Day 352 Change is coming!

Little by little, as my 1 year blogiversary approaches, you will start to notice some changes!

I have a new direction...

I have profound motivation...

I have YOU!

Thanks for sticking with me through the ups and downs, having direction and getting lost!

Change is coming!



Muah! Muah!

Days 344-351 - "...light at the end of the tunnel..."

This past week has been very emotional and turbulent filled! I have had some time to meditate and really soul search why my negativity about a certain something/someone was boiling over.

At one point I posted on Facebook for the Universe to show me a sign and boy did I get one! Not only did I get the most appropriate sign, but I got a little extra one too. You see, on one of the days my eyes were filled with tears and (like always) I was still at work. And then the strangest thing happened, someone came into my office, pulled a (Law of Attraction) book off my shelf and asked "You made me believe in this, where is this woman? where is this belief?" And in an instant they were gone...

I was shocked because I am not close to this person and we don't work in the same department. I was shocked because they were right. Light bulb turning on - bell ringing "Hello?" - right!

It took me until the next day (sleep helped) to really begin changing my perspective. I began to read my old posts - looking for some inspiration - I knew "that woman" was in me somewhere.
Not long ago I wrote this post... and realized that my joy came from helping others. Helping people succeed and connect to life.

And then stumbled back upon this post... where the road less traveled by was the direction I needed to take (oops - took a detour and haven't made it back yet...effing road construction), and the very last paragraph struck my heart and gave me chills.

I needed to read them again - I needed something positive.

I am verging on my 1 year blogiversary and I don't want to venture into year 2 undecided with my intentions. I have a lot of plans for year 2 and am very excited to share those with you in a few weeks.

Looking back over the entire year's posts, I felt happiest when I was writing everyday. Then life happened and work happened and stress happened and I lost focus on my own dreams and my writings became less frequent.

I apologize to all my fans for this...

Just know that in this very moment, I am consciously making changes to be the example to live by. In this very moment, I am consciously choosing to live the life I want and deserve. I see a light at the end of the tunnel now.

I just pray that all that negativity doesn't come crashing down on me at once where I look like the Wicked Witch under Dorothy's house from the Wizard of Oz! I know I will get back the negativity that was sent out - The Law of Attraction states this - I just hope it sprinkles a few drops at a time.

Fingers crossed!


Hi everyone!!!!!!

Do you see that?

Okay, so maybe it doesn't quite line up like I wanted it too - but look up a little to the right...


Yes, that little SHOP NOW link!

Hooray!!!!!!! EEEEEEK! Shrills of excitement fill the air!

I finally have merchandise and today I am unabashedly promoting my potential sales!

(Oh yeah! Doing the cabbage patch - It's my birthday - blowing out the candles...oh yeah)

Since I am verging upon my 1 year blogiversary, I thought I would go ahead and add my new store...there might be prizes later! Yay!

Shocking as it may sound, but I do not plan to become a millionaire from this store. Nope, in fact I make about a $1 for every sale - lol - not kidding. But I don't care, because I want to see you wearing your support for life and for yourself!




(although I will not become a millionaire, I might become a new home owner and a thousandaire if - I don't know - say the first 50,000 people buy one shirt? What do you think? Wanna help? Buy, forward, copy and send at your heart's content! Please and thank you!)

And NO! Dreams, wishes, possibilities and desperation have no limits!


Days 338 & 339 - "Sometimes you just have to dance..."

Where to begin on a day like this?

Well, yesterday I spent most of the day at home with Kiki. She had the stomach bug and slept most of the day while I got "somewhat" caught up on laundry. It was a ho-hum day for me. I was still sulking from the day before and the fact that Mr. Strong wasn't available to go pick Kiki up was frustrating.


Then I watched Lady Gaga's Monster Ball on HBO. (can you say...ASSTASTIC!)

Then I watched another inspirational movie with the message of "no matter what life brings your way, sometimes you just have to dance..."

Both shows put me in a better mood yesterday, but last night I fell - a little bit - back into a slump.

This morning I got on the scale and VOILA! My good mood returned! Oh yeah baby!

It has been busy here at work and while I was on my lunch break running errands for work, I decided to tan.

15 minutes of MEEEEEEE time!

I walked into the tanning salon and was given the room of my preference...oh yeah...even better mood!

The music was blaring and as I shut the door behind me? Tone Loc's Funky Cold Medina came on! Oh yeah baby! Old school like a mofo!

I start undressing - dancing to whole song! All I needed was a stripper pole and I would have been set! Of course my body is moving and popping and locking and dropping it like it's hot! I checked a few times to make sure I locked the door and when the part of the song came on where he says "BREAK IT DOWNNNN!" ? My ass was AWESOME! (you'll just have to take my word for it...)

