Days 259-260 - HIGH RISK

Yesterday I spent the whole afternoon at the doctor’s office with Kitty because her tonsils are basically touching AGAIN – I think it’s time to get those babies yanked out! Since we are right in the middle of Tennis, I guess it will have to wait until this summer…fun, fun.


Today I’m a little broken hearted.

I signed a Letter of Intent for my perfect space yesterday and this morning I found out that another “realtor” had an LOI in an hour before mine and I will NOT get my space. Tear :’-(

Why were there two people from the SAME small management place handling one space? Don’t they communicate!?


This place was perfect…

So now what?

I am discouraged…

I am confused…

I am a little heartbroken…


I will NOT give up!


I just need to work out a few things…

I know I still owe you all before and after pictures – I have not forgotten! Just been busy…shhhh!

I do have another item on my agenda now. I am officially house hunting. We have outgrown our current house – not by people – but by “things”. We have no room for our trailer, RV or our Ranger. And since we live in the middle of town, we keep getting notices that we can’t park these items in our side yard or on the street. It sucks!

Among that reason, I received a postcard in the mail that we had a High Risk Sex Offender move into our community! Oh yeah! I am putting this out there! By my community, they mean literally down the freaking street!

My girls walk home people! (Of course they LOVED this time alone and independence!) I can’t have this! When I googled the sex offenders in our area, I found that there are 3! Count them THREE of these types of people in that same complex!

Keep in mind that I don’t live in the “bad” part of town either! What really pierces my heart is that I don’t feel it’s safe for the girls anymore. Not to mention – them walking home together and staying alone for an hour before I get home. (This guy’s particular offense was burglary WITH a sex offense! )

Now, I have to change everything! And I’m heartbroken all over again.

Why would you let a “HIGH-RISK” (their words – not mine) sex offender out of prison or on the streets? Can someone please explain why they are not in some mental hospital or rehab place? I pay enough taxes to support them being AWAY from me! Huh? Anyone?

So now I am house hunting – which makes me a little happier. I know that I can’t smother my girls and take away all of their freedoms, but that is exactly what my protective nature has done. Not only that, I feel that I am smothering myself because I refuse to even go to the grocery store alone without them! I hate it!

I am a ball of nerves, irritation and anger! We HAD a really good system and schedule going that was beneficial to everyone – not anymore!

What is soooo bad, is that I can’t control any of it!


And yet my whole family, work and LIFE have been affected!

MY KIDS ARE MY LIFE! (okayyy, Mr. Strong too...)

So I will remain a little heartbroken…until the things that I CAN control are completed and successful.

Where is a magic money fairy when you need one? "Poof! all of your debt and burdens are gone and your new house that you picked out is bought and paid for! Voila! Enjoy! Your family is safe now!"

Days 255-258 "pick your battles..."

This weekend was a very busy weekend for me. Kiki had an orchestra concert that was a little more than entertaining. It was actually considered a family/school fair in which her orchestra played. Now keep in mind that this place is filled with children and tables representing all the different schools and extracurricular activities in our community. Her orchestra was supposed to play at 10:30, so naturally we arrived at 10:20 because it was one of those mornings and I somehow got lost – even with the navigation in the HUMMER…don’t ask.

She ended up going on stage about 30 minutes late, so that meant that I had 30 minutes to chase Doodlebug around the whole place and ply and bribe him with soda and chips and whatever else he asked for just so that he would keep being good.

And well? he made it most of the time, but the “good” in him wore off just as Kiki was going on stage. Kitty was doing all that she could to help me because I was trying to take pictures, but somehow this is how the whole event took place – after their orchestra went onstage.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Take picture of MEEEEE!" 

"Kiki!! Kiki! I come up there?!!!!!" (Me: "DO NOT GO UP ON THAT STAGE! Leave her alone and come here!")

(Do I look at him or do I practice...oh boy!)

Yes, I am still watching you Doodlebug! Do NOT go up on that stage...come here! (That grin on his face tells me I better not take my eyes off of him!)

WTH! I only took my eyes away for a second! "Doodlebug! Get out from under there!" (As I pull him back and try to minimize the scene that is happening - remember that Kiki's Orchestra is playing in the background!)

"Kiki hurry up! Kiki hurry up! I'm tired!" (At this point my "give a damn" was broken.)

