Days 136 - 139 Getting Ready

This weekend and yesterday was spent getting ready for our vacation starting tomorrow.

Here is my checklist:

1. Laundry
2. Clean House
3. Pack

Sounds simple enough right? Well, if I am being completely honest with myself this morning, then let me share with you that NONE of them are done - yet!

Laundry: I have been working on laundry when I can. Unfortunately, the clothes have been taken out of the dryer and laid neatly on the couch to get ready for hangers or folding and well, that pile just keep building! They're getting washed and dried though - that is progress right?!

Clean House: Well, this one is tricky. My excuse is that I have been cleaning house, but the kids are going back behind me and messing everything up again! So, I think waiting until the last minute will suffice for now. Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Pack: I haven't done this because I can't find the clothes I want to take. I'm sure they are on the couch with all the other clothes, but I have a system going and I don't want to mess (more like make them fall) them up. I have resisted the urge to just go buy new clothes and take them to the cleaners like I normally do - well for me anyway - I couldn't resist going shopping for the kids. (They needed new socks and shirts and...yes, I know I have a sickness.) It makes it easier on me to pack for them - doesn't that count?

Now, I am setting here making another list for all of the things that I need to do outside of the home to get ready - oh man! I'm never going to finish - there needs to be two of me!

And all I really want to do is go home and go back to bed. I have been up since three this morning and I am feeling every bit of the beckoning sleep I missed! Ugh!

The good news is that Mr. Strong and I talked about and agreed on hiring a private maid. YAY! Go me...go's my birthday - doing the cabbage patch - running man, running man!

The bad news is that I will not be posting until next Monday about my vacation! I'm going to miss it! If it gets too bad, I might slip in a small post somewhere or a status update on Facebook or something - so follow me there too!

Until next time - enjoy your week and weekend - I KNOW I WILL! But, if you just can't take it any longer and need a spark of motivation or laugh out loud entertainment later on this week, just review some of my older posts and "get in touch" with me again! It's that

Day 135 - I learned my lesson the hard way!

Oh, where to begin other than to start with “I learned my lesson the hard way!”

The Law of Attraction = like attracts like, originating from your thoughts…

Okay you all know what a great mood I have been in over the last 2 days. Banging my head against the wall, crying and hiding out in the HUMMER all because of a bunch of frustrating freaking idiots people that I can’t control, had gotten me down spiritually and mentally.

All of this negative energy that I have been giving out returned to me in a BIG way – this is my story.

I get a text that read “where are you – we are waiting” – oh crap, time got away from me and I forgot about picking the girls up at tennis practice – “on the way!”

I get the girls then head to the daycare to pick up Doodlebug. He is still wearing the clothes and underwear that he left wearing that morning, so I am sarcastically happy. (He’s potty training and that meant NO accidents - yay!) We arrive home and I begin texting Mr. Strong about supper.

No answer, No answer, No answer. (I don’t know if I have ever written before how this “no answer” is a HUGE pet peeve of mine and I have NO patience for it…)

I text him and he finally replies that his phone was charging. Umm okay. I ask about supper and he says that he is “on his way” – but really that meant he was still busy dove hunting and cleaning birds and it wouldn’t be another few hours before he was home. (I learned a few hours later…)

Okay - I look in the fridge, I look in the pantry and no food seems to be materializing out of thin air, so I HAD to go to the store. Oh man! Fine! Grrrrrrrr!

I grab my keys and Doodlebug runs up to me with his arms stretched out – “I go – I go!” I bend down and all of a sudden this horrible mouth watering, makes you want to gag smell comes from him. “Are you dirty?” I check – he is NOT – but I can’t believe something that AWFUL came out of him in the form of a tiny little poot. Someone at daycare must have fed him milk or cheese or some other product with lactose in it because that JUST WASN”T RIGHT!

I tell Kitty to watch him and I would be right back.

When I returned with my 8 course meal: Chili, wieners, buns, cheese, onions, mustard, Fritos and bean dip – I was met at the door with that – that – that SMELL again!!!!!!! OMG – gag, gag!

