Text from my mom...

I received this text from my mom over the weekend:

I just finished a week of Zumba and I feel like I’ve been run over by a train twice.

Lol! In my responses to her text and her explanations she wrote that she was unhappy with the huge inner-tube that she couldn’t hide with clothes anymore. And she commented on being middle-aged...

I expressed my excitement and told her that next week will be better because:

In reality, my mom has put on weight. (Me too, but this post isn’t about me…) If you knew her story, most of you would excuse that fact. This woman practically raised 4 kids on her own. Over the years she has buried her mother and her father and she spent 10 years in and out of hospitals holding my brother’s hand while he was sick. Then to top everything off – she had to bury my brother – the worst possible thing for a parent. Stress is EVERYTHING when it comes to our health.

I know there were times when my mom couldn’t be there for her children and there were times she couldn’t be there for her children as adults and she has held on to those guilty feelings for far too long. She spent her whole life trying to provide for her family and do the best she could with 4 very active children and that has not let up with wanting to give the same attention to her grandchildren.

She is a giver. It is no mistake that her career has been in the medical field my entire life. She has sacrificed parts of her life to take care of others and I believe she will be justly rewarded according to the Law of Attraction.

Now that time has passed and the pains of some very deep wounds have lessened, she is finding time to take back her life – one Zumba class at a time.

It is NEVER too late to enjoy the best life that you can create! It doesn’t matter what you weigh, or what you will sacrifice in order to help others - let go of all of those limiting thoughts and begin by embracing the life that you want and deserve. Let the picture you see in your mind support your goals, and you will help them materialize that much faster. Let your dreams be the guide to your future and the road to success.

Humor me for a minute:

Take 3 deep long breathes and read the following words:

As you inhale thru the nose – think: “I take in the energy that will manifest miracles in my life.”

As you exhale with pursed lips – think: “I release the past and all my stress, and I. Go. Free.”

Once you have the words memorized, perform this exercise once a day with your eyes closed.

This post is dedicated to my mom – you continue to inspire and amaze me and a multitude of others after all these years. May your workouts and/or Zumba classes this week get you closer to your goals! You deserve the most sincerest happiness on Earth!

“One new perception, one fresh thought, one act of surrender, one leap of faith can change your life forever.” Robert Holden

That is one of my favorite quotes – read it slowly so it sinks in, because EVERY word is true!