After a morning like this on Saturday I felt that my only hope in getting “some parts” of my life back into MY control, I decided it was going to have to be a weekend of spring cleaning. Yes, those pictures will be coming to you this week. They are part of my de-cluttering and cleaning out before and after pictures that I owe and will owe you this week.

Anywhoozle, I knew that my only option of getting this accomplished was going to include ALL of my laundry. And the only way ALL of my laundry was going to get done was to swallow the expense and guilt (knowing I have the large duet washer/dryer at home) and venture to the Laundry Mat. (this is what I called it growing up…)

The plan was to gather EVERYTHING, so that when we returned, we could separate, de-clutter and donate CLEAN clothes. So, I took before pictures of the girls’ closets and of Doodlebug’s. My one mistake was cleaning out some of Doodlebug’s toy closet because he found his old Halloween costume and well…

You have to learn to pick your battles and I knew this is one that I wasn’t going to win…nor did I care – he’s three.

This is how he "went" all day - he brought a lot of smiles to many faces!

GARRRRRRRR! Scary Dinosaur!

Day 254 "Because I said so!"

Today I read this:

The way to have complete control of the law is to have complete control of yourself. Control your thoughts and emotions and you will become the master of the law of attraction because you have become the master of yourself.

I found this very humorous and thankful that it didn’t include “control your bodily functions” because I am quite certain in my sleep deprivation’s stupor this morning when I was stumbling back to my own bed as dawn broke (because Doodlebug had a really rough night…) I farted OUTLOUD as I was crawling into the bed that housed the sleeping Mr. Strong. I could be mistaken, but I don’t think I am. I probably woke him up because it was not long before he got up to get in the shower. (“no babe! that wasn’t me – I think your alarm clock just sounded funny…did you change the music tone?”)

I didn’t care at the time…I was a walking zombie. It is really funny because this is something that I NEVER do in front of him or the kids – I just don’t…no need to elaborate. Needless to say, I still have a LOT to work on at mastering myself.


I have been super excited about opening my studio and offering my services to young adolescents! Recently, I have been working on my so called “marketing” plan for my studio and my services. This is hard when I have other obligations to fulfill, but I think I have a really good all around, nothing firm, flexible, changing every moment, obsessive compulsive, ADD, chaotic handle on it all.

(Damn, I’m in trouble! Why can’t I just win the lottery? Oh yeah, I have to play first…)


So I weighed Kiki a couple of days ago...mmmmmm huh! It wasn’t good. Let’s just say that the Drill Sergeant is back in business full time as of today!!!!!!!!! I know what foods I buy and stock at the house, so it got me to wondering – aside from not being AS active as her sister – how in the hell has she gained all her weight back that she lost this summer? It turns out that she had been buying large slushies EVERY day at school to go with her lunch. Poor girl…she has no idea what I am actually capable of…I think she and Kitty will be on the side of the road puking in today’s workout. Kitty, you can thank your sister for what is about to happen!

And they can’t do anything about it – because I am the mom – and because I said so!


Oh yeah! I have been meaning to tell you all that I have officially given up all white breads, pasta’s and so forth. It’s been two weeks and I have only had a couple of setbacks, but I continue to succeed at being a gigantic psychotic biatch!

(Ohhhhh Bread…I dream of your hot, moist, freshly buttered toasted ends….)

Days 248-253 A Mrs. Strong Taco!

Hello World! I’ve missed you! I feel like I have been …well I really don’t have time to feel, so I guess I will get back to you on the completion of that sentence in a few minutes.

Okay, I might as well do this chronologically…


Friday morning I woke up and for some reason Doodlebug was in the most horrible mood possible! He was yelling, crying, and throwing himself on the ground and didn’t want to cooperate with anyone!

All because he wanted – but didn’t want – a PB&J sandwich. Okay, so what happened is that Kitty made him a peanut butter sandwich and because it didn’t have jelly = temper tantrum! Okay, so I put jelly on it and then = temper tantrum! We are all trying to get loaded up into the HUMMER, so I can take everyone to school and he doesn’t want to sit in his car seat = temper tantrum! Kitty handed the PB&J sandwich to him after we finally got him buckled in and he THREW it up front! (At this point I was too mad to pull the car over and spank his butt all I could do was count to 10 and breathe!)