“Kitty, where is your brother?”

“He is in there.”

I start cooking the chili and wieners on the stove and march through the living room yelling “Get up and spray something!” and stopped dead in my tracks! “WHAT IS THAT? WHAT IS THAT! WHAT! IS! THAT!???????????????”

At that moment, Doodlebug comes shuffling out of the bathroom with his pants around his ankles and toilet paper in his hand.


Doodlebug comes up to me and Kiki comes out of her room saying that he has it all over his butt and it’s running down his legs…(yes, thank you – like I can’t see that myself!) I yell at her to clean up the crap (literally) on the floor and she turns around and asked “why is there water coming from under the door in the bathroom?”

WHAT – WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????? NO, NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I yell at Kitty to get Doodlebug and start cleaning him up without getting it ANYWHERE else!

I go open the bathroom door and the toilet is overflowing from the roll of toilet paper Doodlebug has shoved down the toilet! I yell at Kiki to “grab the plunger!” I begin to roll up my pant legs and take off my suit jacket, because who the hell wants to look good wearing a suit plunging a freaking toilet! So here I am, wearing 4 inch stilettos, pants jacked up to my knees, jacket off and trying to plunge the toilet with a $1.99 plunger that won’t quit folding backwards! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

I finally get the stupid plunger to work and notice that Kiki is just staring at me and Kitty is in the living room trying to clean Doodlebug with him standing up and bent over with his hands on the ground like this /\ and he is laughing and playing and singing "booty, booty!"


Kiki proceeds to grab a towel – “what are you going to do with that - what?” "really?" “USE SOME TOILET PAPER AND FLUSH IT DOWN THE TOILET – WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU!?”

I’m trying to clean the dirty toilet water off the floor in the bathroom and Kitty yells at me, “Mom, something is burning!”

“What – oh shittttttttttttttttttt!” So here I go in 4 inch stilletos, trying to hurtle over Kiki who is bent down cleaning Doodlebug’s poop off the floor, then up and over Doodlebug and Kitty in the living room and finally into the smoke filled kitchen where the wieners are black and the chili is burnt to the bottom of the pan.

I turn everything off and lean on the counter.

“Why me? Why me? Have I really been that negative this week? Have I metaphorically SHIT on someone or something that I am not aware of? Where did I go wrong…..!”


I walked back through the house silently reviewing everything that just happened…

After another 20 minutes - Doodlebug was happy and bathed, the floor was scrubbed and cleaned, and supper was burnt crusted hot dogs. Luckily my whole house is laid with tile floors – no washing – other than Doodlebug’s shorts and socks.

I went to bed that night with tears in my eyes and as much as I could have been mad and cursing at Mr. Strong (when he finally did arrive) for not coming home and taking us OUT to eat, I just let it go…I let it go with all the other pent-up negativity that I was feeling, because NO WAY IN HELL am I going through this again!

So to everyone today – I wish you all happiness, laughter and prosperity, so that I may receive them all back in return!

Day 134 - Temporarily Unavailable

News Flash!

If you don't hear from me again, then you know I have knocked myself unconcious from banging my head against the wall!

(freaking idiots - I swear!)

Day 133 - I am trying...

I am trying…

I am still trying…

I continue trying to think about something positive to write today.

My current circumstances are hindering my “positive” creative thought!

I am really trying now…

Ummm – nope nothing…

I start Body Pump classes twice a week…ugh – that didn’t help.

Trying in process…

I really just want to go cry in the HUMMER because beating someone(s) over the head until they see reason and logic and WHATEVER else I tell them too is not an option for me…

I give up – until tomorrow people.

Day 132 - Accepting the Good

Why do so many of us have difficulty accepting the possibility of having everything we want in life?

I received an email that said this:

One day you write that your family is perfect and the next day they won’t clean their rooms! Lol. I guess they’re not perfect after all! I love your blog! XOXO

It got me to thinking – how do I explain to this reader and fan that it is all of these imperfections that make my life perfect?

