Words to Inspire

I know that it has been hard to appreciate the holiday season this year – especially now. Everywhere you turn, people are dying, tragedies are rampant in the news and others are sickly.

I am not an uncaring bitch. I feel heartfelt sorrow for what is going on in this world today and compassion for all of us affected. I pissed someone off this morning because I chose not to “talk” about all the negative happenings that are transpiring in the media.

If you have read me for any amount of time, you know that I believe the more “sad & depressed” energy you give negative situations only begets more sad & depressed energy towards more negative situations.

I try my very best NOT to partake. I am not a cold-hearted monster. I just choose to focus on the positive that is in my life and the world today with more force now than ever.

This is my favorite time of year! And everywhere I turn, it seems someone is trying to suck the GOOD out of the true possibilities that this season offers!

Again, I don’t discount anything that is going on – I just want to continue to focus on the positive & happy reasons where I am truly blessed.

Maybe the quotes below will give you some words to inspire a domino of positive realignment.

My post today is NOT to make anyone mad – instead I am trying to bring a positive perspective in an otherwise sad time.


“Sometimes it feels like there are so many things we can't control, earthquakes, floods, reality shows. But it's important to remember the things we can, like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts. Because the one thing that turns the world from a lonely place to a beautiful place, is love. Love in any of its forms. Love gives us hope.”


“The next time you feel frazzled, angry or irritated, take a moment to take a couple deep breaths and remember that we all have our own stories, our own troubles, our own challenges. No matter what our beliefs, we are all tied together here on this planet. If you can manage a smile and a kind word, it might be the only kindness another person receives that day. Imagine what impact that could have on someone; think about the importance of being the only bright note in someone's day. Remember in your own life people who have made you smile on a bad day, done a kindness with no expectation of return, even simply not made a bad moment worse. Know that you can be that person to someone else.”


"It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year (Holidays), to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember both our triumphs and our missteps - our promises made, and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures - or closed ourselves down, for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what New Year's is all about: getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about 'what if' and start embracing what would be. So when that ball drops at midnight - and it will drop - let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long."

This Holiday Season, I ask that you turn your sadness into a celebration - for what it truly is…

Do not mourn those that have passed; celebrate THEIR life.

Do not mourn your hardships, debts and burdens; celebrate YOUR life.

So happy holidays everyone. I hope there’s a lot for you to be grateful for, and that you can in some way pay it forward throughout the New Year.

I don't want to be skinny - I want to be healthy

Today is going to be busy.

Tomorrow is going to be busy.

The month of December is ALWAYS busy.

And it’s my favorite month of the year – love, love, LOVE this season!

I woke up this morning on a mission to get my wardrobe back. I don’t care what it takes or how I fool myself into believing that it’s not so horrible to sacrifice high cholesterol, high fat, and an obscene amount of calories in order to live a healthier and more energetic life.

I don't want to be skinny - I want to be healthy - I want to be able to run a few miles again without collapsing on the ground in the fetal position after only 20ft!
I might as well be standing in the middle of a state fair with my elastic waistband stretched to its limits causing a “high-water” pant leg eating fried butter on a stick. (Gag!)

This last year has been hit and miss and completely ridiculous! I should shank myself for letting "me" go.

I don’t want to wait until the New Year.

I NEED to begin today – yesterday – fucking 10+ years ago!

More importantly, I need to stick with it for-EVER!

This is how I feel:

And I’ve already promised Mr. Strong that this is going to be next year’s Halloween costume!

Soooooo...I have some work to do…


I wish...

Where do I begin…

I wish I was anonymous.

I wish my leggings didn’t roll down past my belly button after I pulled them up to my breast for the fucking thousandth time!

I wish my laundry would magically get done every week without my assistance.

I wish the girls’ room would stay clean.

I wish I felt better, because I am in desperate need of exercise.

I wish I would win the lottery so I could help those around me that I know are struggling, but still haven’t given up.

I wish I had passports for the kids, so I could just pick up and fly somewhere tropical –just because I can.

I wish everyone could comprehend the Law of Attraction, so I could quit screaming under my breath “YOU ARE YOU’RE FUCKING PROBLEM - YOUUUUU!”

I wish I didn’t have to go back and read my older posts sometimes for inspiration – I’d prefer to stay in that mindset always.

I wish I had my wardrobe back – like yesterday. There are only so many cute leggings and tunics on the market today. I’m ready to get rid of the “elastic” waistbands – being sick has helped! (Oh yeah! Ka-chow!)

But mostly:

I wish I had more time to write.