Oh yeah! This white girl can dance! I had my clothes off, my body all lotioned up and my out of control boobs handled before the song was over!

Forget about the cabbage patch and running man - this song called for some old school ass shaking!

By the time (all of 2-1/2 minutes) the song was over and I was laying down on the bed, panic took over.

Oh shit! What if there are secret hidden cameras in here!? What am I going to do when the world sees my dancing belly, boobs and naked ass on You Tube?!  Then I thought to myself - "I can sue and by default get my new house and drinks poolside..."

Okay, panic over.

Sometimes you just have to dance...

Day 337 - I just want to cry...

Some days I feel on top of the world...

Some days I feel inspired and inspirational...

Some days I feel motivated and energized...

Some days I feel sleepy and lazy...

Some days I feel discouraged and frozen...

Some days I feel withdrawn...

Some days - like today - I just want to cry.

Blame it on whatever you want, but today I can't find my positive perspective. I'm in a slump people! and refuse to self-medicate on anything but my writing.

It is very busy at work and while I was on my lunch break waiting in line at the bank (for work!) I couldn't help but think that "it has to get better!"


Kitty texted me this morning and asked if I could go pick her up from school because she has a sinus headache and her throat hurts. I told her I was busy and to text/ask Mr. Strong. She replied with "he's probably busy." I dismissed that comment and told her to at least TRY to see if he was available. You know what her response was?

"Never mind, I'll stay here"

Really?! WTF?!

So her ass is still at school!


I have worked my butt off to get to where I am in my professional career.
That being written, today proved - AGAIN - that no matter how much I do for my position or anyone else's - I will never be appreciated for my work or thought of as the professional that I am (probably because I have a vagina, and an opinion!) by the person that it affects most. Grrrr!


Still waiting on the lottery gods and the money fairy to bless me beyond the point of being IRS debt free while I enjoy cocktails at the poolside of my new house.


Still wondering if I will ever get a new house or at least the one I have - cleaned and de-cluttered.

Sadly, I should have already had this done, but spending my weekends and weekdays working on my house has really escalated this slump I'm in. I'm sick of it and I have 3 children that contribute to a constant mess. I don't want to do anything anymore because I am the only one doing anything!

What is wrong with wanting to only work during the week while the kids are in school and taking vacations on the weekends? Hmm? Anybody?

I have no social life - none. I am hoping in my new house to have a large enough "entertaining" area to change this, but "where's the new house?" Ugh! I have a small select group of friends that I can actually stand to be around, but I am the type of person that can't stand "fake" (except maybe my future new boobs...),  or for people to ask me questions because they are nosey and not out of concern, or - believe it or not - to be in a crowded room with strangers - HATE. IT.

I am your one-of-a-kind: extroverted anti-socialite!


In 5 weeks the girls will start their summer tennis "tour" and while I wrote out that check this morning - I can't help but think "they don't deserve it".  Fortunately for them, I am looking to escape to life and this might be my only shot! Tennis tournament after tennis tournament - every weekend - some weekdays - 100+degree heat - BUT - the swimming pools and hotels will keep me going!


Still thinking...there has to be more to life...

Days 333-336 Stop Playing Games

Yesterday I had a wonderful Mother’s Day! So, to all you mother’s out there – I hope you had one too!

You all know that I am working on my New Year’s Resolution to have 6-pack abs by the end of this year. For about 2 months, I was gung-ho and completely dedicated to fulfilling this goal as soon as possible.

Workouts – check

Eating RIGHT – check

6-pack abs – Oh yeah! On the way baby!

(doing the cabbage patch – running man – running man – burning those calories…oh yeah)


Yesterday ended a culmination of 2-1/2 weeks of “slacking”. Yes, I will be the first to admit this…

I can give you every excuse in the world: stress, hormones, work, family, house hunting, house renovating, depression and what seems like never ending house chores. Dare I go on?

Anyway, I have gained back 6lbs! That might not be much to any of you out there, but it has taken me 2 months to lower my body fat percentage and lose the healthy weight that it is going to take me to accomplish my goal and VOILA! 2-1/2 weeks of slacking and I feel miserable.

I feel like I have let myself down again – now looking for quick fixes and an easy one week unhealthy 6lb weight loss just so that I can write that I have maintained my weight throughout my binge! Ugh!

But, who am I kidding?

Did I have fun and eat mounds of great fattening food and plenty of cocktails? Hell yes! BUT, the enjoyment was short lived by a protruding stomach and constant worry over what the food and drinks are doing to my scale weight. The fun and enjoyment was accompanied with doubt, guilt and self-acknowledgment that I was eating wayyyyy toooooo much! So even though the food tasted really, really, really good – it made me miserable!