Even imperfections like this one:

Why is it impossible for anyone in my family to put the toilet paper on the roll and throw the empty one away? What is the purpose of just stacking it on top?! Really? They know they are sitting there waiting for their business to be over – it doesn’t take 3 seconds to change the roll!

Okay, here, imagine it with me. The above picture – you are sitting on the toilet performing your business and you notice the paper needs changing – you grab a new roll – and now – 1 Mississippi – 2 Mississippi – 3 Mississippi – VOILA! The toilet paper is installed correctly! That wasn’t hard was it!? Grrrrrr!

And you know what? I still consider things like this imperfectly PERFECT in my life!

The Law of Attraction tells us that we always attract into our lives whatever we think about the most, believe in most strongly, expect on the deepest levels, and or imagine most vividly. When we are negative and fearful, insecure or anxious, we often attract the very experiences, situations, or people that we are seeking to avoid. If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness, we tend to attract and create people, situations, and events that conform to our positive expectations. I choose to think positively about the little idiosyncrasies that make up my crazy life. They make me crazy – but smile at the same time!

This is the ultimate point of my writing today – it is not about the material world and public status’ or the “have your people call my people” way of being – it is to make every moment of my life a moment of wondrous creation, in which I am just naturally choosing the best, the most beautiful, the most fulfilling life I can imagine…among the chaos.

This is why I write that my chaotic life and imperfect family are PERFECT – I choose to follow the flow of my own energy. (If you haven’t already noticed…)

Days 129-131 ...I am a yeller...

First let me write that the American Diabetes Walk this weekend was a blast. Since there was a LOT of pictures taken and NOT just of me by myself, I will not post any of those here on this blog. (We had a team of 18!) For those of you that are close to me, you know where to go find those pictures to enjoy! For now, I will just leave you with this one picture and be grateful that Mr. Strong agreed to wear a pink lifesaver around his neck!

It was a beautiful day, but it did not warrant me wearing three shirts! IT GOT HOT!

Now, for today’s real post…

Hello, my name is….and I am a yeller. (most of you that read my blog are saying “duhhhh!”)

Yes, I will finally admit that I am a yeller. I yell at sporting events, I yell at my exercise partners, I yell at my family and I yell at myself (but, not in some psycho-schizophrenic way). I like to think that I have improved communication abilities!

I tried an experiment this weekend that went horribly wrong. Matter of fact, it went so wrong that it crashed and burned then sank to the bottomless black depths of the unknown!

My experiment?

Get the girls to do what I ask of them WITHOUT yelling.

Easy enough right? Especially for you Psychologist out there that says yelling accomplishes NOTHING! WRONG! And shame on you for making ME believe otherwise! My girls are not 3 anymore and I can't make a fun game out of cleaning - they're over the singing and joy of "pick-up, pick-up, everybody pick-up"...doesn't work.

I figured out that I yell for 3 reasons this weekend:

1. Out of irritation and anger

2. Unnecessarily

3. To spark motivation

After the ADA 5k, our weekend plans were to get the house cleaned and the laundry done, so we would be prepared to pack for another trip in 9 days. That’s not too much to ask for right?

So, let me write now that there are only so many times that I have it in me to “ask nicely.”

“Girls will you clean your room?”

“Girls will you clean your room?”

“Girrrls, will you clean your room?”

“It looks like you started, but can I get y’all to pleeease finish cleaning your room?”

Several hours later I am getting extremely irritated and angry at how they have not minded! Then I begin to slowly let out a few yells. Those don’t seem to be working so I give up trying to be the extremely patient mom that I have never been before and begin shouting at the top of my lungs from being irritated and angry! Then I shout some more unnecessarily! By this time, the girls had most of their room cleaned and had began working on laundry!


Why couldn’t they have done that when I was being the extremely patience and non-yelling mom I was being the MANY hours before? And don’t even think that I am one of those moms that give up on her children’s cleaning abilities and finally do it myself! No way! They need to learn!

