No rhyme or reason

Nmnm mjk, mjk, m jk,jmk mj mj m jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

jnmjhkm h,kjnm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnn    nb               fdddddddd

Oh sorry, that was me banging my head on the keyboard.

Today’s post has no rhyme or reason – I just figured if I didn’t start writing, then I would be caught doing one of two things:

1. Sleeping, or

2. Sneaking out of my office – to go anywhere – anywhere else.

  • I haven’t been sleeping well for various reasons. I’m. Tired.

  • Work is beyond busy – I take it home with me every day and I dream about it at night! And not in a good way.

  • This morning Kitty started my day off with some joke that was on her phone. I don’t remember the exact words, but it had to do with some mistake about writing a paint color down as “Chocolate Shart”. I laughed for 10 minutes.

  • I had a conversation with Mr. Strong the other day that started after I commented on someone we know being good looking and attractive. And then of course I felt the need to explain my definitions of attractive. I had to explain that even though some men were handsome and very good looking, they weren’t necessarily “attractive”. You see, I have varying degrees of attraction. You have those men who are a little rugged and give off those “sexual attraction” vibes. Those hardcore bend me over and….well you get the point. Mr. Strong is one of those men – he has that “sexual attraction” attraction. Then you have some men that are good looking or have great personalities that I find attractive for those characteristics, but that doesn’t mean I want to jump their body! I know you all agree!

Nummy! Nummy! Still in Lust after 18 years together!

  • School started this week for the girls and already I want to run screaming for the hills! So I guess this is a forewarning to my family – be afraid, be very, very afraid. Mommy Dearest is lurking very close to the brim. Kitty will get her license in a few weeks, so I’m hoping to tell Mommy Dearest to fuck off – but until then…

  • Yes, I cursed. If you don’t like it quit reading, but I’m tired of not being able to right what my fingers type unconsciously afraid to hurt someone else’s delicate nature. Get used to the curse words; I’m no longer editing my poor choice of descriptive language.

  • We raised a ton of money for Bynum School this past weekend and I couldn’t be happier! It was loads of fun. After 5-1/2 hours of playing doubles tennis with my daughter I only thought I was going to pass out once, puke twice and punt her over the fence once. She's lucky they started serving alcoholic beverages at 9am! It was great fun!

  • The daycare just called (yes, I know daycares don’t speak in literal form) and Doodlebug is sick. So I guess I need to get off of here and go perform my mommy duties. I’m pretty sure – after this post - the Universe is telling me I need a little more compassion today.

No time to proofread…laters!

Text from my mom...

I received this text from my mom over the weekend:

I just finished a week of Zumba and I feel like I’ve been run over by a train twice.

Lol! In my responses to her text and her explanations she wrote that she was unhappy with the huge inner-tube that she couldn’t hide with clothes anymore. And she commented on being middle-aged...

I expressed my excitement and told her that next week will be better because:

In reality, my mom has put on weight. (Me too, but this post isn’t about me…) If you knew her story, most of you would excuse that fact. This woman practically raised 4 kids on her own. Over the years she has buried her mother and her father and she spent 10 years in and out of hospitals holding my brother’s hand while he was sick. Then to top everything off – she had to bury my brother – the worst possible thing for a parent. Stress is EVERYTHING when it comes to our health.

I know there were times when my mom couldn’t be there for her children and there were times she couldn’t be there for her children as adults and she has held on to those guilty feelings for far too long. She spent her whole life trying to provide for her family and do the best she could with 4 very active children and that has not let up with wanting to give the same attention to her grandchildren.

She is a giver. It is no mistake that her career has been in the medical field my entire life. She has sacrificed parts of her life to take care of others and I believe she will be justly rewarded according to the Law of Attraction.

Now that time has passed and the pains of some very deep wounds have lessened, she is finding time to take back her life – one Zumba class at a time.

It is NEVER too late to enjoy the best life that you can create! It doesn’t matter what you weigh, or what you will sacrifice in order to help others - let go of all of those limiting thoughts and begin by embracing the life that you want and deserve. Let the picture you see in your mind support your goals, and you will help them materialize that much faster. Let your dreams be the guide to your future and the road to success.

Humor me for a minute:

Take 3 deep long breathes and read the following words:

As you inhale thru the nose – think: “I take in the energy that will manifest miracles in my life.”

As you exhale with pursed lips – think: “I release the past and all my stress, and I. Go. Free.”

Once you have the words memorized, perform this exercise once a day with your eyes closed.

This post is dedicated to my mom – you continue to inspire and amaze me and a multitude of others after all these years. May your workouts and/or Zumba classes this week get you closer to your goals! You deserve the most sincerest happiness on Earth!

“One new perception, one fresh thought, one act of surrender, one leap of faith can change your life forever.” Robert Holden

That is one of my favorite quotes – read it slowly so it sinks in, because EVERY word is true!


Why does writing a post every day have to be so difficult? I write 2 or 3 posts every day in my head, but finding the time to sit down and type it out on the computer has become extremely challenging!

Why does something as simple as eating less and exercising more have to be so hard?! I mean I can eat less and workout more, but in the same freaking day? everyday? Why!?

Why can I plan out EVERY minute detail of the business I want to open and run for years to come, but I can't seem to go any further?

I'm so pissed that I'm letting myself get in the way of MYSELF again!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I'm going to go to my happy place....and breathe.....woooooosahhhhhhhh.


I know why now...

And I will do something about it...

But damn! Really!?


Change is Constant

Dearest Blogland:

Today I am writing...

It’s been a very stressful week and a half. The girls are back and my schedule has gone to shit again. I’m trying to get through work and juggle the many tennis lessons, practices, tournaments and challenge matches – and it’s only been 10 days!

I feel like I have been picked up in a 500MPH tornado with no control. I am working on patience and trying to live in the moment, but it turns out that when I try – I realize I am extremely unhappy.

The only thing we are guaranteed is change and change is constant. I want to be that mom that pushes her children to excel beyond their capabilities, so that one day they can experience triumphant victory.

On the other hand – I can’t do it for them. I can’t make them want something more because I want it for them and I can’t make them fully appreciate their talents or make them use good sportsmanship. I CAN preach the Law of Attraction all day – but I CAN’T make them believe.

I am struggling with this. Something that is so simple to practice (LOA) and that can turn their tennis goals around exponentially is exactly what their problem is!

I’m tired of saying “change your attitude, change your game!” But the mom that I am won’t allow me to shut up.

So I keep yelling and pushing and I’m learning to accept that I CAN’T do it for them…well…I’m slowly learning…

I realized something else over the weekend too.

Going back to the whole change is constant sentence above. In reality, I can’t expect everyone to change in the direction that I want them to change - I can’t expect everyone to believe what I believe. But it brings attention to the fact that after all that time – knowing someone – if beliefs change – can you withstand it? Can you smile politely and nod your head? Can you stand by and let someone else try to impress their beliefs?

I. Can’t.

Or, can you unconditionally support someone’s happiness in the adversity of your beliefs? Can you?

Why yes,

I. Can.

Because when someone is happy – who the hell am I to ruin it? A happy person contributes positivity to this world and we all know we could use a shitload more happiness!

Sorry for the melancholy post, but I needed to vent.

Until next time…