So naturally, I took his PB&J sandwich and threw it out the window = temper tantrum! I dropped Kiki off – I dropped Kitty off and then when I headed back East to take him to daycare (and about to EXPLODE with frustration) I came upon some ice from out of nowhere and rear ended another vehicle! (I watched in slow motion as I hit her Tahoe and told myself – yes this is about to happen! Eeeeeek!) The other vehicle turned the corner and as I followed her and we got out to inspect the damage – I saw that there wasn’t any. (WTH? Really? I hit her pretty dang hard and OMG, I must have been doing something right (like not spanking the hell out of my son) because we went about our merry ways. Doodlebug still cried the rest of the way to daycare because his sandwich was on the road somewhere feeding birds…

At daycare, I guessed he realized that I was actually relieved to drop him off because he needed me to hold his hand and sit with him and give him 15 kisses and 15 hugs before I left…and it totally changed my mood! Lol. There is nothing like the innocent hugs and kisses from your children – even when you swear they are possessed with demons!

I get to work and I don’t know if it was because my adrenaline was up from the near death insurance claim, or because Doodlebug distracted me with all of his temper tantrums, but my stomach was gurgling so bad that either I was going to regurgitate whatever was left in my stomach from the night before or I was going to have to run to the bathroom and become victim to a “downstairs” porcelain explosion of massive proportions! It turns out I had the stomach bug…so after a couple of hours, I headed home and spent the rest of the day in bed.


I was feeling completely normal and woke up at 6:15am in order to get Kitty to her bus on time. She had a tennis tournament all day in a neighboring town. I followed the bus to the tournament and was accompanied by a beautiful sunrise. (Of course I probably shouldn’t have been driving and taking pictures…)

Kitty played her first match after about 7 hours of arriving at the school. She played mixed doubles and that division was the last to play each round, so we didn’t get home until after 10pm. They ended up in Third Place and I took some amazing pictures, but when I went to load them onto my laptop at home – the laptop froze – EVERY TIME – so to save my laptop from being thrown out of the window too, I just gave up trying.


Sunday was my day to give my Valentines present to Mr. Strong. I took him shooting at Windwalker Farms – he is sooo easy.

They had a great turnout for the registered shoot! Our squad grew as the morning flew by waiting on Miss Hot Mess to arrive. (I think she was still wasted from the night before because as you will see in the following pictures, she definitely made herself comfortable between stations!)

Someone check to see if she is breathing!

awwww! look how she "spoons" with her shotgun!

No that is not a coat! That is Hot Mess sleeping on the table while everyone shoots!

You really have to be messed up if you can sleep through shotguns going off! lol!

Even though I started out quite bitchy that morning, I ended up having a great time!


Valentine’s day! Yay! And can I just say that Mr. Strong did not disappoint!

I received 4 Valentine cards from Mr. Strong and although he had me crying through the first three, he had me laughing extremely hard at the last one!

I was upstairs in a meeting when I was called downstairs for a delivery. Mr. Strong surprised me with all of this and more AND Doodlebug! I got to eating all of the fruit out of the basket and that’s when I remembered that I still needed to take a picture! So notice the empty white sticks? those originally had fruit on them…yum!

I could go on and on about how wonderful Mr. Strong is, and about how he is the only one that can make me crazy in rage and crazy in love at the same time, but I will leave that for another day…I have a book going here…


This was me yesterday…(and on most days)

Enough said…


Well today  - right now - I am a little frustrated and little happy and little excited and also a little exhausted. Roll all of those feelings into one and you have one really lucky Mrs. Strong taco!

Days 246 & 247 "this is how life should feel!"

Here I am struggling to keep up with everything again. I am busy …

Busy at work…

Busy at home…

Busy on my new studio…

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I love being busy. I love having a routine. I love having a strict schedule, so that I know where everything fits into my life. I thrive on knowing that “showing up” is NOT half the battle for me, showing up is what keeps me from actually battling everyday with unorganized chaos.

And yet, that is what makes me the unhappiest – go figure.

I feel like I am so busy being busy that I am missing out on life. I haven’t had the chance to stop and smell the roses because well frankly – it is not in my schedule and keeping schedule and being on time creates less stress…right? I want the best of both worlds and I WILL to discover that magic formula very soon!