…plus, if that was the case, my nickname wouldn’t be Drill Sergeant…

Then all of a sudden I had a mental breakthrough. The girls process my yelling as such:

Mom is not yelling – she must be in a good mood. She is in a good mood, so we don’t have to do what she says and won't get in trouble – you know, because she is not yelling and in a good mood!

Mom is yelling – she must be in a bad mood. She is in a bad mood, so we better do what she says or we are going to get into trouble – you know, because she is yelling and in a bad mood!

I don’t yell to intimidate or instill fear, I yell to get my request across the first time I ask! I am too busy for repetition and wasted repetition is not efficient! So, I’ve come to the conclusion that my "original" yelling is not a bad thing. In fact, it completely takes away the hurtful yelling out of building irritation and anger and even unnecessarily because it is the very SPARK OF MOTIVATION that drives my family!

Thanks to my mom, I will probably always be a yeller. Yes, that will be me on the sidelines of my family’s lives yelling for them and giving them that spark of motivation they need in all of their future adventures!

No hate mail please – I love my family and they love me!

Have you discovered anything about yourself lately?


Here is a quick and dirty recap of my journey in discovering sooooo many things about myself!

My journey started the morning of day 1.

Then somehow I (really my children) survived Day 9.

And somewhere along my journey I came to a startling realization on Day 24.

In one way or another I made it to Day 100, followed by the next few days of doing this...

And now I am on Day 128 and couldn’t be happier! ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY EIGHT DAYS of learning and discovery – ups and downs (literally) – good moods and bad moods – discovering my strengths and weaknesses – finding old and new motivations = 128 days of LIVING!

Today my family is perfect, my job is wonderful, I am ahead of schedule on finishing my book, this morning I fit into my size 6 skinny jeans (and NO they are not made of stretchy material) AND it's Friday!
It has been 128 days and I feel and look better physically and mentally, but most important of all – it has been 128 days and I HAVEN’T QUIT!




What have you discovered on your journey?

Day 127 - More Snapshots of my life...

The sunrise seemed to come at a later time this morning – probably because it is getting closer to the time change. Nonetheless, it was beautiful! It just started to rise as I was dropping the girls off at school.

I am very thankful to have started the day off so good!


Random Thought: I love being married to my strong husband! (I think the hubby will now forever be known as Mr. Strong...yep) It helps because when little tiny jars of nothing (like a mojitos bottle or coke bottle) are impossible to open, I can just turn to him and say - please -. I am not a weak woman by any means, but sometimes - just sometimes - I want to scream and throw the bottle that won't open!


Oh by the way – do any of you have a Relaxing Spot in your house? You know the kind of spot where no kids or any other person is allowed when you are there? Here is mine…

There are usually tons of bubbles, but this was after a 45 minute soak - sighhhhhh.

Sometimes I get to read by candlelight or not – and sometimes I get to just light the candles and meditate. This is the ONLY place in my house, where I can just push a button (turning on the jets) and all of the sounds in my house disappear. It is like a vibrating hmmm – wait - dirty minds, shame on you – what I mean is that the jets are all that I can hear and that is as good as silence in my book! I look forward to this routine EVERYDAY! Sometimes it lasts only a few minutes before the knocking and yelling and little fingers appear under the door, but sometimes I get lucky and it lasts longer…


Okay now that I am relaxed thinking about my timeout from the world later this evening, I can let you in on a conversation that I had with Kitty last night. Yes – get ready…

Do any of you watch 2-1/2 Men? Well sometimes we get to watch (more like listen) to their show on Fox. Last night’s episode was about one of the brothers being attracted to pregnant women – because his wife was very “active” - wink, wink - when she was pregnant…blah, blah, blah. The other brother proceeded to make some funny comments about how “that is the reason why his son is like he is.” His intelligence and growth was inhibited by all the “poking” to his head. Okay – you following me here? This begins our conversation:

Kitty: Mom, is thaaat even possible?

Me: Is what possible?

Kitty: Youuuuu know, being able to doooo thaaat when you are pregnant. (have sex…)

Me: Yes, it is possible to doooo thaaat when you are pregnant.

