Perspective in the aftermath...

Our life would be boring and normal if it weren’t for our kids…fighting and eating skittles off the floor...

Who wants boring and normal anyway? Yuck!



I am madly in love with these three and not just because they’ll eat my cooking and then politely suggest ordering take-out next time.

Careers we love, great family and friends, a chaotic house and lots of alcohol! Life is wonderful my friends!


It’s been pretty wild over here in K World.

Work has been crazy good busy, but it hasn’t been easy on “other” fronts.

I won’t go into details, because it would definitely project some hostile negative energy and I certainly don’t need that shit coming back to me! So moving on…

I’ve hit a plateau in my weight loss – meaning the scale is no longer moving. But that’s okay – this time around, I’m not freaking out and throwing things out the window!

I am however, beginning this workout tomorrow for 60 DAYS!  45 MINUTES A DAY - SIX DAYS A WEEK  - OY!

As if I didn’t have enough INSANITY going on in my life – this kind – I welcome with open arms. Because I probably won’t be able to move them again once I start…

An original piece...

Ode to the Moment
by: Kahla Kiker

I sit at this wood wondering what my purpose is

Knowing that I am destined for greatness

Typing, clicking, working the day away

Patiently waiting for my turn with politeness

Opportunity knocks for everyone to open

I hurdle over jealous bystanders to answer it

Without a positive attitude and the Law of Attraction

I would probably go balls crazy bat-shit.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I know my poetry skills are absolutely mesmerizing.

That's how I roll.