I’ve always been a working mom and I will always be a working mom. That is my nature. I love my children, would die for them, but the thought of really being a stay-at-home mom drives me restless. There are two sides to every story and although I am filled with a twinge of jealously to all those stay-at-home moms out there, I am also at peace knowing that I am not one. (I tried it – didn’t like it.)

Yesterday I left work an hour early to go pick up the girls from school. Leaving an hour early meant that I was able to treat myself to the gym for over an hour before I had to pick up Doodlebug. Okay? When I left the gym I was on a runner’s/cyclist high because my workout felt great! It felt wonderful to relax and take my time and really focus on myself for a change without the “mommy guilt” creeping in. I was in a calm state of “this is how life should feel!”

So, until I find the balance of working, working out, living, and reducing my “mommy guilt” and well? feeling alive – I shall continue to be busy with the hopes that I get to sneak in an extra hour here and there for me.

If that doesn’t work, then I will rely on my accrued vacation time to help me get caught up!

(You know? If I could just hurry up and win the lottery then all of my “working-mommy guilt” would go away…just saying! I think I would like being a stay-at-home mom then, because I wouldn’t be staying home!)

On another note:

I have selected the line of bath and body products that I will be retailing in my studio. (You know, to offset revenue…) I thought I would share a sneak peak with you. Can I just say that this line of natural handmade soaps that are animal friendly, eco-friendly, vegan, synthetic free and petroleum free are 100% FABULOUS! So you can only imagine just how wonderful their other natural/organic products are! I don't want to reveal the name just yet, as I will be the first business in Texas to retail them! Yay!


Days 242-245 Shock and Awe!

Where to begin…

I got through the weekend still in a depressed mood. But, the good thing about my mood is that it did not delay me cleaning out two more cabinets for y’all to see. I know I still officially owe you 1 more plus the 1 from this week, but we will deal with that later…mmmkay?

Before - Please don't I don't have to lie...

Before - OMG - WTH? OOOh boy...


Actually, cleaning out just two cabinets made me feel a little better inside. One cabinet and drawer at a time – I WILL have a de-cluttered kitchen very soon – then on it is to the next room.


Yesterday had me in a work frenzy trying to get more than my share accomplished – that’s how I roll. Anywhoozle, as I was leaving work at 6 last night, I was begging the Universe for a sign that I was still on the right track (you know my patience…) with my studio and overall plans and? well? Nothing. So, I left to pick up Doodlebug with little motivation for working out.

Before I pulled into the garage I retrieved the mail and holy cow! my PT test results were in. I didn’t even have to open the big envelope before I could read the “Congratulations…on passing the NETA Personal Trainer exam.” WhoooooHoooooo! I was told it would be 4-6 weeks before I knew my results and received my certificate, so I was pleasantly surprised! Hell, I was dancing!!!!!! (cabbage patch – running man, running man, ride the pony – oh yeah I’m bad!)


I knew in that instant that I was on the right track. Elated doesn’t describe how good I felt!

Then all of a sudden, I had this abundant amount of energy and I got in my 5 miles – smiling the whole way!

When I found out, I immediately texted Mr. Strong and he replied with a “that a girl! I’m proud of you!” At just about the same time that I got Mr. Strong’s reply, this hotass sent me a CHEERS!

The Friend aka Hotass

She didn’t know that I had passed and received my certificate only moments before, so the “toast” was very appropriate and could have only been timed by the Universe! Lol.

Oh wait! It gets better.

Soon after all of this is going on I get a text from this hot mess that read:

So I get the urge to cook and I see this recipe that looks absolutely gorgeous so I make it right! And now I don’t know what to do with it! Hmmmmm, scratching my head.” (what?! DUH!!!!! bring that shit to me!!!! She only weighs a 100lbs, so I knew she wasn't going to eat it! lol.)

Shooting Partner aka Hot Mess aka Private Chef

Really? This is actually happening? Really?

I get my certificate in the mail, I get toasted by The Friend out of nowhere, and now my very own private chef for the night?!!!!! OMG – I must have done something right somewhere!

Okay, maybe she isn’t my very own private chef – maybe she is my shooting partner – but she definitely knows how to cook!!!!!! When I asked her if she wanted some (talking with a mouth full of food) she declined. She said that she is about to demo her kitchen and wanted to see if “she still had it” – ummmmm? HELL YEAH you still have it!!