Kitty: Did youuuu do that with us?

Me: Yes, your father and I had sex right up until both of you were born – it is completely natural.

Kitty: Is that why I have Dyslexia?

Me: What? Nooooooo! Don’t listen to the show, they’re not right – they’re just making jokes!

Kitty: But, cannnnnn that happen? (She’s trying to see if the penis can poke the baby’s head…)

Me: Yes it can, that is why you and Kiki have dents on the top of your heads!

This comment leads both of them to immediately feel the top of their heads – way funny!

Me: OMG – NO!!!! It is NOT possible – there is this thing called a cervix that blocks off the entire area where the baby is – “that” (penis) can’t get through the cervix. Understand?

Kitty: Ohhhhhhh – but the baby is here (and she points to the lower belly)

Me: Yes? And it is protected by the cervix…

Kitty: Okay, but…


At this point she just walked away laughing and mumbling “gosh, I just asked a question…”

Welcome to my world…


Wanna see some pics of my family? All of these (and a ton more) made me smile last night when I was going through a photo album.

My mom was a cheerleader in High School - she is so badass!

She is one Hot Mama! And she is going to kill me when she sees these - lol!

Here is my brother and me and my sisters: I wanted to show everyone the WHITE AFRO that I always wore - thanks mom! In 90% of my pictures I have this WHITE AFRO! 

OMG - I could just eat us all up - we were so damn cute! And as you can see from the crap (not literally) on the photo - it is really old!!!!!!!!!!!!


There will be A LOT more to come - I am slowly including pictures - pictures of ME are not easy for me, so give me a break!

Boss's Day is not until Saturday, so I was pleasently surprised when I came into my office and found this on my desk! I work with some of the best people in the world and not just because they give me CHOCOLATE!

What are some of your snapshots of the day?

Day 126 - Snapshots

For some reason, I just can’t shake the feeling that I'm being watch…

I just don’t know what it could be????


“Hello, Kiki. Hey I am at Lowes. What shape is your toilet seat? Is it round or oval with a point?”

“Hi mom, it is oval.”

“Are you sure Kiki, I don’t want to buy the wrong one – I will be working late and I can’t take it back tonight?!”

“It is oval mom!”

“Okay, I will drop it off and you and Kitty can install it – since y’all broke the other one.”


“Love you, bye!”

As you can see – IT’S ROUND! Next time, I will have her send me a picture, so I can see for myself! I couldn’t take it off and return it to the store, because they had been using it all day…shish! Oh well, it is THEIR bathroom! They can use this one until they break


This Saturday is the American Diabetes: Stepout 5K Walk. I was the team captain this year leading the fundraising for the BCCK Lifesavers. Our team will be wearing these shirts and these socks – (I’m cutting the toes out and making leg-warmers) and Lifesavers signs (like the candy-duh) around our necks. We are going to totally blend in! It is going to be a fun event! Those pics will be posted next week!

Are you doing anything fun this weekend or planning for a future trip?

I can already feel the excitement...
The Nationals Sporting Clays Championship is in two weeks from today and I CAN'T WAIT!

***Time off from work, drinking, shooting, eating - (not in that order of course) and really good company!***

Days 122-125 Change is Coming

I couldn’t wait until my lunch break, so I could get started on this post!

Let me tell you that my creative energies have been out of control over the past 48 hours! I FINALLY let go of the HOW! What I mean is I finally let go of HOW in the hell am I going to become a millionaire and retired by the time I’m 40 mentality. I let go of the HOW because that is what I was bogged down with; struggling from day to day trying to decided how I was going to accomplish my goals and that, in turn, created the very energy that brought about the STALL.

Yes, I finally freed myself of the HOW and now I can’t stop coming up with great ideas and you know what? I don’t care HOW or which one or maybe all of them, ideas will get me to my desired destination, but I DO know that I WILL get there!

I am feeling the exciting energy of “CHANGE IS COMING” and IT. FEELS. GREAT!

