promised you 6 days ago, will be coming next. What do you want – or what WILL you HAVE? Send me pictures.