YUM doesn’t begin to describe how good this was!!!!!! AND IT WAS HEALTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grilled Shrimp on fresh Spinach with Avocado and Pico - This should be in a magazine! It "was" soooo pretty!

Shock and awe – people – shock. and. awe.

Last night wiped away all the days prior to it spent in a depressed state of frustration and emotionless. So to you sexy individuals –


Dy 241 R-O-B-O-T M-O-D-E

It is official. I am shutting down. I am trying to find my positive perspective, but it is playing hide and seek with my mind and winning! I knew this day wasn't going to be much different from yesterday when I went to put on my Jeggings this morning and while I was tugging at them to go over my ass the faux zipper area busted! Jeggings are almost 100% stretch people! So, so sad! Do you feel my pain?!

See! Now I have an open zipper area with NO zipper. I'm going to have to sew it back together...ugh.

I am on robot mode today. I don't care, I have no feelings and I am just doing what I am told or what needs to be done.

(And NO that doesn't give Mr. Strong permission to test my "I am just doing what I am told" robot mode.) 

I wanna cry.

I wanna scream ("why the hell haven't you learned this yet!!!!!!)

I wanna go on a long all inclusive vacation to the St. Regis Resort, Bora, Bora in the French Polynesia.

I can no longer compete.

I have no control.

I have everything in this world to be grateful for - I am truly the luckiest woman in the world - yet I can't hold that perspective long enough to change my thought waves. It's going to be a short weekend...

So, until Monday, I will be hibernating in my closet drinking wine - or maybe I won't  - I'm in R-O-B-O-T M-O-D-E.

Days 239 & 240 "I'm on the verge..."

I'm on the verge of screaming...

I'm on the verge of jumping...

I'm on the verge of running away...

I'm on the verge of "shutting down", and it is going to be really, really, really sad.

Really sad.

(I need a double shot of positivity right now!)

Days 235 - 238 Coming up for air.

I feel like I have been bombarded with work and personal goals that I haven’t found the time to breathe!

I spent two whole days this weekend in a gym acquiring my Personal Trainer Certification and if I can “pat myself on the back” a little bit ----I totally rocked it! I went in to the final written exam with a little bit of apprehension and anxiety, but my short-term retention abilities (since we got 1 hour review before the exam) kicked in and I walked out of that room with my head held high and my confidence soaring!

My heart is filled with gleeeeeee and excitement! Ohhhh the possibilities!!!!!

Yesterday and the first half of today has been spent in meetings, with more to go. *sigh*

So this is me…coming up for air.

Really, it is me on my lunch break and needing a quick dose of blog therapy! We finally got snow down here in the south!

I’m not kidding! It was sunny and 78 degrees yesterday and this morning we woke up to BEAUTIFUL snow! Yay!

I love the snow. I feel like it cleans and purifies and makes way for a glorious spring. I know this little bit of snow is nothing for you guys up north, but it is quite nice nonetheless! Do you know what makes me a little jealous? the fact that the North gets to experience the truest forms of the 4 seasons. Down here in the south, we get hot, hotter, warm and cool – yep, that’s it.

Leave the 100mph wind and wind chill out of the equation and shower me with snow more often! Maybe I can just make my way to Aspen, CO and get my fill of it every now and again?

Do you have any other snow travel destination suggestions?

Oh yeah, by the way, I am doing wonderfully on my eating! I am back down 3 pounds (IN THE MORNING - Oh yeah, doing the cabbage patch!) and I feel GAAAAREAT!

It’s time to kick up the workouts. I am going to pledge that I will get in (run, walk, cycle) a minimum of 5 miles EVERY day the WHOLE month of February!

I also have a few more book recommendations too! I have a cyber friend that has officially published! You go girl!!!! If you haven't met her before through my blog or hers for that matter, let me formally introduce you. Everyone meet Mrs. Fatass – Mrs. Fatass, this is everyone!

 (If I wasn’t so confident that I WILL be published this year and headed out on a book tour…I might me a little jealous that she is in print before me…might. :-) But, I’m not – because she is absolutely fabulous and extremely entertaining!!!!!!! This is definitely a coffee table book – so everyone can see it!!!!! (and then go buy their own, of course…)

Okay, here I go again…back to work.