I was reading Jack Canfield’s work this weekend and I love the way he writes about the Law of Attraction – I thought I would preach from his work for a minute… Do you realize that your life at this very moment is the result of everything that you have ever thought, done, believed, or felt up until now? You can start right now to consciously and deliberately attract WHATEVER you desire in this lifetime. Through the Law of Attraction you can attract people, resources, money, ideas, strategies, and circumstances – literally everything you need to create the future of your dreams. You are far more powerful than you realize. Once you fully acknowledge that you are creating everything in your life, you can do ANYTHING that you set your mind to! You are the author of your own life, and you can choose to take it in any direction you wish.

You have the ability to change your life.

You have the ability to create your desired future.

You have UNLIMITED potential!

Okay, now that I am done preaching, I want to share some of my “change in thinking” with you while giving props to two of my local supporters!

Remember “The Friend”? Yes, you do. She has lost 20+lbs in a very short time and looks amazing! Normally I would be jealous (and not just because I have gained back 5lbs…) because of her growing Hotness, but I am so proud of her instead! Normally, I would gripe about the (what I think is) unhealthy FAST weight loss she is experiencing, but I am encouraging her even more because she deserves to feel the confidence from becoming the Hotass that she is! I can see her happiness in her eyes and everybody deserves to be happy – that is not so “strange” is it? ;-)Love ya!

Remember my Shooting Partner? Yes, the 100% High-class Hottie in the hat? This past year she has gone through an unexpected divorce and has had to completely rebuild her life. She has purchased a new house and has begun renovations (almost literally) from the ground up. Normally, I would be jealous because of her divorce $ettlment and the fact that she is enjoying the single life and that EVERYTHING in her house is NEW! (You all saw my last post – you know what I’m talking about…) But I am so happy for her that she has found the inner strength and confidence to FIND “her” again. She is FUN, and 100% deserving and now she KNOWS that! (Don’t judge me on my grammar – you get the point…) I’m so proud of you!

I wanted to share their stories, because normally my reaction to “their stories” would be different. But now, I just want to feel the joy they feel because that is the energy that I want to give out and eventually get back. I wish nothing but success for anyone of you out there that is finding your way to manifest the riches you desire! Jealousy has no place in my mind anymore…do you need a little extra support? Send me your link and I will send it on to the people in my world!

Matter of fact, I send out into the Universe and share 3 things with you that I WILL ultimately manifest:

1. To possess more money that I can spend to share with friends and family.

2. A “myself and family 1st” daily schedule.

3. World travel & leisure time with my family and friends.

What 1 or 3 things WILL you manifest?

p.s. I just wanted to say THANK YOU and express my appreciation for everyone that forwarded my link on to others! I can happily write that thanks to the HUNDREDS of emails that I received, my book is now ahead of schedule. xoxo


Okay, I’m having one of those GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR moments!

Most of the times if I get lucky I should be off of work at noon on Fridays. This so happens to be one of those Fridays. I take Kiki out to lunch since her Pep-Rally was today and she received straight A’s on her report card.

It’s a beautiful day outside, so I decided to open the windows when I got home to introduce some new energy into my house. It felt good – I then for some reason wanted to CLEAN! It’s the perfect time to get caught up before we leave for the weekend – right?

Then ALL OF A SUDDEN, I started to notice things that I didn’t notice yesterday. For example: I walked into the girls’ bathroom to start my cleaning frenzy and POOF!

WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





OH - COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!


The door did me in – I closed the windows and left the house. I would rather be shopping than to commence with the mental breakdown that was on the verge of happening.

These are some of the examples of why I am so discouraged with doing housework! Screw it…I didn't make the mess!



Day 120 ----- for realze people-----

Okay let’s take care of business first.

Let me start by giving some cyber-support to two of my favorite bloggers.

1. Dear MrsFatass, I hope you can find your new-normal again and it gives you the feelings you felt (and you let everyone else feel through your pictures) when you were here. You are one of my heroes…I was in desperate need of a sunrise - (since my lazy butt has not been getting up), and remembering your post, I viewed the sunrise over the ocean (which I have never seen in person) - so THANK YOU for lending me yours!

