Look again...

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words...

And sometimes the picture hides secrets from all its viewers:

Case in point.

Could Doodlebug get any cuter or more handsome! I swear I would eat is face if it was legal. Sometimes I can't get enough of his laugh or goofy smile.

(sighhhh...the girls used to be that way...)

Look at that innocent little boy and how cute the picture is! Awwww!


Want to know the secret behind that smile?

The little shit kept throwing the lemons at the photographer thinking it was funny!

Now look at the picture again...see the mischief behind those eyes?!

Yep, that's my son!

You arrrre welcome!

Never lose yourself! If I could have anymore advice for my children, it would be those words. As Kiki finishes her upcoming last year in Jr. High and Kitty begins driving in High School I have only one million request.

Never lose the person you are destined to become.

Just because "everyone else is doing it or gets too" doesn't mean you need to fall on that bandwagon and participate. Never let someone - ANYONE - tell you who you are, what to believe in or how to act. You will have years to evolve and find out for yourself, so be patient.

I would hope that Mr Strong and I have instilled enough in you two the manners, respect and individuality that will take you through decades of fulfilling each and every one of your dreams.

I write this today because yesterday I think they were showing a Rocky marathon and one scene really got my attention. I got chills up and down my body and boy did I hope those words would sink down into my girls' very souls!

I give you the scene...you arrrre welcome!

I hope you find motivation and or direction after hearing those words.

May we ALL never lose ourselves to the outside world!


Sometimes I just want to throw my hands in the air and say "f&ck it" to all my work commitments! Sometimes I would just rather be traveling the world or spending time doing stuff with my children than to be preached at about perfect appearances.

Sometimes I just want to yell "who the f&ck cares?!"

Life shouldn't be about struggles, it should be about successes! That's the Law of Attraction anyway right? The more you focus on successes - the more successes are drawn to you!?


Anyway, I felt the overwhelming urge to run and scream and break something write this morning to calm down my potential boiling-point temporary insanity moment. I love writing - it brings peace to my soul like no breathing technique could ever accomplish.

I have been training - yes I have missed a few days - but training nonetheless. Training to prove to myself what this sign reads below:

Last  Friday Kiki turned 13 and last Saturday Building Blocks turned 2! Yes T W O!

I was not in town to write about either event, but the fact that I didn't celebrate my own birthday on here last week shows you how frustrating it's been for me. Some days I feel like a robot, but the Universe has shown me a way to get caught up!

Next week Mr. Strong and I drop the girls off at a Summer Tennis Academy for 5 weeks! I will be extremely sad and might even have to make a spontaneous trip up there after a couple of weeks, but we will ALL survive.

For 5 weeks I will not have to worry about their tennis schedules, school trips, last minute schedule changes - all while trying to juggle an overbooked career - I get 5 weeks of work and MY schedule.

Yay! (Doing the cabbage patch!)

If I completely f&ck up these 5 weeks then I have no reason to EVER bitch on here again!


Over these past 4 days I have been struggling with schedules and work and the fact that I am so mentally exhausted by the end of the day, all I want to do is drink a bottle of wine and go to sleep. So now that it is Friday!? I want to leave you with a bit of motivation that will get me through my next workout...and hopefully get you through whatever challenges you may be facing.

Have a good one my friends! I'll catch up on writing more soon...