Apparently I haven’t learned about/exercised enough my self-control. Food and drink should be celebratory every now and again while you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Food and drink should not be celebratory every day and then diet every now and again to counter act the bad choices.

Right? Hello? Anyone?

I will be the first to admit truth to Kate Moss’s statement and probably get hate mail for writing this, but “nothing taste as good as thin feels!”




Nothing tastes as good as putting on your pants and not worrying about sucking in or having a muffin top.

Nothing tastes as good as feeling sexy and comfortable about the few belly rolls you have because they are not filled or bloated with unhealthy gassy food choices.

Nothing tastes as good as lounging in your comfortable clothes and having your husband put his arms around you and you don’t worry about sucking in or telling him to stop because you don’t want him grabbing onto any fat.

“THIN” is a state of mind, in my opinion. My body is NOT perfect and I still have about 30 more pounds to lose, but when I was eating healthier I noticed I didn’t worry about my gut, my belly rolls, or ANY of my imperfections because they were not bloated and overstuffed with the delicious, yummy, greasy bad food choices! There was no guilt, no worry or no doubt accompanying my breakfast, lunch or dinner. Again, I am not perfect, but I felt sexier and more confident than I do today after my 2-1/2 weeks binge!

It’s very sad to write that I have passed on my eating habits to my girls. Because I was letting myself slack over the last 2-1/2 weeks, I let them slack too. This weekend after another gas bloating, over-eaten meal, the girls tried on tennis outfits for this summer’s tour. Although Kitty has been keeping up with 3-4 hours workouts 5 days a week between the gym and school – Kiki is only getting 75 minutes in at the gym and 15 minutes at recess 5 days a week. (And the gym has only been recent!)

Kiki had some emotional moments while trying on clothes and it broke my heart! So as you all and the Universe is my witness, I swear that I will do everything within my power to help her lose her belly and raise her self-confidence beyond this galaxy!

She needs my help – period. The girls look to me for guidance and what they have been guided to has been a 2-1/2 weeks free-for-all food fest!

Shame on me! It’s my fault – it is always my fault – I am the leader…

I want to introduce Kiki to “nothing tastes as good as thin feels!”

Kitty has felt this feeling and learned from it – It’s time for me to quit playing games with my life and my goals – It’s time for me to teach Kiki – It’s time to find that road less traveled again!

I wish nothing but guilt free choices and a long and healthy life for you all!


Days 324-332 Escape to Life

Hello my friends!

I have a question for you...

Have you ever wanted to escape to life?

You know, escape to living or feeling alive? Like escaping to a luxury hotel for the weekend and watching the kids swim while you enjoy a cocktail. Taking pictures of their laughter and innocent fun - making a memory...

That's where I am right now.

We finally received our "payment plan" to the IRS...blahhhh - ughhhhhh. Can I just write that Obama's new tax bracket for those people that make over $250,000 completely and totally BLOWS big green donkey (fill in the blank)! Another way to get the middle class to PAY FOR EVERYONE ELSE'S TAX BURDENS!

I digress...

Well? we haven't finished or put our house on the market yet. I was hoping that I would find the house that I couldn't live without and it would prompt me to action, but it has not happened yet. (there IS one house...I hope it waits for me...)

Anyway, back to my subject for this post...escaping to life...

I come to work everyday. I sit in this big office all by my lonesome with very little interaction with people throughout my days. Even when I am sitting through another meeting there is still little interaction. Day in and day out my routine and my life is basically isolated in the "what can I do for everyone else" mentality.

I love my job and the money I make - NOT complaining! But, what has gotten to me lately is the fact that I feel like I am trapped in a situation where I KNOW it could be better!

I have three beautiful children, Mr. Strong and the perfect job, but all of these together are not filling the "life" gap that I am experiencing.

Why am I complaining when I am so blessed, you ask?

Well because sometimes (like now) I feel that I should be living more. I feel that my life shouldn't only consist of work, mommy will you bring me this, mommy will you take me here, honey did you pay that or filling my weekends with laundry & housework; it should also consist of weekend getaways, picnics and all the stuff that memories are made of...right?

I mean, we dont' take pictures and remember the chores, or the isolation or the cancellations because of work - we look back and remember the times and events we enjoyed and experienced in between!

I don't know...maybe I'm having a moment, or maybe I want to have more moments. I just have to hold on to hope that there is more life and living to do out there!

Going through the motions and being fully consumed with a life consisting of work, chauffeuring, cooking, cleaning, and laundry - repeat -  is NOT living at all.

My 1 year blogiversary is coming up! June 9th!


I don't know how I've almost made it through this first year, but I can tell you all that change is coming!


Change for the better...absolutely inspiring...change for life!

Thank you all for sticking with me.

I'm going to escape to life!!!!!!