2. Drazil – OMG where do I begin with you! I hope you feel the sexy power you felt when you were drunk on love in fishnet stockings, because lady, you ARE doing something with your life! You are bringing much needed laughter and smiles across America and that is more than I can say for 99% of the famous people out there! Hell, you got little ol’me all the way from Texas telling the world how great you are! That is something my dear!!!!!

3. Okay world! I did not get any emails from anyone yesterday fulfilling my request! I have to believe that this world is full of inspirational stories! Stories that reflect the Law of Attraction (Like attracts Like)! So, if my readers are telling me that they don’t have any inspirational stories (and I am truly sorry for that – but according to the Law of Attraction, it’s your own fault…) I know you have the ability to link or forward my link to others! (Thank you in advance for your participation…xoxo)

…Now for this morning’s activity.

I got up at 6:30 and ran for 2 miles. I put on a sports bra and my tennis shoes and ran in my t-shirt and panties. Whatever – no one was around. Plus the thought of having to go into my closet and find some “workout” bottoms really made me sleepy. Apparently, I was so frazzled by the whole rushed event that I threw myself on the bed and either passed out from the running or went back to sleep, because it was 7:50 when I woke again! Yes, the kids were late to school, I was late to work and I don’t think I took a deep breath until I sat down in my chair at my desk. I didn’t take long for me to realize that my breakfast of champions might have me sleeping on my desk at 3pm today!

I decided that since I didn’t get my whole workout in this morning that I would go home at lunch and finish.

 Man – that was exhausting! See, this is what happens when I have too much time to think:

I go home and decide that I will workout in just a sports bra and some really tight, short and made of Lycra shorts. You know, like what the really hotasses wear at the local gym and you are convinced they have an eating disorder, because a body that hot just isn’t natural…you knowww….

Anywhoo, I put this “get-up” on and spent 20 minutes looking at my body in every different direction and angle instead of getting on the treadmill. No matter how I lifted my boobs (imagining the boob job) or butt or how much I sucked in (lyposuction goes here...), I realized that “this NEEDS to change" - and without the instant fix from surgery! Dammmmn!

I finally got on the treadmill and by then I only had time to get in 1 mile and even that took forever because I kept trying to lean over and look at myself in the mirror to see all the “hotness” that is 100% me!

I looked completely ridiculous running and trying to lean sideways – there was so much bouncing and un-coordination that I looked like I was “Sweating to the Oldies” -------------for realze people -----------yes the whole Richard Simmons backup dancers! That was me!

Now, I’m back at work, looking OUT at this absolutely beautiful day and wishing I could silently slip out the backdoor undetected.


You wishing for anything?

Day 119 - On a Mission

I am now, officially on a mission to find inspirational stories from around the world proving that the Law of Attraction does in fact work!

Tell me your story! Help me show the world that the positivity (or negativity) you send out into the Universe you receive back! Your story could be featured in my book!



Tell me your story via email:

Title your email: Story Submission

All I ask is that if you choose to withhold your name, please begin your story with your biological sex and your geographical location – for example: Female from Midland, TX

Now for the mandatory legal stuff…

Stories, ideas, suggestions, essays, audio, video, photographs or related materials and any other materials of any kind whatsoever submitted (hereinafter, the "Submissions") will not be returned or kept confidential. All such Submissions may be used: (i) on www. (the "Website"); (ii) for broadcast or other publication by Kahla Kiker or any of her affiliated companies or entities, including, but not limited to, any future entities created by Kahla Kiker and distributed in all markets and media worldwide and in perpetuity. By submitting the above, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions and consent to your name and geographic location possibly being published in connection with the publication, distribution and/or broadcast of your Submission(s).

