New Design

I'm so excited! The new design has been chosen and is currently in progress! Yay!

I will be back after these messages...

Or rather, in a week!

...on the day my maid comes.

Don't faint - it is real! I am posting more than once this week!

(I'm on fire! Go me! Doing the cabbage patch...running man...oh yeah!)

Awwww...lunch breaks are for writing and cussing out school counselors.  Between us - "If she would have just done her job then we wouldn't be in this situation would we?! Fucker..."

Don't going throwing stones at me now, I didn't really cuss out the school counselor, but she will forever remember who's Kitty's mother is! I ended the conversation with the same line I have to tell my kids sometimes: "I'm not "asking" you to change my daughter's schedule. I'm telling you."

Then I graciously exited and withheld the comment "or you will get a spanking and be grounded for 6 weeks!  It's your choice!"

I'm going to update my blog - nothing dramatic - but I just wanted you all to know. When you come back and it doesn't look the same, well? It's still me!

I need a change for 2013 and since I'm not really anonymous in my part of the world, I will quit trying to be...

That is a WARNING - just FYI.


(Cue:  insert dream sequence here.)

On the day that my maid comes each week, I am so relaxed. I get to go home at lunch at snuggle up to a clean, fresh smelling house. I get to walk barefoot and my feet don't turn black. I get to walk through my spotless and peaceful house giving thanks and absorbing what it feels like to be in my house - the way it should always be.

Then the evening comes, the dream sequence ends and the bubble burst.

and normal life resumes...

 :-) you want your New Year to be.

My first post of the New Year and it is a week late…

I have an excuse…I was on vacation…well, part of the time anyway.

My thinking has changed over the past two years - I believe that how you spend January 1st is a reflection of how you want your new year to be.

On January 1st, we rang in the New Year with the clanking of our glasses and kisses sitting amongst fellow travelers at an AHHmazing hotel. A few minutes later Mr. Strong and I disappeared for a while…wink…wink. Only to return to the festivities more relaxed. A few hours later, a Hot Stone Massage was my 1st appointment of the day. Then all (except 1) of the females in my family (Mom, sister, daughters and nieces) got pedicures. We had a great time laughing (with a little drama). We sat down for not one, but two, delicious meals with just the right amount of drinks – my treat. A little shopping and a little work followed up by a lot of walking were included.

Memories were made that will last a lifetime.

So, I think I have set the stage correctly for all the things I will have in the New Year: Travel, Family, Giving, Exercise, Relaxation (in multiple ways), Joy, Work, Great Food and Memorable Experiences.

(Oh, and I guess I should include writing, because the whole time my masseuse was working on the front side of my body, I was writing this blog in my head! Oh yeah – pitiful I know – but when I turned over I began to relax more.)

I haven’t made any specific New Year’s resolutions for myself, but I have made one for my blog.

I resolve to add in more “life” pictures each month – sort of “my life in pictures” each month of the year to coincide with my January 1st list above.

And yes! I will add some of me too! Because I totally have that skinny booth and plastic surgery phone app., so I will look freaking hot and amazing!