1. Neither Kahla Kiker nor any of her affiliated companies or entities is obligated to use or pay you for any Submission.
2. All Submissions shall become the property of Kahla Kiker, may be edited for length, clarity and/or functionality, will not be subject to any obligation of confidentiality, may be shared with and used by the staff of Kahla Kiker and any of her current or future affiliated companies or entities and shared with legal authorities if Kahla Kiker believes it warranted. Neither Kahla Kiker nor any third or other party with whom Kahla Kiker shares the Submissions shall be liable for any use or disclosure of any information or Submission that you submit.
3. Kahla Kiker shall exclusively own all known or later existing rights to the Submissions worldwide and shall be entitled to the unrestricted use of the Submissions for any purpose in all media now known or hereafter discovered without compensation to the provider of such Submissions.
4. No Submission may contain any material that is abusive, vulgar, threatening, harassing, libelous, defamatory, and obscene, invades a person's privacy, violates any law, any intellectual property or other property or other rights, or is known to be false.


Nothing works faster than the World Wide Web, and I KNOW that with everyone’s help, I will get the stories I seek. There is a much needed inspiration out there that needs to be shared with the world!


Days 114-118 Have you ever....

Want more proof that the law of attraction works?

Here you go!

Yep – this is the Ladies HOA (High Over All) Buckle Trophy that I won this weekend! Out of 6 events, all I wanted was this trophy. And guess what – that is all I won! I told myself that I didn’t care about the small gauges, the prelim and I didn’t even shoot the 5-stand event because the MAIN EVENT was MINE!

In fact, I got my butt handed to me by one of my usual shooting partners - this hotass - on everything else!

LMAO! Don’t be afraid, she usually doesn’t look like (100% prime-time, high-class hotness) she just stepped out of the trailer-hood, but we were having such a good time and then this big-assed hat appeared along with a cigarette and VOILA! a Kodak moment! She might hate me for posting it later – but I couldn’t resist!

This morning was spent in the doctor’s office with my three kiddos. They all 3 have strep throat – funnnnnnnn……and yesterday was crazy for me at work, so I am just now getting to this post.

Okay, have you ever (and I know you have!) started something – anything – and then just quit – only to question yourself after the allotted time had passed – I wonder what I would look like, how good I would be, or whatever else, “if only I had stuck with it?” Well that is what I am doing today. Thanks to waiting for 2 hours in the doctor’s office, I am asking myself this question – “what would my body really look like if I had been fully committed to working out and eating RIGHT over the last 118 days? Or how fluent would my Spanish be now after (well that was my New Year’s Resolution – to learn Spanish – again – so however many days that would be.)? Do you see where I am going?

I don’t want to question myself anymore over things I have started and then just sort of fade out my efforts. I haven’t written my 1,000 words a day towards my book in 7 days. I am experiencing a laziness that is a result of family obligations and work stress. NO MORE! I don’t want to get to my deadline of December 11th this year and look back and see that I could have been finished with my book “if only I had stuck with it!” I don’t WANT to and I WON’T! My book will be changing lives all over the world, so I can’t let my “people” down! I can’t let down my future (who the hell is Kahla Kiker, never heard of her before, but is absolutely amazing) publishers or my (what was this lady thinking – here I will gladly fix her lack of proper grammar) book editors! See? There are millions (and millions) of people counting on me! I know some of you are laughing now, but IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! Just like my “Best of the Best” and my “Ladies HOA” trophies – this WILL happen. How? I don’t care about “how” – all I know is that in the end – I will be on a huge book tour being interviewed by everyone!

It’s crazy I know, but it is going to happen!

Here is an email that I received from the Universe yesterday:

Simply put, Kahla, the reason there are things you want that have not yet appeared in your life, is because you’re just not used to thinking of yourself with them.

Sorry, kind of wish it was more complicated.

Just keep practicing.

The Universe-

This is actually a perfect example of why I haven’t manifested my 20/20 vision back – I just can’t seem to get the picture right in my mind to “feel” it… I need more practice.

BUT!, I have felt the power of manifesting something (two things) that I just knew I had to have. So, I do know the law of attraction works and I look forward to sharing all my other “wants” that I WILL manifest!

Have you had any luck manifesting something you want? Have you even tried?